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The rule against excessive swearing and hate speech has *never* changed. Condoning it is not a server policy and never was, so you can't really claim the server supports hate speech.

Technically, they have. However, only to clarify it.

Up until yesterday, it just said "No hate speech" which I expanded to "No hate speech, including excessive swearing and insults." at the same time I removed Rambo from the admin list.

TECHNICALLY, I overstepped my bounds there by making said change without consulting the remaining admins, but based it on the opinions expressed on the admin board about this subject.

Technically, they have. However, only to clarify it.

Up until yesterday, it just said "No hate speech" which I expanded to "No hate speech, including excessive swearing and insults." at the same time I removed Rambo from the admin list.

TECHNICALLY, I overstepped my bounds there by making said change without consulting the remaining admins, but based it on the opinions expressed on the admin board about this subject.

I think you're within reasonable limits :P

I've been told I came off in a way I didn't intend, I just want to remind that we were never supposed to allow discrimination in the first place and that if we can just get a consistent procedure for it we won't have quite as much drama.

So I just came off of deviantART, where they changed the website to wear purple in remembrance of teens who have lost their lives to anti-LGBT bullying.

And in contrast, it's pretty sad to see the state of affairs here.

When it all comes down to it, it would be nice if, you could just ask, "Hey mister, could you please stop calling me a fag? " and the person would be "Oh okay, you were acting dumb and it made me mad, but since you asked, I will stop. I'm sorry" and the other guy would reply, "That's okay. I'm sorry if I"m not doing so well, could you tell me what I was doing wrong?" ect. Yeah, that's the cotton candy doesn't-exist world, but still.

I don't want people banned for cursing, I just want them to stop when I vocalize my annoyance on the matter.

In the end, it's all about just having respect for your fellow man. I'd go on to say I don't want anyone to be censored, but then I'd be a hypocrite for not wanting people to yell and curse at me. Maybe I need a thicker skin.

When it all comes down to it, it would be nice if, you could just ask, "Hey mister, could you please stop calling me a fag? " and the person would be "Oh okay, you were acting dumb and it made me mad, but since you asked, I will stop. I'm sorry" and the other guy would reply, "That's okay. I'm sorry if I"m not doing so well, could you tell me what I was doing wrong?" ect. Yeah, that's Canada.

Fixed. :3

Thank you for amending the MOTD Powerlord.

I also liked the sneaky change to idling.

We are getting pretty crazy with the rules.

Just putting that out there.

Remember when we were supposed to be a not srs bsnss server.

No I guess not.

I just want to see the "No Hate Speech" rule applied evenly. Either all slurs - whether it's about someone's race, their colour, their religion, their sexuality - are hate speech, or none of them are. It makes no sense to me to totally ban some things, and be tolerant or lenient towards others.

I'm all for 'Not Srs Business'. I'm not interested in playing in an environment where it's ok to be abusive towards or make jokes of others at their expense.

I just want to see the "No Hate Speech" rule applied evenly. Either all slurs - whether it's about someone's race, their colour, their religion, their sexuality - are hate speech, or none of them are. It makes no sense to me to totally ban some things, and be tolerant or lenient towards others.

I'm all for 'Not Srs Business'. I'm not interested in playing in an environment where it's ok to be abusive towards or make jokes of others at their expense.


Nobody should be forced to put up with the n-word on a daily basis while playing a bloody video game (and on this server, they aren't thankfully), and logically, nobody should be forced to put up with gay/fag/homo etc either. "Grow a thicker skin" is just a lazy condoning of the problem for the sake of social smoothness. A line has to be drawn somewhere.

To me, 'Not Srs Bizness' equates to friendly games of TF2. It does not equate to allowing someone to insult my sexuality, whatever it may be, just because I am horribly bad at the game, and then justifying it by way of "lol everyone does it lighten up lol"


I was more towards the trade rule. To be honest that is the stupidest shit I have ever heard. Since we are not a competitive server, we shouldn't have an anti-trade rule in effect. If that is the case then just outlaw trading and make the server even more stupid than has been in the past few months.

FURTHER MORE: This is something that Powerlord just pulled outta his ass, without asking any other admin in the admin thread.

So no. This is stupid.


Hey you know what? How about this?

Grow up, stop calling people "faggots" and just play the game. Just don't use the fucking word. It's not going to kill you to hold your tongue.

It's an offensive term, and if you use it, you'll be warned about it. If you continue to use it, you'll get kicked and or banned. Alright?

Now can we please talk about something actually important? Like the fact that people are making 40,000 in TWO WEEKS from royalties for Polycount Items?

Hey you know what? How about this?

Grow up, stop calling people "faggots" and just play the game. Just don't use the fucking word. It's not going to kill you to hold your tongue.

