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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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Managed to get a Zorua through the GTS for my Gurrdurr.

It's a great mechanic and you'd be surprised at how beneficial some of the trades can be! (Not to mention you can get all the starters from there instead of having to replay the intro sequence three times.)

Has anyone else attempted the Elite Four the second time? Holy crap, I got my ass handed to me.

Too busy exploring every where I can possibly go.



I don't know why I didn't see this the moment I got Bisharp


I just beat the Elite Four and, everything else for the first time, and now what the fuck everyone everywhere new is level 65 is there some kind of better transition point?


So I heard Galvantula is the best thing to ever grace the minds of Game Freak. Discussion closed. I also have run into the interesting problem of my SS copy being unrecognized as a pokemon game and unable to transfer any pokemon to Black. 8( at my 31speed IV 29specA IV Mismagius.

And Tables, just head over to the sports domes and fight the first trainer in there for around 10k every day, or just walk into tall grass if you're scared/running nuzlocke. I for one found facing pokemon 20 lvl's above my team a challange, especially the rotation and triple battles.

No. The best thing to grace Game Freak is those fucking ninjas that appeared in the electric cave. That actually startled me a bit, because I had the volume up and wasn't expecting it.

I'd have to agree on Galvantula. First time I've ever seen Compoundeyes be that useful on a pokemon. +30 percent accuracy on Thunder. Now I don't have to use that Uber filth Kyogre to get Thunder to always hit.

I also have run into the interesting problem of my SS copy being unrecognized as a pokemon game and unable to transfer any pokemon to Black. 8( at my 31speed IV 29specA IV Mismagius.

Are you using the Poke Transfer Lab east of Nimbasa City? That's where I ported over my National team.

Speaking of my National team, I was tempted in placing Galvantula in it, myself.

I just beat the Elite Four and, everything else for the first time, and now what the fuck everyone everywhere new is level 65 is there some kind of better transition point?

Haha, I thought the same thing when I was at that point. At first I thought I was going through to eastern Unova via the wrong route (east of Opelucid,) then I realized it didn't matter when I ran into the Lv 65 guys on the route east of Nimbasa.


The team I'm building is Emboar, Lilligant, Golurk, Seismitoad, Hydreigon and Galvantula. I'm not a huge fan of Seismitoad, though. I might go for Jellicient instead, but there aren't a whole lot of good water pokemon this time around.

Actually, a lot of pokemon can learn weird moves. Golurk can learn fly? wtf?

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