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Now since I took a closer look at that clip, I seem to recall Sonic always stopping whenever he ran into a TV, unless he is spinning/rolling whatever.

The guy playing was trying to roll but he hit the down button too late, so thats probably why he stopped.

Now since I took a closer look at that clip, I seem to recall Sonic always stopping whenever he ran into a TV, unless he is spinning/rolling whatever.

The guy playing was trying to roll but he hit the down button too late, so thats probably why he stopped.

That can't possibly be why; it must be because of how absolutely terrible the game is. After all, these people have played and reviewed the Gold copies of the game.


More leaked gameplay, including 2 bosses

This game's looking better and better

Yeah... better and better >___>

Sonic looks like he's gliding instead of walking when starting out, to me anyway. Looks funny.

The whole thing looks like a 2D-ish Sonic Adventure game with original-like levels. The game just seems to be an excuse to use elements from SA in a side-scrolling Sonic game. This doesn't deserve to be called Sonic 4.

I'm not saying it sucks as I haven't played it, but from the gameplay videos it definitely seems like a big disappoint, just like people have been pointing out from way before videos were leaked.

And the whole TV thing, Blue Magic is right. If you weren't rolling the box would just stop you. As pointed out, it looks like he didn't roll soon enough.

See, like Mr. SoloGamer, I too enjoyed Sonic Unleashed (and as an aside, the intro cutscene still looks bloody brilliant) even with the werehog bits. Its not a broken system necessarily. Its just that people don't give it the time of day. Unlike him though, I kinda liked the Eggmanland stage just because it was the only stage in the game that wasn't based off of a real world location. It was kinda like (gasp) an original sonic stage.

I actually see a lot of fault in both the regular Sonic AND the werehog.

Regular Sonic is really more akin to just running down a hall rather than how it was like in the Genesis games. Sure in those games you could speed right through the level as fast as you want, but you could also take the time to explore the stage and search for hidden rooms and such. Sonic Unleashed's daytime stage does away with the exploration value I see, and really doesn't care much about level design, especially when you get to Eggmanland. Everytime you get your boost meter filled to a goop point, you seem to have a sudden urge to press it every chance you get. Then when you get to Eggmanland, doing that at the wrong moment spells a likely death.

Then the werehog is another thing. Now it actually gives a bit of exploration that the regular Sonic would've done well with, but it was more tedious in trying to explore it. Honestly, they could've done the best with both worlds and allowed you to explore and speed through with just regular Sonic. Don't get me wrong, I see where they were going with the werehog, but its execution was so poor that they should've really thought about that more.

Now I enjoy the old games just as much as the next guy, but the new ones (with the exception of that '06 title) have been pretty good and fun (yes Bleck, fun) despite their subtle nuances. I think titles like SA and SA2 actually expanded the narrative of the sonic universe a little and even developed Dr. Eggman into a legitimate villain with some background and personality and not just the fat endboss in a giant mechanical contraption.

The only really bad games were Sonic 06, Shadow, and to a lesser extent Heroes.

Sonic 06...I don't think I need to remind anyone.

Shadow was unnecessary. I actually like the character, but that game just added on extra shit that was inappropriate to begin with. If they were going to bring him back in Heroes (meaning they're not going to have him stay dead, for anyone who wants to get smart), they could've sumed it up with him teleporting out of the sky and falling out of the atmosphere to somewhere on earth after SA2. That would've explained how he survived and would have dodge his game from coming out. But Iizuka said that he always wanted a game for Shadow so...meh, I'm not going to be bothered by that bit.

Heroes' main flaw was having you play throught the same stages with four different teams which were virtually the same. They could've really just stuck with one team, instead of four teams that were identical. Other than that, the rest of the game was okay at best.

I rather enjoyed the Adventures tho. They were actually a good step for Sonic in 3D. But had they had better execution with the three mentioned above...I'm not even sure what would happen. I know Sonic 06 would not have played any better even without the glaring flaws that it had, as it would've been exactly like SA1.

I'd personally like to see Sonic 4 deliver on a sidescroller level, similar to the originals, but that doesn't mean I want it to forgo what some of the latest ones have done.

I'm up for it being styled like the Classics while being a new game on it's own. The Classics seemed to advance the formula after each entry, making the games better than the previous one. How this will pan out, I'm not fully sure, but I do look foward for it to be a good game.

Also, as an aside to sonic unleashed, the soundtrack is pretty good, particularly the theme for Empire City and the fight against the Egg Dragoon.

