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Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

- Corrected the damage ramp for the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Soda Popper

- Fixed a rare crash bug with the Demoman TFBot laying stickybomb traps

- Fixed a bug that would cause team-painted wearable gibs to show an incorrect color

- Fix memory leak when updating the item schema

- Fix an occasional crash on game exit

- Replay updates

---- Client

------- Added basic/rough render queue for internal use to increase replay output for relaunch trailer

------- Block files are now deleted on replay reconstruction (i.e. viewing), to conserve disk space

------- Unneeded block files are now cleaned up automatically on startup

---- Server

------- Fixed fileserver cleanup

------- Any time replay_fileserver_offload_hostname is modified, the corresponding IP is resolved and cached, if possible. This fixes a crash, as well as failed publishing due to "unresolved hostname" errors.

------- Added a fileserver IP lookup test to replay publish test

------- Setting replay_enable to 0 now halts recording and does cleanup automatically, the way replay_stoprecord does. This fixes a crash that would occur when replay_enable was set to 0 and a changelevel was executed.

---- Replay temp directories automatically cleared on startup on both client and server

---- Memory management improvements

- Added ConVar demo_fov_override, which overrides the FOV during demo playback if the value is non-zero

Additionally, the Highlander medals were added to the game.

Starting the server updater on the OLD servers shortly. The NEW server has already launched the auto-updater, although I'm monitoring it to make sure it works correctly.


Custom hitsound of the Spy saying "Ow" in a hilarious monotone.

Easily enough done. Just need to find something in the TF2 assets or record something that has him speaking in that monotone.


Additionally, the Highlander medals were added to the game.


Watch none of us get any.

AND the item server has been down since the update.

Okay, I just got a video idea based on THIS little tidbit of information:

Players can be telefragged whether they are ÜberCharged or not.

So here is what we need:

A full server

12 engineers on one team

6 medics and 6 whatever class (I was thinking Heavy since the Heavy-Medic combo is the most iconic ubercharge variant)

1 more person to film/oversee the project.

1.)Create a straight row of teleport exits, and have alternately Heavy,Medic,Heavy,Medic, etc. standing on them.

2.)Have the engineers line up next to the row of teleporter ENTRANCES.

3.)Medics uber their targets.

4.) Engineer's use their teleporters.

5.) Engineers taunt laugh.

6.) Everyone dies happy.


Watch none of us get any.


Players can be telefragged whether they are ÜberCharged or not.


Oh man, I hope we get the medals. It'd be nice to finally have something else to wear besides my silver "when I started playing" medal and the License to Maim.

Also AWESOME video idea.


I've heard that the replay system doesn't allow you to make cuts and arrange them any way you want. It has to be chronologically correct with what was happening at the time. You can't cut big junks of time out.

I've heard that the replay system doesn't allow you to make cuts and arrange them any way you want. It has to be chronologically correct with what was happening at the time. You can't cut big junks of time out.

Correct, but you can always do multiple takes and patch it together in an external program.


I forgot to mention that I discovered a bug in our new TF2 setups during today's update.

I wondered what was going on when TF2 NEW RED auto-restarted and TF2 NEW BLU didn't.

Turned out there was a hidden crashed copy of the server still running from back before I disabled replays. The auto-updater was sending the server restart message to this crashed copy. I couldn't see it because when I asked the server for BLU's console, I got the non-crashed version instead.

Here's hoping that me killing that process fixes the weird ping times... they seemed more normal for me this evening, even if they were higher than I liked. Still, I'd rather have 90ms ping times than 180ms ping time I was getting over the past two days.

I also added a switch to the NEW TF2 servers to make the server immediately exit if another process is listening on that port when it starts. Simple version: It prevents me from starting BLU twice or RED twice, but doesn't fix the crashed server issue experienced earlier.

Incidentally, Valve said earlier today that they still haven't tracked down all the Linux server crash causes, so replays are still off.

We are still working nonstop on the linux server crash. We found and fixed several other problems in the process. I don't believe any of them are the cause(s) of the crash(es) that have been going on since the 22nd.

So I was pleasantly surprised to find that someone had nominated Launchpad and enough people voted to play on it. Then I realized it was an older version but oh well.

We had some productive conversations ingame about some issues such as map scale, confusing layout, and suggestions for functional geometry, but I'd appreciate any and all feedback. Screenshots in particular are really helpful when talking about specific parts of the map. (Especially since I can just check back here if I forget.)


