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Yesterday there was an update to Valve's Portal, which included a mysterious achievement, and hidden radios that played hidden signals. These radios, when brought to certain locations, would play encoded signals. From there...it gets complicated.

Here's a good summary of what's happened so far:


This is the thread on the Steam forums:


And this is a good TL;DR of that:


The TL;DR includes links to ASCII images that everyone is now pouring over. Also relevant is that GLaDOS is v3.11 here, and Gabe is receiving an award at GDC on March 11th. SPECULATION GO!


If this is a way to build up hype for a new portal game or something similar, I approve. Not only does it not insult the audience by shoveling the answers down their throats, it's an all around cool treasure hunt idea.


Judging by what we know about the Borealis from the end of Episode 2, we know Gordon will be tracking down and exploring the ship. I bet they're making a joint announcement of Episode 3 and Portal 2 at GDC. Hell, they could be the same game at this rate...Gordon trapped on the Borealis, being taunted by the GLaDOS onboard, while trying to escape with something that'll defeat the Combine...Or they could be parallel games, with a new test subject trapped onboard who has to work together with Gordon to escape. Two-player action puzzle co-op FPS with portals? Gordon fighting off the Combine while a new Chell solves puzzles? And whatever happened to Chell anyways? So many questions, so many ideas...


Sweet! I absolutely love Portal and would love to see them make a more in depth sequel. I could see them showing more connections from this to half-life, but I can't really see a merged sequel coming any time soon.

This is a cool way to introduce things, it interests me.


Cool, I noticed Steam updated Portal last night and was distracted so I forgot to check the (cryptic) update notes. I will definitely be taking a look at this, and if it ties into HL Ep 3 in any way, so much more the awesome.

Always been a huge portal fan, but once you have (almost) all of the achievements it is what it is, nice to have something new to try.


Valve is really good at the whole conspiracy game, clues within clues within clues...

Even in TF2, a lot of clues have been found in the source code for their websites and stuff. Aperture Science has had a secret website for a long time now too, if you knew the right account you could see how much of the company's finances were dedicated to cake!


So, I booted up Portal just because of the update - I don't quite understand what to do with the new radios, though. I keep carrying them around, but I'm not getting any transmissions...I'll keep trying, though.

Aperture Science has a website? That's awesome! I love how Valve throws its clues about in so many places. Only thing is, unless the Internets are very astute, we may miss them all entirely...

EDIT: Apparently, the company spends $975,000 on something called INTUB-XLG and $1075 on flour. Then again, they did start out making shower curtains.


kinda because she experienced an explosion, and then the last thing we see from what im assuming are her eyes is lying on the ground slowly blacking out while flaming chunks of metal fall down about her

kinda because she experienced an explosion, and then the last thing we see from what im assuming are her eyes is lying on the ground slowly blacking out while flaming chunks of metal fall down about her

Couldn't that just as easily be her falling temporarily unconscious, though? Or collapsing from sheer exhaustion? I think it's fairly open-ended there.

Couldn't that just as easily be her falling temporarily unconscious, though? Or collapsing from sheer exhaustion? I think it's fairly open-ended there.

Exactly. She could easily have passed out, and came to later, or have been found/rescued/captured by the Combine/Black Mesa/The Resistance. Keep in mind, she's already been 'engineered' with exoskeletal legs that keep her from being hurt by falls, so it's completely likely that she's okay.

Exactly. She could easily have passed out, and came to later, or have been found/rescued/captured by the Combine/Black Mesa/The Resistance. Keep in mind, she's already been 'engineered' with exoskeletal legs that keep her from being hurt by falls, so it's completely likely that she's okay.

Fair enough, but what of the rest of her? I mean, the legs are fine, but she's not able to take hits to the chest (the energy balls kill her) or head (I checked by ducking near an energy ball). One of those things fall on her and she's cooked. I don't know how likely it is that she's okay - it's possible, certainly, depending on a host of scenarios that we don't see, but it seems kinda 50/50 for lived/died.

In short, this is a damn good cliffhanger.


A new update just downloaded for me:


Added valuable asset retrieval

I look forward to seeing what other people find so I don't have to waste my time. :D

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