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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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Lapras and Kangaskhan really need baby forms this generation. Maybe Scyther should get one too. It's kinda weird to be hatching a full-grown kangaroo thing with a baby already in its pouch.

It turns out that, from state to state, you can tell the officers that you do not consent to any search of your vehicle. If they do search it, anything they find (even if they planted it themselves) is immediately dismissible in court.

Also, look up the law on providing ID and your home address. Some cases of police authority abuse have included cops "checking up" people after an encounter, just to see if they can catch them on something else.

That is very true I have the right to say no, but I might be a little scared to do that, cause I'm a giant pansy. >.>

I didn't know about that whole ID thing though, I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever do get in trouble whether it is legitimately or otherwise.

I'd rather cubone/marowak get a third form than be linked to a Kangskhan through wild ridiculous fan speculation.

The first 5th gen Pokemon have been revealed. "Zorua" and it's evolved form "Zoroarc" (not necessarily the official English names). I'm pretty sure that both are Dark type.



were there other forms of celebi I wasn't aware of? Like, for instance, one with a horn and one with a murkrow hat? I don't remember anything about it in any movie


There are some discussions about how certain pokémon should be part of other evo lines. Namely, Butterfree and Venomoth should be switched, and Kangaskhan was supposed to have been the evo of Cubone but they changed it or something.

Mostly, it's based upon certain characteristics of the artwork. FOr instance, the eyes on the Caterpie line don't match with the eyes on Butterfree, but they do match on Venomoth. Switch Venomoth and Buterrfree and the two evo lines look more alike. Go ahead, look them up.

Also, you ever look at Nidoking's arm and then at a Beldum? Looks kind of similar, huh?

Also, Clefairy and Genger are identical. One's white-ish pink, the other black-ish blue, but they have the same silhouette.

But that's getting off topic a bit.


i'm actually really excited for SS/HG, its the only generation i never played plus all the cool trade-between-older-games thing is awesome and now i wanna catch em all again like i did in red

one of my crowning achievements in life so far i might add

  • 2 weeks later...

i guess that in a way this is a double post but did anyone go to get jirachi?

i think i've decided i'm gonna man up and go get this even though i can't do it from inside my car like some of you guys, my gamestop's in a mall


I was going to get the Pichu during the event, but didn't have the balls to do it. But for Jirachi, I just might.

And it's not that I didn't want to be seen by anyone I know downloading a free Pokemon; it's just that one of the workers at my local Gamestop is obsessed with Pokemon. When I got Platinum, she talked to me for about an hour until my cell phone rang, saving me from the eternal torture of a crazy old lady (60+) telling me about her level 100 Dragonite.

I was going to get the Pichu during the event, but didn't have the balls to do it. But for Jirachi, I just might.

And it's not that I didn't want to be seen by anyone I know downloading a free Pokemon; it's just that one of the workers at my local Gamestop is obsessed with Pokemon. When I got Platinum, she talked to me for about an hour until my cell phone rang, saving me from the eternal torture of a crazy old lady (60+) telling me about her level 100 Dragonite.

pretend you're looking at the DS games

when they say "Sir, do you need anything?" you say "Nah, I'm good."


At least you get the damn events. Canada has Gamestops, but they don't participate in any of the stuff the US stores do. Pre-order bonuses, special editions, downloads... None of it.

Of course, seeing how there are only a few dozen across the country, I can see why they might think it's not worthwhile. But still, come on. You've got an entire country of players that would like to see these things here.

/drove from Edmonton to Spokane for Toys R Us Mews on a weekend

//gave them out to people here, hope you guys enjoyed them


AH HA! In Europe right now, they are giving away a special Pichu, namely a shiny one, or as it's officially known "the Pikachu-Colored Pichu". This one is always Jolly (a good nature for it) and comes with an Everstone so it can't be evolved.

This is important because for those of you that are planning to get Heart Gold/Soul Silver later this month, you can send it over to HG/SS and it will activate an event in Ilex Forest.

The event is on Nintendo WiFi, so go to Mystery Gift and then select "WiFi Event". The option to download it will appear.

It's supposed to be for Europe only, but it will download to any North American game. I know, because I just got mine.

Turns out I got lucky with mine right off the bat. I checked its IVs, and it has 30 for Special Attack, 29 for Speed, and Might have Hidden Power Grass, which is great for taking down Ground types.

It will appear on your game at level 30, so checking IVs shouldn't be too difficult right away. If you get a bad, just reset and ask the man at any Pokécenter counter to get it again. You can reset for IVs as much as you want, assuming you saved before talking to him. Just remember that it will always be Jolly and come with an Everstone.

Get it now, because this is one of only a few times they've done this.


Yeah I got it this morning early, I tried numerous times because the DS was not finding any mistery gift. Maybe it was TOO early, lol.

Anyway, I will send it to my SoulSilver copy if I will find a way to do it (I have only one DS :S ).


Well, at least they actually did something with Diamond and Pearl. The promise of wifi events for DP was a big deal when the games came out, but they never did anything with it. Platinum came out and got the Secret Key event, but that was version exclusive.

Man, they got to do better with gen five. They know that people are interested in this stuff, and they know they can do it, so why not just do it more often and stop the bullshit regional exclusion stuff.

Hmmmm ,an older woman that loves Pokémon... Got a number?

/why, yes, 60 is within my age range

I think she plays Pokemon while tripping on meth, so on second thought, she could be anywhere from 20 to 80.


OK, in case any of you forgot, or didn't know at all, Sunday, March 14th is the release date for Heart Gold and Soul Silver on the DS in the US. Canada, expect it slightly later, as usual. Maybe the 16th at the latest.

Pre-orders did get a Lugia or Ho-oh statue, about five inches in height, but it's too late for you now, suckers.

Enjoy your games!

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