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Haha, well I like to one-up myself every year, but now I have no point of reference! :< So, I dunno, how about;

* Release at least two new sample libraries.

* Release at least two new CDs.

* Upgrade Impact Soundworks website.

* Get involved with an AAA studio in some way or another.

* Release a video game through my other company, Space Whale Studios, and get significant progress done on a second.

* Get in better shape. (Already been working on this)

Third, two chicks at the same time is overrated.

What are you kidding me? I haven't done it myself but all my friends that have done it has said it was the tightest thing ever. Get two women who know what they're doin and I'm sure you'll think different lol =P.

My new years resolution is to be more of an asshole.

Lol nice

My new years resolution(s):

Helping people out more with whatever problems they may have

To better myself musically by attempting to get on 3/4th's the level that zircon and tefnek are on as far as exposure and abilities with music go.

Keep my work/sleep area neater.


Just to be original: Getter much better at guitar. More to the point:

Be able to play In The Name Of God, by Dream Theater.

Specifically 8:45 onwards.

Someone remember and make me throw down next year. I am actually a lot closer to that then my current remixes might suggest, if only because they're all like 3 years old or something retarded like that by now. But still... its bloody hard.


Heh, learning guitar is actually a good one for me, if not original. I'm actually living with a left-handed guitarist as well as right-handed now, so I can borrow Lefty's guitar when he's not around and learn from Righty. There's an open mic night on Thursdays at Drexel, and I think a performance there before 2011 is in order. Fun fact: we found a video of someone who worked out Baba Yetu on guitar. We're gonna make it happen.


I'm not really all that good at these either, but I'll give it a try. Next year I resolve to:

-start working out again, lose ten pounds.

-I got one follower last year on my short story blog, so this coming year I'd like to get two more.

-Get myself some different, better living arrangements.

-Make a few more new friends.

-Get a birthday thread.


Dang there are a lot of people who either want to get in shape or get back in shape that one kinda surprised me a little bit lol xD.

Another one for me is to become a little better at the piano. Seein as how I totally biffed my recital lol and crying from Shnabubula's out of this world ability, I want to become a super good pianist or at least a competent one.

Dang there are a lot of people who either want to get in shape or get back in shape that one kinda surprised me a little bit lol xD.

My mom used to work part-time at a rec center in registrations - January is always the busiest time of year there from all the New Years Resolution-ers. By February though, you get significant dropoff. Shit aint easy.

If you really want to commit to getting into shape, set concrete goals for yourself. Hell, for any sort of resolution, being as clear as possible will help you meet it. Don't just say "I'm going to start exercising!" - instead, say "I will go to the gym Monday, Wednesday, Friday, go jogging every morning, and lose 15 pounds in 3 months!" If you want to really invest yourself in working out, research P90X. It's 3 months of a variety of intense hour long workouts with minimum equipment that you can do from home, as well as a comprehensive meal plan. The meal plan is almost harder to follow than the workouts, but the payoff is great. My best friend (formerly a fatass) got into shape for the Army with it. I did it for a month, but had to drop for time constraints - in that time, though, there were definite improvements.

Haha, well I like to one-up myself every year, but now I have no point of reference!

Translation: "My goal, as always, is to be more awesome than I was last year. But every year it gets tougher!"

...waitaminit, that was my 2008 resolution... KF

My mom used to work part-time at a rec center in registrations - January is always the busiest time of year there from all the New Years Resolution-ers. By February though, you get significant dropoff. Shit aint easy.

If you really want to commit to getting into shape, set concrete goals for yourself. Hell, for any sort of resolution, being as clear as possible will help you meet it. Don't just say "I'm going to start exercising!" - instead, say "I will go to the gym Monday, Wednesday, Friday, go jogging every morning, and lose 15 pounds in 3 months!" If you want to really invest yourself in working out, research P90X. It's 3 months of a variety of intense hour long workouts with minimum equipment that you can do from home, as well as a comprehensive meal plan. The meal plan is almost harder to follow than the workouts, but the payoff is great. My best friend (formerly a fatass) got into shape for the Army with it. I did it for a month, but had to drop for time constraints - in that time, though, there were definite improvements.

Ha I would bet. For me I already workout so I'm in great shape I was just sayin that because I know how hard it is to work out alone so you have to be ultra commited like you said. Luckily for me I have a workout partner, two actually, so I'm always bein pushed and I'm not lonely for when I'm pushin myself with a lot of weight.


Working out for me is no problem - it's a habit now; I go almost once every two days (if I don't go to the gym once in a while I'll go nuts 8-O) & I go alone & bring my Zen.

As for next year; I plan to kick major ass in everything I do, just like I do now - but more! :twisted: Where's the strikethrough button? :dstrbd: I mean go to the gym just as much as I do now.

By the way, 2010 will rock! (I figure if I keep saying it, it will come true)

Ha I would bet. For me I already workout so I'm in great shape I was just sayin that because I know how hard it is to work out alone so you have to be ultra commited like you said. Luckily for me I have a workout partner, two actually, so I'm always bein pushed and I'm not lonely for when I'm pushin myself with a lot of weight.

Having a workout buddy is crucial. There were three of us doing P90X in our apartment, so we could all go in together on food and cheer each other on during workouts (not enough space to all go together). We all kinda crumbled at the same time too - I stopped due to production week of a play eating up all my time/energy, and the other guys stopped pretty soon after that. If I'm feeling gutsy (and know I won't be doing a show for a while), I might try it again though...


Yeah, I hate it when people just sit there at the machine; I'll go somewhere else - do three sets then come back & they're still just sitting there. And then I go & do 3 more sets of something else, & I come back - & they're still freakin' just sitting. I've got my MP3 playing

. So I'm going insane & I just want to f'n kick them, & say FU & have it all go away!:shock:

I'm done ranting.

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