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Yeah, the soundtrack is pretty good. What console would you get it for? I unfortunately have it for the Wii, and while the daytime levels are a hell of a lot more fun than the nighttime levels, looking at videos online tells me that the PS3 and 360 versions are a LOT better than the wii version.

Yeah, the soundtrack is pretty good. What console would you get it for? I unfortunately have it for the Wii, and while the daytime levels are a hell of a lot more fun than the nighttime levels, looking at videos online tells me that the PS3 and 360 versions are a LOT better than the wii version.

Well, I was thinking about getting it for the Wii, but I guess the PS3 version would be fine just as long as the controls aren't fucked up like they were for Sonic the Hedgehog 2006.


I'm in the extreme minority, but I found Unleashed pretty fun, even the night time levels and the dreaded Eggmanland. Wouldn't pay more than $15 for it though.

On the Sonic 4 front, the level designers for S3&K are on board working with Dimps

Yes, Dimps is working on the game. But there’s actually more to it than just that: at the same time, we also have members of Sonic Team, including the original senior level designer from Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the SEGA Genesis working alongside them. It is most definitely a partnership, and the result of this teamwork is something many of us are excited for.


How is Sonic Unleashed? I love the soundtrack and was thinking about getting it.

See, like Mr. SoloGamer, I too enjoyed Sonic Unleashed (and as an aside, the intro cutscene still looks bloody brilliant) even with the werehog bits. Its not a broken system necessarily. Its just that people don't give it the time of day. Unlike him though, I kinda liked the Eggmanland stage just because it was the only stage in the game that wasn't based off of a real world location. It was kinda like (gasp) an original sonic stage.

Now I enjoy the old games just as much as the next guy, but the new ones (with the exception of that '06 title) have been pretty good and fun (yes Bleck, fun) despite their subtle nuances. I think titles like SA and SA2 actually expanded the narrative of the sonic universe a little and even developed Dr. Eggman into a legitimate villain with some background and personality and not just the fat endboss in a giant mechanical contraption.

I'd personally like to see Sonic 4 deliver on a sidescroller level, similar to the originals, but that doesn't mean I want it to forgo what some of the latest ones have done.

Also, as an aside to sonic unleashed, the soundtrack is pretty good, particularly the theme for Empire City and the fight against the Egg Dragoon.

Carnival - Ice Cap was my fave

He just gets shot thousands of feet into the air (carnival) and lands on a snowboard sitting on a mountain in Ice Cap Zone, nailing himself 40 rings without doing anything. xD

Originally Flying Battery was supposed to come in between, and Knuckles was going to have a different zone order from Sonic, going straight from Carnival Night to Ice Cap.

So the transition originally works like he gets shot thousands of feet into air from a cannon (carnival), onto a giant floating airship (battery).

He jumps off the floating airship, breaking a door off (battery), lands on the door and uses it as a snowboard to get down the mountain (ice cap) nailing 40 to 50 rings on the way. (there's 10 extra rings you can get if you jump in the right place).

The intro sequence was removed from Flying Battery when it was moved to its new position, making FBZ the only zone in all of Sonic 3 & Knuckles that doesn't have an intro with sonic moving. (Angel Island has him running over water, then getting smacked by knuckles, hydrocity has him falling, marble garden has him falling again, carnival night being floated in by tails, ice cap falling onto the snowboard, launch base shot from a pipe, mushroom hill floating in on tails again, sandopolis falling again, lava reef falling again, hidden palace running in from lava reef, sky sanctuary on the transporter beam from hidden palace, and even death egg has him running in from offscreen).

Notably, though, you can still see the door break off of flying battery and fall earthward in Sonic & Knuckles, but then it just disappears when you fall into Sandopolis.

Originally Flying Battery was supposed to come in between, and Knuckles was going to have a different zone order from Sonic, going straight from Carnival Night to Ice Cap.

So the transition originally works like he gets shot thousands of feet into air from a cannon (carnival), onto a giant floating airship (battery).

He jumps off the floating airship, breaking a door off (battery), lands on the door and uses it as a snowboard to get down the mountain (ice cap) nailing 40 to 50 rings on the way. (there's 10 extra rings you can get if you jump in the right place).

The intro sequence was removed from Flying Battery when it was moved to its new position, making FBZ the only zone in all of Sonic 3 & Knuckles that doesn't have an intro with sonic moving. (Angel Island has him running over water, then getting smacked by knuckles, hydrocity has him falling, marble garden has him falling again, carnival night being floated in by tails, ice cap falling onto the snowboard, launch base shot from a pipe, mushroom hill floating in on tails again, sandopolis falling again, lava reef falling again, hidden palace running in from lava reef, sky sanctuary on the transporter beam from hidden palace, and even death egg has him running in from offscreen).

Notably, though, you can still see the door break off of flying battery and fall earthward in Sonic & Knuckles, but then it just disappears when you fall into Sandopolis.

Haha, that's awesome. xD


I think the game looks even worse in those high-res direct feed shots. The background assets feel like they've been copypasta'd from all over the place with little coherence to eachother (especially in that dawn/sunset setting in the boss shot). And I'm definately NOT interested in a Sonic Advance 2/Sonic Rush pace as the tester described it. At least I didn't set my initial hopes high for this.

This rom hack looks infinitely more appealing to me. The color schemes just work together with eachother and Sonic looks far from as detached from the environment.

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