The Legendary Zoltan Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 I can't believe nobody has started a thread about all the sweet RPGs coming out for PS3 this February and onwards. Feb 02 - White Knight Chronicles Feb 09 - Star Ocean 4 International Feb 23 - Heavy Rain And then of course there is FF13 in March and 3D Dot Game Heroes in May. There are more which should be mentioned, but these are the ones I'm keeping an eye on. Among these, I'm actually looking forward to White Knight the most because of all the cool online stuff you can do. I've actually played an MMORPG and I don't really want to start, but I'm hoping to have a chance to play with other people in this game. I'll probably try out FF14 when it comes out though. Anybody else looking forward to the upcoming PS3 lineup? Quote
Flare4War Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 I don't own a PS3 but I have a couple brothers that have them; one of which thinks it is apparently heaven on earth. I like RPGs though. Quote
Nekofrog Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 The fact that it's taken this long for WKC to come out (and the bad reviews it got in Japan) makes me not look forward to it at all. Quote
Esker Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 For your lineup I think Heavy Rain will be the one to catch the most attention, the others two title will have regular sales among players. This is my bet! Quote
Brushfire Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 All of those games are terrible. Except for Heavy Rain. That shit is Cash. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 Heavy Rain lost me when the creators and the hype got overly pretentious. Yeah, fuck off. I'm sick of seeing people all over the Internet heralding it as some savior of video games. That being said, if the interactivity ends up working out, I might check it out. I love noir. It comes out a little too close to FF13 for me though to check it out anytime soon though. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 I'd agree with your point if all those games you just mentioned weren't ass on a stick. Star Ocean: The Last Hope International? If by "game-play additions" Tri-Ace meant "against all odds we made the game suck less", then sure great. White Knight Chronicles? Well according to 1up's Active Time Babble, they've made significant changes from the last time the game was seen, so who knows? I'm still pretty doubtful. Heavy Rain? I want this game to fail so badly if only because I'm sick of David Cage's delusional, head-up-his-ass attitude as well as the "games as art" shtick. Now if Tales of Vesperia comes to the U.S., that'd be some great JRPG right there, even with its superfluous elements. Quote
The Biznut Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 White Knight Chronicles had me quite interested when I saw the first trailers for it...4 years ago. I was wondering when it would come out, I had more or less forgotten about it. I'd like to at least check it out, bad reviews or not. Quote
relyanCe Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 fun fact: most japanese rpgs get horrible reviews and people still play the hell out of them Quote
Arcana Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 Japanese RPGs were great when you were between the ages of 10 and 24. Each new game that comes out needs to continue to pander toward this 10-24 crowd. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted January 27, 2010 Posted January 27, 2010 fun fact: most japanese rpgs get horrible reviews and people still play the hell out of them This is why the only website where I really pay much attention to JRPG reviews is RPGamer. The rest of the websites seem to spend half their time complaining about things that are inherent in the JRPG genre that I actually like. Japanese RPGs were great when you were between the ages of 10 and 24.Each new game that comes out needs to continue to pander toward this 10-24 crowd. I'm around 24, and I don't really feel like on my next birthday I'll suddenly turn against JRPGs. I've just had to find new reasons to still like them as a lot of the plots became laughable and generic around the time I graduated high school. Rather than caring all about the story like I did as a kid, I tend to focus a lot more on the gameplay and design aesthetics. As a kid, I didn't give a shit about Chrono Trigger's battle system, I wanted to know the story. As an adult who played through Chrono Trigger last week and found the lack of character development to be boring, I appreciated the fast-pace of the game, battle system, logical dungeon design and clever enemy placement. Quote
Arcana Posted January 27, 2010 Posted January 27, 2010 I'm around 24, and I don't really feel like on my next birthday I'll suddenly turn against JRPGs. I've just had to find new reasons to still like them as a lot of the plots became laughable and generic around the time I graduated high school. Rather than caring all about the story like I did as a kid, I tend to focus a lot more on the gameplay and design aesthetics. Relevant part highlighted. The issue tends to be though that the gameplay of the majority of most JRPGs don't have a lot going for them. Quote
LC Posted January 27, 2010 Posted January 27, 2010 Storylines have gone downhill in the last several years, the only thing that keeps me clinging to JRPG's nowadays is that I still like turn-based combat systems. I used to play RPG's strictly for the story as well, but it's just not the same now as it used to be, so I spend my days re-living the glory days of the RPG on the SNES I still hope the PS3 will have some decent RPG's for me to sink my teeth into though Quote
Tinaddar Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Heavy Rain looks like absolute refuse... I mean, there is no real gameplay beyond "push the right button at the right time". From what I've seen, it is a series of choices, with the added abilities to fail, and get stuck not knowing where to go. If I want to watch a movie, I'm sure as hell not going to pay the price of a PS3 game for it. No, a new term does not need to be invented to describe this: garbage has been around for a long time. White Knight Chronicles looks okay, if a bit slow... but dear GOD all of the videos that I've seen in English sound horrible. I'll reserve judgement for now, and I may actually get this game -- eventually. Quote
