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It's actually pretty hard for me to compare MM10's music to any other in the original series. I guess thematically there might be some, but in terms of execution, I can't think of any.

Of course it's hard for me to remember every single one.


Haven't had a chance to play this yet, but I listened to the whole soundtrack. Personally, I think it's the best MM soundtrack to date. They must have been listening to some Virt and Zabutom in the off season, and realized what they could really do with some chips! Blade Man rapes the entire series. Rapes.

  • 2 weeks later...

Like I said earlier, I really like a lot of 10's soundtrack.

Blade Man is a really damn good song, and I haven't heard a lot like it in the series to compare.

Solar Man and Chill Man, too.

Of all the RM songs, I think that Sheep Man has stuck in my head the most. It really just grows on you and stays with you the longest. Or at least it does so for me. I think that can describe the whole soundtrack, really. It's the type that grows on you.

All of the Wily castle/boss/machine music is pure excellence, in my opinion. Stages 2 and 3, and 5 are definitely highlights; really awesome music. And the Machine/Capsule tracks are pretty bitchin' too.

I just beat the game (normal) in about 2 hours today with Protoman, and I am pretty glad of the purchase as a whole.

Now I just gotta try to go after Hard mode for real this time... Ugh.

It's one of these three extra stage things, maybe time trials or something. It's ALSO a remix of Punk's theme from Mega Man 3 for Game Boy. Listen closely!

EDIT: It's one of 3 bonus stages available. One is an endless stage, which is 300 wii points, while the other two are simply add-on stages, 100 wii points apiece.

Punk is supposed to be the final boss of one of those add-on stages. Also there are three of them, not two, the other bosses being Enker and Ballade. Source: Capcom Unity.

  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally grabbed this for the 360 a few nights ago, and I just downloaded Bass mode and special stage 1.

They should just call this game Protoman & Bass. For serious. Why would I want to use Megaman if those two are so badass? :-P

Overall I think the game is great. And hard. Oh so very hard.

I haven't downloaded Bass yet, but if he plays anything like Mega Man and Bass, he should be good fun.

I also haven't played as Bass yet, but apparently he does! He doesn't have the double jump, but otherwise he's pretty much the same as in Mega Man & Bass: he has the dash, the 8-way (7-way?) rapid fire and he can even merge with Treble. All in all he looks pretty badass. Definitely going to get this.

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