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OCR01185 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "The Darkness and the Light"


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I have only one thing to say. McVaffe, go get yourself hired my Myamoto, now.

man this is exactly what i thought of when listening to this song. this entire piece can qualify as the ending music to the next zelda game. imagine this piece playing on the background while we see some ending scenes of zelda (about time we have a satisfying 6min ending instead of the usual 60 second ones). damn McVaffe, email your resume with this remix attached and Miyamoto-san will hire you in a heart beat.


AJ Pardilla


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Upon further review, I have deemed that this piece is still amazing, and easily in the top five of the 200 songs I have downloaded from this site. And ater listening to it, oh... 40 times now, I've figured out why this is such a wonderful piece. It's powerfully evocative, an emotional intensifier. If I'm happy when I listen to this song, life is good. If I'm down when I listen to this song, it will make me cry. It's hard to do that. Really hard. But McVaffe continues to make it look easy. Hats off to McVaffe.

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I really loved this remix! Everything is perfect! The transition between the songs are magnificient and the choice of the songs was absolutly brilliant! There is one thing though that I considered to be not corrected, but noticed for futures remix: the drum beat in the background is always the same, no matter what is the symphony playing.........Except that, the song is just fabulous! Good job!

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Beautiful song. I'm a huge fan of musicians who are able to blend light and dark tones in one piece, and this is one remix that deserves several listens before it can be completely appreciated. From the sparse intro, the transition is so smooth that you don't even notice how atmospheric and rich it has become until you're completely enveloped in it.

I don't normally comment on the ReMixes here but I couldn't not compliment you, McVaffe. Thanks.

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From my last comment here, my affection towards this song has only grown. I've copied it to my 3300 and listened to it when travelling on public transport and watching the summery scenery. There is something special about this song that makes me feel the phantasy in the Zelda series so close, as if I were in the mythical world of Hyrule myself. It's an eerie feeling that makes me think about a perfect Zelda game with vast forests and neverending possibilities... :)

Uh... That sounded kinda no-life. Any way, great piece. applause.gif We want more! resp.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

As much of a fan as I am of McVaffe and Zelda, especially ALttP, this song wasn't a fast hitter for me. It took me two listens to say "Hey, that's a pretty neat concept." What I didn't like was the chime/bell thingies in the beginning. The melody they play is cool, but the sound just isn't...fluid with rest of the song. Also, the change in tempo and such at 1:50 was odd at first, but that was just because it was unexpected. After another listen, again, it sounded really cool. One thing I did really like about it is the mellow tempo and general vibe that the flute gave off. And the transition to the credit music was a really, really nice touch. I've always loved that theme, and the way it's remixed here is splendid. So, overall, I'd give it an 8/10. Not the best, but still pretty damn good. Way to go McVaffe.

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  • 1 month later...

This piece is full of transitions and changes in time signature and it still comes together very well. While I agree that the piano part is very emotional, my favorite part is in the beginning. The far Eastern touch here really makes me imagine Link in the dark world for the first time, where everything looks strange and foreign to him. And it's not too often when an OC Remix paints a very vivid picture of the game for me. Another job well done by McVaffe.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Very nice... I especially like the way it incorporates the main theme near the end, and the tempo changes and such.

Did anyone else notice, from about the four minute mark to near the end of the song, that weird clickish sound at the beginning of each new segment (a segment, as in a full "1-2-3-4" in 4/4 time, I forgot the actual term for it)? It's probably just part of the song and meant to be there and stuff, but I dunno; it just seemed kind of odd/out of place to me. But other than that, though... Yeah, I really like this mix.

And a "yay" for the possible misuse of semicolons!

There are three things assured in life: death, taxes and that McVaffe can do no wrong.

I wish to be quoted on this.


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  • 4 months later...

the song starts in 4/4 time signature

at 1:47 theres a time sig change to 5/4

and then at 2:02 it changes to 3/4

i bet none of you noticed that!

well maybe you did but i know i didnt

sneaky mcvaffe, thats why 1:47 sounds so off

and then theres an obvious but sweet time change at 4:00

thats 3 different time sig changes in one song, wow

sweet song vaffy, keep em coming

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  • 2 weeks later...

as much love as mcvaffe gets i dont think this song has gotten what its deserved. ive listened to it probably around 50 times or more so far, and i would say its the best song on OCremix.org.

at around 2:41 when the piano takes off... i begin to float... at 3:16, when it gets more layered, i feel like im flying, then at 3:34 the piano really starts shaking things up, and it all starts coming back. it hits me so hard at this point, i start feeling that inner-peace-at-one-with-the-universe type of feeling, where you feel in love with everything, and it makes me want to just curl up into the fetal position and cry. out of joy. god damn. thanks for this song.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The only thing I didn't dig about this mix was the time signature change, which is suspect is 5/4. *Listens again* Yeah, it's definitely 5/4. Anyway, the time change only really bugged me the first time I listened, and now that I understand how to bob my head to it, it's all good. Very nice work from the guy who consistentley provides very nice work.

I think I'm going to go watch Kill Bill. :)


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I like this a lot. Might even put it on a sleep CD. The one thing I noticed was that the clanky things in the background kinda sound like Schala's Theme from Chrono Trigger. Not that that's a bad thing. :wink:

Beautiful when the piano comes in too. 10/10 easily.

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  • 2 months later...

This remix takes on a little heard tune from the Zelda series. This song is from the title sequence of Zelda 3, and it is one of the more elegant sequences. The OCR composer really does this song justice, adding the expected drum beat that permeates so many OCR songs. It works very well. Excellent song

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  • 2 months later...

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