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Yeah I had my ass handed to me probably 6 or 7 times AND EVERYTIME BECAUSE OF THAT COMBO.

You can't grab people in block or hit stun -- no one uses raging demon seriously for that reason (in any sf game).

And also, I throw a hadouken and as Jhawk blocks it I do wrath of the raging demon. I go up to him and akuma MOVES HIM ACROSS THE FLOOR but doesn't grab him and the Ultra fails.

What is that all about? :<

EDIT: Demon Armageddon is probably my favorite Ultra animation in the whole world.

It makes me sad to see Adon so shitty.

I reaaaaaaaaally wanted to use him, but he is just so bad...

How so? He's a spammy bastard from what I can see. Also no links doesn't equal bad; you play chun and therefore know this.


His ultra seems to have a weird hitbox since it kind of hops over people. It appears to be harder to land than other ultras... I've certainly never been hit by it (without trying to dodge.) Jaguar Tooth doesn't seem bad but it's kinda punishable from what I can tell.

I couldn't disagree more.

Yeah, he walks all over my face most of the time. Adon is terrifying.

Though it doesn't help that I keep screwing up my baits because his stuff comes out so fast.

Also El Fuerte is some low tier goodness. I can't stop playing as him. EX Guacamole mixups for the win.

Yeah, he walks all over my face most of the time. Adon is terrifying.

Also El Fuerte is some low tier goodness. I can't stop playing as him. EX Guacamole mixups for the win.

I have gone against a few Adon players and they just spam his moves. I think he is a great offensive character but is annoying to play against. I shouldnt talk since i play Cammy and use canon strike a lot.

I love using El Fuerte, in my opinion one of the most fun characters to play. His new Ultra is a awesome tide turner since its easier to catch people.

Does anyone use Makoto? i am terrible with her, right now i use mostly Cody and Ibuki of the new characters.

I have gone against a few Adon players and they just spam his moves. I think he is a great offensive character but is annoying to play against. I shouldnt talk since i play Cammy and use canon strike a lot.

I love using El Fuerte, in my opinion one of the most fun characters to play. His new Ultra is a awesome tide turner since its easier to catch people.

Does anyone use Makoto? i am terrible with her, right now i use mostly Cody and Ibuki of the new characters.

To use Makoto well, you've really gotta be aware of your spacing and at what ranges each of your moves works from. Try using forward+HK (hold) to dance across the screen quickly also.


She has very poor defense also, so you need to be very aggressive and good with footsies. Once you get an advantage you have to not let it go... her combos are quite powerful, particularly if you can get a karakusa off, which will then allow you to take off 20% no problem.


Makoto is rushdown rushdown rushdown. Learn the bread&butter HP+Hayate combo, use EX hayates and her ->MK and ->HK to move across the screen. She can be quick if you know how to use her. Keep the pressure up. Don't get out of range to the point where you will be boxed in by projectile attacks.


Are you playing as Hakan? Her dive kicks can be easily punished with anything.. crouching medium punch -> oil slide is good, but even a plain old crouching roundhouse kick will do it. If she spaces herself away from you at full screen throwing fireballs, oil up. If you EX. oil slide you will go through fireballs and knock her down while she's throwing them. The pinwheel kick is sometimes punishable, sometimes not, but usually a headbutt (crouching fierce punch) will do the trick.

If you have Ultra 2, she can't do her jump/diving attacks on you, because you can just ultra2 on reaction and catch her. So, she basically is forced to play rushdown against you, which MIGHT work, but the problem is she doesn't have a lot of safe stuff.

Makoto is rushdown rushdown rushdown. Learn the bread&butter HP+Hayate combo, use EX hayates and her ->MK and ->HK to move across the screen. She can be quick if you know how to use her. Keep the pressure up. Don't get out of range to the point where you will be boxed in by projectile attacks.

Problem with EX Hayates is that they don't prioritize over Ultra's

ex. Wrath Of The Raging Demon will grab her right out of it. :P

So you better make sure you're not handing them out willy nilly while the other guy has a full ultra/ super meter otherwise you're committed to essentially going up right next to the guy as he does an ultra/super.

Also, Juri is way too easy to use... I tried the EX Shikusen Kaisen Dankairaku (EX Dive Kick and then Ultra) combo and got it after the fourth time. That's about the hardest part about her, methinks.

I actually don't really have that much trouble against her, especially with Hakan - I just think she's irritating/boring to fight.

HA ha! HA ha! HA ha! HA ha! Whatever. Whatever. HA ha! HA ha!

Or, in Japanese:

Sora.. SORA! Sora... SORA! Sora... SORA! Sora.. SORA! Sorasorasorasorasora!


Also, Juri is way too easy to use... I tried the EX Shikusen Kaisen Dankairaku (EX Dive Kick and then Ultra) combo and got it after the fourth time. That's about the hardest part about her, methinks.

That's the easy combo with Juri -- the difficult one is extending by using her projectiles on release. Try this combo sometime:

j. HK, cr. HP, {release} medium fireball, cr. MK xx EX pinwheel.


Hooray! Play us!

I spent a lot of time in the lab today with Guile and I'm getting some of his harder combos down. His corner pressure is nuts... you can now do the following WITHOUT links:

* Light Sonic Boom

* Jump in hard kick

* Cancel into hard punch

* Cancel into another light Sonic Boom

* Hard punch (spinning backfist)

No meter required and it does a solid 30-35%. Can ONLY be done in the corner though.

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