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Mega Man X series: Maverick Rising - History

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I'm sure the original artist could add flames in the background while keeping the blue X with blue/yellow logo. ;-)

I understand that the album concept calls for carnage on the coverart. But tbh, in the red one X looked like he had turned Maverick himself. ;P

Actually if you look carefully, you should see that X is still blue in the original - the hue of red is from the flames. I can see what you mean though, but I think it fits nicely despite that although I guess that's a point people can have legitimately differing opinions on. I think perfect cover art is incredibly difficult and this one nails almost everything.


It's a tough call. I like that the red flames are instantly recognizable as flames, as opposed to the blue... mist. I don't like the green tinge on X's helmet on the all-blue ones. pu_freak's latest one brings out X's color scheme (to be really picky, the visor lining his helmet should be a lighter blue), and I do like the gold letter X in the logo. It's a question of whether the blue and red clash too much; the original, red one has simplicity in its favor, although there might still be room to make the X gold. Whichever color scheme wins, I do like the art in general.

(to be really picky, the visor lining his helmet should be a lighter blue)

Done and decreased the hue on the red, so that the contrast between the blue and the red isn't that big anymore. I know you're not going to use it Baha, but still:


It is the final logo - you know, I was a bit iffy at first with the logo, but I like it a lot. I think it works pretty well, gives off an edgy, futuristic feel to it that exudes some grit.

Don't get me wrong Bahamut, I think the destroyed look works perfectly. I actually dig the weathered, scratched look of the Megaman X logo. The color scheme looks great too. It gives the feeling of the overwelming threat of the mavericks. It's the particular font chosen for the text "Maverick Rising", the gradient effect on that same particular block of text, and the gradients on the explosion-esque graphic behind the entire logo I don't like. It feels so "amateur photoshop". Like someone dragged the line tool repeatedly in different directions to make shapes and slapped overlays on the whole thing. I just don't feel it suits the amount of effort the rest of the cover seems to project.

Ah OC Remix.. where not only the music is remixed, but the album art as well!

Shoot, put them ALL in, I don't care! Just hoping it makes it out this month. Hyped for it.

It is the final logo - you know, I was a bit iffy at first with the logo, but I like it a lot. I think it works pretty well, gives off an edgy, futuristic feel to it that exudes some grit.

This is the next album folks! We have a tentative date we're shooting for next month for release. The assets are in, and the music is finalized, although we may have a late entry :smile: . Get excited!

:cry: I've been tracking this for a while, maybe not as long as some of you on this thread but when is it coming out?! I'm growing impatient.:cry:

:cry: I've been tracking this for a while, maybe not as long as some of you on this thread but when is it coming out?! I'm growing impatient.:cry:



Well that'd be the most anticipated hoax since the internet.

After two (or three) years of waiting, a month more (or another year) shouldn't matter. :)


You know, I've been thinking

Why not push the date back for three months to allow MORE SONGS on there?

And when those are done, push it back again

This album should be continuously pushed back and become so bloated that the only people around to see it will be people that weren't alive during its conception

You know, I've been thinking

Why not push the date back for three months to allow MORE SONGS on there?

And when those are done, push it back again

This album should be continuously pushed back and become so bloated that the only people around to see it will be people that weren't alive during its conception

ಠ_ಠ That will not be happening. If it does might as well remix every single OST...

Wouldn't it be hilarious if the entire existence of this album was a highly elaborate hoax? In fact, I'm almost certain it actually doesn't exist and Bahamut has, like Capcom, just been trolling Mega Man fans.

If this were a hoax then I'd ask for the last three months of my life back working getting this ready to roll, please.

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