Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted May 1, 2010 Posted May 1, 2010 So I think I'm getting a handle on Ibuki now. When are we gonna have some more matches, people? Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted May 1, 2010 Posted May 1, 2010 I'll be on sometime around 1:00 CST -- just gotta take care of some shopping first. Quote
zircon Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 Played a lot of matches today and actually ended up with an overall lower PP than when I started (963) :/ I don't know why but it seems like almost everyone I play online is VERY good. I have had almost no easy wins (compared to say, Vimk/Malaki.. sorry guys!) I guess everyone practiced with SF4. I'm playing mostly Hakan and Guile with a little bit of Fei in there. What's more frustrating is how the point system works. I played a Zangief with my Hakan and lost something like 90 PP. When I played the same guy IMMEDIATELY AFTER, and beat him more cleanly than he beat me, I only gained about 68. wtf? He had both higher PP and BP than I did! Anyway, I'm most concerned with simply getting better so... just gonna keep on playing. Quote
Vimk Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 After you left endless battle I started to get the hang of juri Give me a bit and you won't have such an easy time anymore. Quote
Jhawk Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 Zircon all i can say is you play online a lot but it's not about just going online. what i do is stay offline and train...a lot. i don't know about you guys this game is getting boring. nothing is challenging anymore. yes challenge mode is suppose to be challenging but there all repeats from SF4 if you use the 25. With that said I'm 40% done with trails, I'm done with Balrog's Trails and I'm on M.Bison last one. With Dudley i know i suck with him, knowing this going on ranked match is a no no. my answer is go on versus mode and play against ALL the characters at less 4 times on hard so i know how to face different characters and know what to watch out for. Training mode is key also,so Mr.Zircon its not about going online and playing people you should go offline and stay on point with your moves and characters. we should all go on team battle when all of us get online Quote
zircon Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 Well, I disagree that you can really get better at ONLINE matches without playing online. I know that execution is crucial but practicing offline IMO doesn't help much online. For example last night I did Hakan's ultra2 15 times in a row in practice. 0 problems. Today, I whiffed it at last 5 times costing me two matches. When you're in the pressure of a match, things are different and execution is harder... the only way you can get better is to just keep playing people, learning matchups, timings, etc. and getting better. Out of 7-8 matches this morning though I again came out negative :/ Lost more than I won. Sucks ass. I even lost to a complete scrub Guile who did nothing except jump backwards and forwards. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 Zircon all i can say is you play online a lot but it's not about just going online. what i do is stay offline and train...a lot. i don't know about you guys this game is getting boring. nothing is challenging anymore. yes challenge mode is suppose to be challenging but there all repeats from SF4 if you use the 25. With that said I'm 40% done with trails, I'm done with Balrog's Trails and I'm on M.Bison last one. With Dudley i know i suck with him, knowing this going on ranked match is a no no. my answer is go on versus mode and play against ALL the characters at less 4 times on hard so i know how to face different characters and know what to watch out for. Training mode is key also,so Mr.Zircon its not about going online and playing people you should go offline and stay on point with your moves and characters. we should all go on team battle when all of us get online Personally, I think you'll get a lot more out of reading/researching the matchups than you ever will playing CPU characters. Similarly, the vast majority of trials 20-25 for each char are ridiculously hard links and combos that are not practical in a real match. Often they are harder and use more meter for less damage. That being said, I spend quite a bit of time in training mode practicing my combos, resets, and mixups. I still botch them OFTEN online. I have a meterless 385 damage combo with Ibuki that I can do 75% of the time in training mode. I'm yet to land it online (though you can bet I'll save the first replay I do)! Well, I disagree that you can really get better at ONLINE matches without playing online. I know that execution is crucial but practicing offline IMO doesn't help much online. For example last night I did Hakan's ultra2 15 times in a row in practice. 0 problems. Today, I whiffed it at last 5 times costing me two matches. When you're in the pressure of a match, things are different and execution is harder... the only way you can get better is to just keep playing people, learning matchups, timings, etc. and getting better.Out of 7-8 matches this morning though I again came out negative :/ Lost more than I won. Sucks ass. I even lost to a complete scrub Guile who did nothing except jump backwards and forwards. Any specific matchups you're having problems with online? Unless you hit a real bad luck streak of solid opponents I can't see why I have won 10 straight and you lost 50% of the time over the same two-day period. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 If anyone wants to get me on live, hit me up on aim. I am going to be on very sporadically for a bit, so it will be very random if we are on at the same time. Quote
