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Why not just have the vote buttons be the function keys, similar to other servers.

Powerlord's gone over this before I think. It's either impossible to make the current mapvote plugin use those keys, or very difficult. And using the built-in mapvote would remove nominations and the better algorithm of determining the maps listed that the current plugin uses.

Something like that, anyway. Correct me if I'm wrong, PL.

Powerlord's gone over this before I think. It's either impossible to make the current mapvote plugin use those keys, or very difficult. And using the built-in mapvote would remove nominations and the better algorithm of determining the maps listed that the current plugin uses.

Something like that, anyway. Correct me if I'm wrong, PL.

Right now, the only way to do it loses rtv, nominations, and the vote happens exactly 2 minutes before the end of a map (so, if the map ends before then, it doesn't happen).

I've spent a lot of time reverse engineering it, but I'm still working on an extension to trick the clients into thinking the server's CVoteController is calling a vote.


So, after a very prolonged absence from Team Fortress 2... and a long absence from the OCR community in general...

...I'm probably going to come back and play TF2 with you guys again. I honestly really missed it, and a big reason I left was because my old computer sucked and would chug a lot when I tried to play. But now. I have a powerful new computer that can handle it and I really want to get back into this if I can.

Hope you guys don't mind an old target drone wandering around in your server every now and then. XD


Whoops, forgot to reply to this post when I posted my last reply.

anyways is our votescramble still all broken

Not as far as I know.

also I am sick and fucking tired of being kicked for reserve slots so who's wallet do I need to fellate to get one


Set up your subscription here, then fire off an email to fireslash@fireslash.net with your in-game name and order number (Google will email you this)

If you prefer to pre-pay, you can pay through paypal directly to fireslash@beyondunreal.com (Note this email is DEFUNCT and only used for paypal!) Pre-payments of $12 or more are good for 6 months. You're welcome to donate more, each additional $2 spans another month, or you can just donate out of the kindness of your heart!

(note, I copied all that from the first post)


The servers were restarted this morning to fix an extra "hidden" slot from being on the server that people could fill by connecting directly to the server via a connect command (even without a reserved slot). That was my bad, I missed one of the 3 things I needed to change yesterday when flipping reserved slots back to the slot-free version.


On another subject, FireSlash was on the server earlier today and mentioned that we may move to another server host to see if we can't get rid of these lag issues.

This was after he shut down TFStats stats processors and websites, and the TF2 servers were still having lag spikes.

, my Sniper Surprise video. Nothing really special, and the sound is messed up. The replay editor is really inconsistent at times. I'll put up something interesting one of these days, I promise. (My current project involves the jolly sniper)

That seems to happen a lot for you

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Reduced CPU usage for idle servers

Team Fortress 2

- Added the Splendid Screen, Ali Baba's Wee Booties, and the Mantreads to the whitelist for Medieval mode

- Added a server console message when a player is sent to the server via the matchmaking system

- Fixed the cl_gameserver_list output

- Fixed the Quick-Fix showing the fire overlay when running in DX8

- Fixed a problem with team paints not being displayed properly when playing

- Fixed a display problem with Hatless hats

- Fixed a problem that prevented the new Scout items from being used in crafting recipes

- Fixed a problem with clients seeing the incorrect vote options after changing servers

- Fixed the backpack image for the Schadenfreude not being disabled when using paint

- Updated the Planeswalker Goggles to not hide the Scout's hat/headset

- Updated the taunt items to be nameable

- Updated the localization files

Updating servers now. However, updating is now really slow on both servers and clients thanks to the F2P update.

So, I've disabled autoupdate on the servers, so if you're playing, the server won't just go down on map change when there's an update.

This will cause problems if I'm not at home from work to update when an update happens, but that rarely if ever happens, and our servers are usually not busy at those times anyway.

- Added the Splendid Screen, Ali Baba's Wee Booties, and the Mantreads to the whitelist for Medieval mode


ha ha ha ha



Both servers have been restarted. Although there does appear to be an issue with RED's Steam ticket (shouldn't affect the server in any way other than the "is this a good server for QuickPlay" stuff).

On a related note,
It is the product of hours of jolly laughing. Also some bodyshoots. Brushfire even makes an appearance, though he's as yet uncredited.


I notice about halfway through you start sporting the mask. I would too with that mouth. Oi. :shock:

On a related note,
It is the product of hours of jolly laughing. Also some bodyshoots. Brushfire even makes an appearance, though he's as yet uncredited.


OK, what's with the icon over the Heavy's head at 1:23?

Do I need to change the server's whitelist back to stock to block what could possibly be considered a cheat, or is it just a Replay thing?

OK, what's with the icon over the Heavy's head at 1:23?

Do I need to change the server's whitelist back to stock to block what could possibly be considered a cheat, or is it just a Replay thing?

Colorblind mode. Does the same thing with mad milk. It's in the default options, I believe, though it may have been moved to the advanced options.

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