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Jumping on the name changing bandwagon - Zoola is no more...

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...and is replaced with:


Just as charmander must one day evolve into charmeleon, I too must hold back from pressing b and evolve into a more 21st century name:


Reasons, for those who care:

1. I was tired of being associated with this "Zoola Records" thing (try typing zoola into google)

2. I came up with that name in 6th grade as a joke - hell it was my first email address on AOL of all things.

3. I have changed significantly as a remixer since my first (and only) mix posted here, and with the upcoming release of the monster DKC2 project I feel like this would be a good time to make the change.

I would like to leave my mix on this site tagged as Zoola, especially because it was so long ago and would just be annoying to go back and fix it. However, look out for some new mixes by zylance in some upcoming projects and maybe a few OCRemixes. :<

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