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VVVVVV is a strange title, huh?

Have you ever played this amazing indie game? It's a strange platformer where you can only flip the gravity; the graphics are 8 bit (Commodore style) but it has been relased only a week ago.

It has a great level design, a map and free exploration Metroid style, and its soundtrack is just superb (maybe I should request some remixes from it :D).

Official website:


Try the demo here:


It's a little short, but really entertaining.

I'm definitely considering buying this, or at least the soundtrack.

To tell you the truth, I think that the soundtrack actually is worth the 4$ more than the full game is worth his 15$.

And you know why? Because it's a little short...Braid is cheaper, and ok, it's short too, but less then VVVVVV (and Braid is a fucking masterpiece).

Anyway, the gameplay is really addicting, and there are some stages (like

) that are really challenging. I love it :)
Anyway, the gameplay is really addicting, and there are some stages (like
) that are really challenging. I love it :)

I love the "chorus" in that song. A remix of it would be awesome.


Just beat it the other day with all 20 trinkets. The Only one I needed help on was "Prize for the Reckless". Felt kind of dumb not figuring that one out.

And yeah, the music's awesome. Had to get the soundtrack as well, otherwise I'd stay in "The Tower" forever.

The Only one I needed help on was "Prize for the Reckless". Felt kind of dumb not figuring that one out.

Yeah, I had the same problem... :D

Vvvvvv for Vvvvvvendetta


Also, that "you can only flip the gravity" description is a bit misleading; you can still control the character the way you would in a standard side-scroller (i.e. moving left and right).

Yeah, sure...I didn't write more because my english is not perfect :) anyway I think anyone that will try the demo will figure it, that's why I left the link :P

Currently finished my first playthrough with 15/20 trinkets, and will definitely go back for the remainder of them.

Go go go go, there are some more challenges if you take them all :D


This is pretty awesome, it's kinda like Metroid meets Braid, with the stylized 8-bit like music making for the perfect old-school feel.

Played the demo and am definitely sold that I would enjoy the full game, always nice when developers realize that a game doesn't have to be cutting edge, just fun, and in some cases, stylized. Anyone who grew up with NES platformers and likes puzzles and collecting is going to dig this.

After the recent Steam holiday sales (ie. Braid for $2.50), paying $15 for this seems a little high but, I imagine I will be grabbing it soon.


I love games like this, but I think the final version would have been better suited to being a flash game, it seems like it would be too short to charge $15 for it.

it seems like it would be too short to charge $15 for it.

Yeah, it is in my opinion, unless you are a very skilled (and masochist) player :D ; there's a couple of time trails and a "no death mode" among the extras, but they seem too difficult for me...


I'm currently at S in two time trials (Warp Zone, Tower) and V in one (Lab 1).

How the time trials work FYI:

4 possible ranks: V, S, A, B. Beat the par time, get all the medals, and have 0 deaths to get V rank, subtract one rank for each criteria you don't have. I'd advise getting all medals and finishing quickly for everything except Lab 2, where not dying is easier than getting all the medals (due to having to complete the Veni, Vidi, Vici! puzzle).


Oh jesus only imagining a time trail of that game's section makes me feel frustrated XD . I'm happy that are players good enough to enjoy all the challenges :D .

Anyone tryed no death mode? How it works?

Oh jesus only imagining a time trail of that game's section makes me feel frustrated XD . I'm happy that are players good enough to enjoy all the challenges :D .

Anyone tryed no death mode? How it works?

You have to re-buy the game if you die.

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