k-wix Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 Well, I disagree that you can really get better at ONLINE matches without playing online. I know that execution is crucial but practicing offline IMO doesn't help much online. For example last night I did Hakan's ultra2 15 times in a row in practice. 0 problems. Today, I whiffed it at last 5 times costing me two matches. When you're in the pressure of a match, things are different and execution is harder... the only way you can get better is to just keep playing people, learning matchups, timings, etc. and getting better.Out of 7-8 matches this morning though I again came out negative :/ Lost more than I won. Sucks ass. I even lost to a complete scrub Guile who did nothing except jump backwards and forwards. It happens to everyone. I hate loosing to someone who has no idea what they are doing and its alarmingly obvious, yet for some reason.. you just can't win. I've always said and thought that what makes SF and SSF4 so good is that the game has a perfect mix of execution, pressure, and prediction. Being good at any 1 of them will definitely make a better player. Being bad at any 1 of them will make you a worse player. but I think all players strive to be good at all 3, its that blend that makes the game so good. Personally i've always been good at prediction, that's why i enjoy playing Zief so much, he can punish people very hard if you can predict well. Quote
Teknobunny Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 if you want to play your own custom soundtrack - such as the awesome stuff on this very website - while you are playing super street fighter 4, hit your playstation button to get to your xmb. simply go to music, select your playlist and then return to the game. the music you play this way will override the games default music. just a neat fyi i wanted to share. dunno if/how this would work for 360 tho. heya, btw. Quote
DarkeSword Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 if you want to play your own custom soundtrack - such as the awesome stuff on this very website - while you are playing super street fighter 4, hit your playstation button to get to your xmb. simply go to music, select your playlist and then return to the game. the music you play this way will override the games default music. just a neat fyi i wanted to share.dunno if/how this would work for 360 tho. heya, btw. There is already a SSF4 thread. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 if you want to play your own custom soundtrack - such as the awesome stuff on this very website - while you are playing super street fighter 4, hit your playstation button to get to your xmb. simply go to music, select your playlist and then return to the game. the music you play this way will override the games default music. just a neat fyi i wanted to share.dunno if/how this would work for 360 tho. heya, btw. I think almost everyone knew this. Anyways, I got XBOX Live Gold for a year and I look forward to battling you guys online. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 Argh! I'm still way better using the 360 controller. Must get better with stick! I have noticed that playing with the stick helps me pull off Ibuki's target combos much easier. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 Argh! I'm still way better using the 360 controller. Must get better with stick!I have noticed that playing with the stick helps me pull off Ibuki's target combos much easier. I'm thinking about getting a stick as well as lately I've noticed sometimes it's as if the regular ps3 controller decided to ignore me when I need it most... On another note I've noticed that I've been able to get into match sessions that are outside of the US with ease, but whenever I tried to enter one stateside I'd get a "unable to join session" message. I have no clue as to why it's like that; any one have any ideas..? Quote
Teknobunny Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 There is already a SSF4 thread. oh. okay then. I think almost everyone knew this. Anyways, I got XBOX Live Gold for a year and I look forward to battling you guys online. well, just in case they didnt. and yay for not having to pay for xbl! =-D Quote
Jhawk Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 Let the combo video's begin Ken, Ryu, Gouken, Akuma, Adon, Dudley, Cody and Juri. crazy if you want to how to play with Cody in Super Street Fighter 4. this is a good video and if you want to know Cody's combo's Dee Jay Tutorial Quote
The Derrit Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 i played a bunch this afternoon and pwned with abel i won like 16 in a row before i had to go to practice Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 I played with Jhawk earlier, he beat me twice with various characters and then beat him twice with Gen and then he proceeded to kill me 3 times with Dudley, all the while a friend of his was screaming over the mic about candy bar's and time attack mode or sumthin. It's time like these I wish the fight stick had a diamond or octagon gate so I could happily use Akuma. I'm trying to learn how to use Gen so I'm not fighting with the type of character that everyone knows the inside outs of and requires ability to learn different styles of combo's. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 Dude, he is really annoying. I tolerated and joked around with him at first, but the dude is constantly a spaz. Get his ass under control. Quote
Jhawk Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 Arek stop being a asshole!!! but your right i'll deal with him Quote
SoloGamer Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 I wish the fight stick had a diamond ... gate so I could happily use Akuma. But then you wouldn't be able to hit any diagonals. I got this on launch but haven't played it as much as I would like. I want to main Dee Jay, but since I played as Zangief exclusively in SFIV, I basically have to learn to play the game all over again. I think I'll just pick up 'Gief again. I love his second ultra, since it's essentially a Kinnikuman move. Just gotta finish up Deadly Premonition first. Quote
DJ Mighty Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 i am really liking Cody, i enjoy playing Ibuki as well but I am not that great with her. Also, anyone who requester me as a friend with PSN, i only have the game for 360 right no but i do plan on getting it for PS3 as well. Quote
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