Egg Dragoon...the best bost fight in the game. :lol:


Yeah.... seriously,what the fuck? :lol:


in defense of the stupid mine cart minigame the guy who was playing in that video does seem to have fucking down syndrome or something I mean fuck

it's still dumb though


Regarding the Sonic stages in Unleashed, it seems like the developers thought Sonic was only about speed. It was more about quick reactions. It would be fine in Unleashed but those stages turned into a memorization game on the best places to stop or slow down. The side-scrolling perspective parts were a nice touch but the level design felt sloppy here. However, once you get those obstacles down pat, playing the daytime stages becomes kick-ass. Sega just has yet to make stopping on a dime feel natural in 3D.


in the defense, person was using 360 pad to tilt but still....

This is frustrating as shit to watch.



But I can't stop watching it.

You know... the sonic sprite has bothered me since the first footage came out and I think I just realized why.


If you ever played sonic blast (gamegear) you might know what I am talking about. The angle of sonic is somewhere weird between 2d and 3d.


Almost like as he is running, you are afraid he will fall off the stage.

Or maybe I am just crazy.


I hope Sonic 4 is successful. I'd also be happy if they took Sonic CD from the Sega CD and re-released it using Sonic 4's upgraded graphics engine with the original soundtrack.

I hope Sonic 4 is successful. I'd also be happy if they took Sonic CD from the Sega CD and re-released it using Sonic 4's upgraded graphics engine with the original soundtrack.

No :/

My SegaCD system still works just fine so I'm not really concerned about it being re-released, but it would be nice for other people. However, using Sonic 4's "upgraded" graphics would be the worst idea and should NOT happen, ever.

Sonic 4's graphics look terrible!



Instead of just doing the soundtrack for Sonic the Hedgehog 4, I think OCR should do Sonic the Hedgehog 4 entirely, since we all seem to know so much about what it should be. :P

Should be a breeze with so many self-qualified experts congregating together in one place!

Seriously, I just want to watch you people scramble like ants, ANTS I SAID, to achieve a vain triumph and learn respect for your follow man. I don't know about the rest of you who have so much life to waste, but I prefer to wait until the game is COMPLETE and I PLAY IT before I start ragecumming all over Christendom.

And I will repeat this message, every 4 days, with increasing esoteric verbosity, until 10 years after the game is released.

Instead of just doing the soundtrack for Sonic the Hedgehog 4, I think OCR should do Sonic the Hedgehog 4 entirely, since we all seem to know so much about what it should be. :P

Should be a breeze with so many self-qualified experts congregating together in one place!

Seriously, I just want to watch you people scramble like ants, ANTS I SAID, to achieve a vain triumph and learn respect for your follow man.

There are fans already on the job, and doing a better job than the idiots at Sega too.

These are fan projects. Sega's a game making company. Clearly it's not too much to ask for HD graphics in 2D that look like all belong in the same game. Both of these use a visual style that looks passable as the continuation of the original 2D games, rather than yet another attempt to force feed the "new" Sonic and friends to the world for the umpteenth time.

Instead of just doing the soundtrack for Sonic the Hedgehog 4, I think OCR should do Sonic the Hedgehog 4 entirely, since we all seem to know so much about what it should be. :P

Should be a breeze with so many self-qualified experts congregating together in one place.

The "don't criticize it because I bet you can't do any better" argument is silly.

Those graphics look terrible.

Those graphics aren't HD. They're just ripped from the original games. The VIDEO is in HD. These are HD:

Wait, so I guess two separate questions then.

1.) What games were either of those ripped from? I didn't recognize them, and they look great.

2.) Can't HD games still be pixelated? They'd still be a higher resolution than the original graphics, but not sleek in appearance. I'm not trying to get smart here, it's an honest question.

HD issue aside, I do think those demos have a better visual look than what Sonic 4 has right now.


Those graphics are all ripped from various Sonic games, as far as I can tell. None of them are handmade at all. That's how most fangames operate, anyway. Also, no, HD games won't show any pixelation - that's what high definition means when it comes to sprites. The sprites are drawn at like 16x their display size so that no matter how they're scaled on the screen (1080p resolution on a 54" TV, for example) they'll look smooth. If you compare the size of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix sprites to the original SSF2T sprites, it's insane:


Those graphics are all ripped from various Sonic games, as far as I can tell. None of them are handmade at all. That's how most fangames operate, anyway. Also, no, HD games won't show any pixelation - that's what high definition means when it comes to sprites. The sprites are drawn at like 16x their display size so that no matter how they're scaled on the screen (1080p resolution on a 54" TV, for example) they'll look smooth. If you compare the size of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix sprites to the original SSF2T sprites, it's insane:


I was thinking he meant the actual YouTube video was in HD. Anyway, that Sonic Zero game looks fun. I'm not feeling that music though, but the game looks fun.

(Notice I keep saying the word fun)

I don't really care if I happen to see a pixel or two, I just want to play the game and have fun playing it.

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