I've updated a few maps on the servers.

cp_launchpad updated to version 2b.

cp_gullywash updated to pro (no, don't ask me why the version jumped from imp3 to pro). This is mainly balance changes, including the elimination of the water under points 1 and 5.

tc_meridian updated to rc3.

ctf_haarp has an update, but the download for it is broken.

So I was pleasantly surprised to find that someone had nominated Launchpad and enough people voted to play on it. Then I realized it was an older version but oh well.

We had some productive conversations ingame about some issues such as map scale, confusing layout, and suggestions for functional geometry, but I'd appreciate any and all feedback. Screenshots in particular are really helpful when talking about specific parts of the map. (Especially since I can just check back here if I forget.)

I had two issues, the rather large scale of the map made it feel like it was taking forever to get anywhere/that you were tiny, and the fact I could see huge distances made it look like it was going to take forever to get anywhere. In terms of scale, you have a number of large faces with little door/windows in them that contribute to the feeling of being to small for the map. Along with that you have several areas that 12 people can get into and it doesn't feel like pregame mayhem in a small room.

5gorge and badlands are relatively large maps, but there aren't to many locations on either that let you see huge distances. Each point is essentially an independent room with a number of confined short hallways between them, most of which corner right as you leave the point area. You don't get that feeling with Launchpad, instead you get a number of areas that scream free-for-all, like:


There are limited obstructions, so you have a fairly clean line of site from one end to the other, plus it is fairly wide. The area around point 3 on badlands is large, but it's hard to see from one end to the other and no where do you feel like you have a huge amount of space to work with. Maybe a little bit with point 2/4 on badlands, but it isn't straight line space, like that screenshot.

Overall it's a good layout, but it could use a little re-scaling and tweaks to line of site. Hopefully that makes sense/is helpful.


As much as I hate to say it Paranoid, I think you may have to find a way to shrink the map design because I really do think the MASSIVE scale of it is what was bringing it down more than anything else. It was just simply too big and it often felt like it was taking much too long to get anywhere.

I will say that I didn't have a bad time on your map, and I'll clarify by saying this: There are some maps that when you play them you just don't enjoy the experience, and despite the flaws that didn't happen here. I think you have a good sense of design when it comes to variety of platform heights, which inherently makes a map more fun than one that is simply on flat ground.


Now I'm wondering how phill got his hands on the .vmf file. o_O

Anyway, the new version that Powerlord put on the server is from before last night, so none of the suggestions made have been implemented yet, but there is a significant change to Stage 2 between the points.


Valve released an optional (read: required for Linux servers) TF2 update earlier today.

It fixes problems with the Mantreads crashing the server. It may also fix some related crashes dealing with the Cow Manger 5000 and Righteous Bison.

I installed this on all servers approximately 2 hours ago.

Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the updates. The specific changes include:

- Added From Dust promotional content.

- Fixed a problem with the application of team-colored paints.

- Fixed Mac-only replay editor crash.

- "Meet the Medic" startup music added.

- Definitely did not add cheats for upcoming Free-2-Play Invitational Cup.

This update was auto-applied to NEW BLU and NEW RED roughly two hours ago.

OLD BLU and OLD RED were just updated and restarted.


So yeah, my desktop decided that it was going to start BSODing yesterday.

I may try to play TF2, but my laptop really, REALLY sucks at it.

I'm making arrangements for a new computer this weekend.

But hey, at least it happened on a weekend, where I actually have time to deal with it.


For those of you following my attempts at getting some new Engy items into the game... I've added a hat and pistol to the shotgun/trap idea to create the Gone Hunting item set. You can still find everything here if you want the rundown on all the changes that have occurred.

Still looking for someone to help texture, since I managed to get an awesome modeler to help with the, well, models. I think Bark mentioned III_Demon, but I don't have them on my Friends list to get their attention. And, of course, I'm always open to critiques and suggestions.

For those of you following my attempts at getting some new Engy items into the game... I've added a hat and pistol to the shotgun/trap idea to create the Gone Hunting item set. You can still find everything here if you want the rundown on all the changes that have occurred.

Still looking for someone to help texture, since I managed to get an awesome modeler to help with the, well, models. I think Bark mentioned III_Demon, but I don't have them on my Friends list to get their attention. And, of course, I'm always open to critiques and suggestions.

I spoke to III_demon today after his return from a family thing, and i don't think he's going to be available to help you. He said that he's not that great at testuring anyway.........

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