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actually im gonna be on later because there is some fool in my gaming room doing a school presentation of a "economically friendly-style monopoly"

a) wtf

B) you live in a frat house where people are drinking alcohol why are you inviting your teacher and half your class there not a great way to make an impression

c) now i can't play ssf4 til you're done

but i will be on mark my words

and darke you say that as if madcatz has ever made a reliably good product

It seems to be the case that SSF4 has more sensitive controls in general.

This is both good and bad, good in that I'm allowed more error in my moves but on the other hand I'm finding myself doing moves I did not mean to make.

This was the case when I went a few rounds with k-wix.


From this thread I get the impression that most of you are much better at Street Fighter than me...

But tomorrow I have the day off. I might be able to join for a few games in spite of the time difference. My gamertag is MvdR, maybe I'll send out some friend requests tonight.

Who is wildgamer50, and can we please stop inviting him to our parties? If you're on here wildgamer50, please stop swearing into the mic, yelling etc.

sorry he's my apprentice and Tinus i will add you so i can test your skills


I second this idea. It'll make adding everyone easier.

Also, mod update! So I finally had a chance to open up the box with my new parts and I've gotta say people, I can already feel the difference without even putting them in the stick. The madcatz SE fightstick works just fine, but the parts themselves feel like Fisher Price stuff compared to the feel of these buttons. Very quiet and they don't feel hollow. The stick itself also feels like it's made of more durable stuff, and it's pretty damned smooth. I can't gush enough about these new Sanwa parts. The difference is clear.

Once I get these puppies into the stick, I'll tell you all whether I'd recommend paying the extra 50 bucks for the parts. Thus far, I'm feelin' pretty good about them.

On another note however, I think I'll be scrapping the paintjob and artwork idea, since I'm trying to conserve funds.


Mine's Bleck930 - but it might have to wait, as my XBL account recently expired and I haven't had the funds to reactivate it. All depends on how much I get paid tomorrow.


These are long, but amazing! I'm probably gonna watch the first seven parts as well.

I actually remember the Justin Wong vs Daigo Evo 2009 finals, I watched the live stream. They were supposed to take place when it was the middle of the night over here, but they were delayed so much I got to watch the last few matches in the morning before leaving for work.


Some good matches just now! You guys are definitely already better at SSF4 than me, although I did somehow win that last Guy vs Ibuki match. Hopefully I'll be able to fight you again.


I've been playing as Chun Li a lot and I could use a tip or two.

My question is, is there a way to effectively use her spinning bird kick against Guile? I think I'm pretty good at activating to the move and on other characters I seem to land it. Against him I can't get it to take. His uppercut just knocks her out of it with easy even if I combo it in.

Calling all Chun Li users.

I've been playing as Chun Li a lot and I could use a tip or two.

My question is, is there a way to effectively use her spinning bird kick against Guile? I think I'm pretty good at activating to the move and on other characters I seem to land it. Against him I can't get it to take. His uppercut just knocks her out of it with easy even if I combo it in.

Calling all Chun Li users.

You should only be using her basic SBK inside of a combo (cancel medium SBK off of the first hit of her cr. FP). EX SBK is her reversal "get off me" move, and it does that very well.

Chun's basic combo is cr. lk, cr. lk xx EX Legs. Add her Ultra 2 on the end of that if you have it available. If you don't have meter, then do her target combo series with back + mk off a jumpin instead.

Flare, if you're on the 360 I mained Chun in the original SF4, hit me up there for more advice, or ask more questions and either me or Arek (who also played chun) should have answers for you.

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