The Legendary Zoltan Posted January 28, 2010 Author Posted January 28, 2010 Oh, come on. So Avatar of Justice and I are the ONLY people who still like a nice JRPG of late? I tend to look for different things in each RPG that I play. I don't expect ALL of them to be Xeno Trigger Fantasy VII. Star Ocean 4 is the game that's been bashed the most but it's also the game that I'm still looking forward to the most. When I play the Star Ocean I expect an insane battle mode, insane difficulty settings, sweet Sakuraba music (yeah, I know all you guys hate him) and cheesy one-liners from perfectly cliche characters. I've heard many people say that they thought Star Ocean has been downhill ever since The Second Story. I think all those people just don't know how to interpret what a Star Ocean game is. In SO3 the battle mode only got WAY better, the lines way more cheesy, and the story way more cliche. What more could you possibly want in a Star Ocean game? In White Knight Chronicles I just want to tap that MMORPGesque endless grind to see how powerful I can make my character. Just seeing the evolution of the battle strength of the characters is one of the joys of JRPGs for me. Heavy Rain just looks like a good story to me. However, if it REALLY is all quick time events, I'll likely skip it. But that was an exaggeration, right? Quote
Gollgagh Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Oh, come on. So Avatar of Justice and I are the ONLY people who still like a nice JRPG of late? nah I'm still working on P3 and looking to do P4 right after that so my RPG time is eaten up for the next while Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 I still enjoy them as well. Mana Khemia on the PSP (restarted out of habitual preference to grinding side quests when they're available), finished P3 (long ago) & P4 (with best ending this time), Disgaea (orig ps2 ver/ 2 (PSP port)/ 3) being done on whims/when I have the time. Quote
Archaon Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Heavy Rain just looks like a good story to me. However, if it REALLY is all quick time events, I'll likely skip it. But that was an exaggeration, right? From what I understand, Heavy Rain is something of a spiritual successor to Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy, which was all quick time events., it probably wasn't an exaggeration. It's really not so much a "game" as it is an "interactive movie". A movie that you can't watch because you have to keep paying attention to the big Simon Says circles so that you don't get clobbered to death by flying furniture. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 It's really not so much a "game" as it is an "interactive movie". A movie that you can't watch because you have to keep paying attention to the big Simon Says circles so that you don't get clobbered to death by flying furniture. So what you're telling me is that all these "innovative artists" that worked on Heavy Rain actually just remade Dragon's Lair? Quote
Archaon Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 So what you're telling me is that all these "innovative artists" that worked on Heavy Rain actually just remade Dragon's Lair? Well, that's not to say the story won't be good. Although, again, if Fahrenheit is any indication, it'll start off fairly compelling and then abruptly dissolve into a pile of incoherent arse about halfway through. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Oh, come on. So Avatar of Justice and I are the ONLY people who still like a nice JRPG of late? This is an incorrect assumption. I'm sure a lot of people here like JRPGs. I for one love JRPGs. I just don't like shitty ones. The only thing Star Ocean: TLH had going for it was a semi-decent battle system, a few funny moments in the PAs, and the option to skip cutscenes and just get a quick summary of events. Motoi Sakuraba is a great composer... In doses. Much like any other composer(or anything else for that matter), once they're essentially put on a production line like he was for Infinite Undiscovery, Tales of Vesperia, and Star Ocean: TLH, his stuff starts sounding like the same, bland, unimaginative stuff over and over. It's like he's turning into the Hans Zimmer of game composition. Quote
BooDidley7 Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Can Heavy Rain really be considered an RPG? I see it more like an Adventure game with QTE's. If it ends up anything like Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit's laughable mess, it would be gold to see all the fanboys reactions, who bought the hype that this was a real AAA game. It's not that I don't find the idea and aspirations behind the game worthwhile, but anyone who's played through Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit will probably understand what I'm getting at. As a result, I don't have much confidence that Cage can tell a mature story all the way through. I was kinda excited about FF 13 until those god-awful trailers, and what looks like the most unlikable and worst named cast in FF history. Lightning, Snow, and a boy named Hope? It doesn't appear they even have one worthwhile adult to balance out the cast. The awful English dub didn't help either. I haven't been this disenchanted with an original FF game since, well, forever. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 This is an incorrect assumption. I'm sure a lot of people here like JRPGs. I for one love JRPGs. I just don't like shitty ones. Hmmm. It sounds like a lot of the people who rag on JRPGs play a lot more new JRPGs than I do. As with every genre of gaming that I like, I tend to play the 1-2 games of that genre in that year that really appeal to me and ignore the rest due to non-gaming interests that demand my attention. When the only new JRPG's you are playing are the really exceptional ones like Valkyria Chronicles and The World Ends With You, the future of the genre looks a lot brighter. Quote
relyanCe Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 hey HEY i like jerpguhs too and usually its BECAUSE they're so lame or tacky or cliched or whatever Quote
Gollgagh Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 and usually its BECAUSE they're so lame or tacky or cliched or whatever crimson gem saga comes to mind Quote
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