It's an offensive term, and if you use it, you'll be warned about it. If you continue to use it, you'll get kicked and or banned. Alright?

It doesn't matter at this point Darkesword. As the only admins that matter are Powerlord and Fireslash.

Again, I'd like to pioint out that I only have a problem with the dumb as all get out trade rule that wasn't discussed and is just Powerlord raging.

It doesn't matter at this point Darkesword. As the only admins that matter are Powerlord and Fireslash.

Again, I'd like to pioint out that I only have a problem with the dumb as all get out trade rule that wasn't discussed and is just Powerlord raging.

I've heard quite a few complaints about trading killing people playing the game due to team imbalances from others idling to trade - I'll admit to being part of the problem during a few of those complaints.

I've heard quite a few complaints about trading killing people playing the game due to team imbalances from others idling to trade - I'll admit to being part of the problem during a few of those complaints.

But to start banning people for it puts the message that we are a srs bsnss server when we most certainly are not.

Hey you know what? How about this?

Now can we please talk about something actually important? Like the fact that people are making 40,000 in TWO WEEKS from royalties for Polycount Items?

And that's what started wtih shareware, now facilitated with intra party transfers able to handle small amounts of currency (paypal, steamwallet) can do.

If that's how much Valve paid to those guys, how much has valve actually made on these small transactions? Have they proven that this is a viable release mechanism that can now bypass stores and help provide a long tail of support and interest that doesn't involve brick and mortar stores holding inventory?

And that's what started wtih shareware, now facilitated with intra party transfers able to handle small amounts of currency (paypal, steamwallet) can do.

If that's how much Valve paid to those guys, how much has valve actually made on these small transactions? Have they proven that this is a viable release mechanism that can now bypass stores and help provide a long tail of support and interest that doesn't involve brick and mortar stores holding inventory?

I heard that the contributors got a 25% cut, so that means Valve made (40k * 4) * (3/4) = (40k * 3) = 120k per contributor, minimum. Just on the Polycount items alone, they've made at least 600k. More if you take into account that the highest paid contributor got 47k. (The lowest was 39k, which I rounded up for easier math in the above calculations.)

So yeah, Valve is officially rolling in money.

It doesn't matter at this point Darkesword. As the only admins that matter are Powerlord and Fireslash.

Again, I'd like to pioint out that I only have a problem with the dumb as all get out trade rule that wasn't discussed and is just Powerlord raging.

I have no problem with people trading. I have a problem with people sitting there for 4-5 minutes straight doing it.

I treat them just like any other AFKer and kick them, but will escalate it if they reconnect and start doing it again.

I have no problem with people trading. I have a problem with people sitting there for 4-5 minutes straight doing it.

I treat them just like any other AFKer and kick them.

That is still dumb by the way, and doesn't make it anymore right. I bet if you were the one trading for more than a few minutes, you would have a problem getting kicked, OH WAIT YOU CANT GET KICKED DUE TO IMMUNITY.

That is still dumb by the way, and doesn't make it anymore right. I bet if you were the one trading for more than a few minutes, you would have a problem getting kicked, OH WAIT YOU CANT GET KICKED DUE TO IMMUNITY.

I normally don't trade while playing. The few times I have, it's been done in less than 30 seconds.

So it takes longer for some people. That seems like ground for a punishment for me.

Just my two cents on trading in game.

If you can do it quickly then fine, go ahead. If you're going to sit there for a few minutes trading instead of helping your team though, then yeah, you should be kicked. If you need that long to trade then either do it during setup throughout the game or add the person (or persons) to your friends list and get it done outside of the game. But if you're just sitting there doing nothing in game for an extended period rather than helping your team then you're directly affecting the ability of other players to really enjoy the game, just as if you were going AFK for minutes at a time.

just as if you were going AFK for minutes at a time.

Or playing spy/sniper/scout when there's enough of them and other classes are needed, or being a pocket medic who doesn't heal anyone else. People who do these things aren't helping the team either, and I've never seen them being dealt with :|

If it's half of one team trading, I can see it being a problem. If it's just a few people, then I don't see what the BFD is.

Pocket medics win games. Just sayin'. :)!!

I would rather be on the team that has less of a chance of winning but has medics who try to keep everyone up than one that relies on 1 or 2 medic/x combos to win.

I would rather be on the team that has less of a chance of winning but has medics who try to keep everyone up than one that relies on 1 or 2 medic/x combos to win.

A smart medic IS healing everybody, builds uber faster, but then goes with a specfic pairing to push. (i.e. frogg, most demomen, frogg, soldiers, frogg as a scout, other medics to uberchain, etc)

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