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Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart - History

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the "remaining remixers" are djp and that's it.

and it's understandable why he's taking a while haha

Yeah, I know, but I didn't want to single him out or nothin'. :-P

And yes, very understandable. Which, again, in spite of the burning desire I've had to hear this project for 3+ years now, is why I'm okay with waiting a few months longer to hear it.

Good news, everyone! The album is DONE and has already been released!

....is something I'll be saying in the future!

Welcome to the wooooorld of tomorro--uhh.. months from noooooowwww

What a tease :(

If DJP ends up dropping the Quad Mist track, I might be able to turn it into something...:mrgreen:

nice, maybe this will get rolled out before December then!

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
We all are still waiting for the release.

I, for one, am also waiting for our new robot overlords.

And a pizza I ordered last night. Dominos swears they delivered it, but I ain't got no tasty cheesy goodness to prove it.

Folks, this thread is for project dev and discussion. Let's stay on topic please.

The topic at the moment is the list of reasons its not out yet!!!

I cant wait for this to be done. Someone needs to give Djpretzel another 24 hours in one of his days though. =s

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