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Okay, so... I don't play this game but I have a bunch of preorder exclusive items that are just sitting in my backpack doing nothing.

I know that Bill's Hat is pretty rare, but I don't really know the value on the rest, so I'll just assume that I won't get scammed or anything. I'd be okay trading them for Steam games or even paypal cash. :<

Backpack is here.

Even if you don't want any of it, I'd really appreciate it if you could at least take a look and appraise it so I know which items are rare. Thanks in advance!

Okay, so... I don't play this game but I have a bunch of preorder exclusive items that are just sitting in my backpack doing nothing.

I know that Bill's Hat is pretty rare, but I don't really know the value on the rest, so I'll just assume that I won't get scammed or anything. I'd be okay trading them for Steam games or even paypal cash. :<

Backpack is here.

Even if you don't want any of it, I'd really appreciate it if you could at least take a look and appraise it so I know which items are rare. Thanks in advance!

Well, you have a lot of vintage and genuine stuff, and a lot of hats... you could get quite a bit. Especially with the vintages. And hats.

I would love the Deus Ex items, but, alas, cannot trade anything to you :(

Okay, so... I don't play this game but I have a bunch of preorder exclusive items that are just sitting in my backpack doing nothing.

I know that Bill's Hat is pretty rare, but I don't really know the value on the rest, so I'll just assume that I won't get scammed or anything. I'd be okay trading them for Steam games or even paypal cash. :<

Bill's Hat: ~10$

Genuine Deus Ex Set: ~20$

The rest: ~2-5$

You may be able to find someone willing to trade a 30$ game for your backpack. You can even do it securely by opting into the Steam Trade Beta. That way you can't get scammed.

Bill's Hat: ~10$

Genuine Deus Ex Set: ~20$

The rest: ~2-5$

You may be able to find someone willing to trade a 30$ game for your backpack. You can even do it securely by opting into the Steam Trade Beta. That way you can't get scammed.

Ten bux. Cash Money.


Since the old Halloween plugin didn't work how I wanted, I wrote a brand new one that has a list of maps to activate Halloween mode on and I installed it on the server.

Sadly, I installed it a little too late for it to work on BLU, as people apparently switched to cp_manor_event as I was writing it.

Edit: I can't say for sure that it enables everything. We just tested it on koth_harvest_event, and the crit candy was noticably missing. Likely, the Horsemann won't be there either. :/ However, the Thriller taunt and the halloween hats were useable.


There is supposed to be a TF2 update later today. Officially, this is supposed to fix the Diamondback infinite crits glitch.

Unofficially, this supposedly adds new stuff for Team Fortress's 15th birthday, which is August 24th (tomorrow).

Okay, so... I don't play this game but I have a bunch of preorder exclusive items that are just sitting in my backpack doing nothing.

I know that Bill's Hat is pretty rare, but I don't really know the value on the rest, so I'll just assume that I won't get scammed or anything. I'd be okay trading them for Steam games or even paypal cash. :<

Backpack is here.

Even if you don't want any of it, I'd really appreciate it if you could at least take a look and appraise it so I know which items are rare. Thanks in advance!

I thought I was a little too late, but I do have a Humble Indie Bundle #2 Steam key for trade if you're interested. Thought I might toss that out there...

Unofficially, this supposedly adds new stuff for Team Fortress's 15th birthday, which is August 24th (tomorrow).

15 years? Holy cow. I hope its stuff in a similar vein as the Original.


Update just hit.

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Fixed a client crash during demo playback

- Fixed a SourceTV crash

- Dedicated servers can now have both SourceTV and Replay enabled at once

---"-replay [config file]" and "+tv_enable 1" should be used to launch the server

Team Fortress 2

- Added TF birthday replacement models for health kits and ammo packs

- Added TF birthday Party Hat and Noisemaker

- Fixed The Short Circuit attacking friendly projectiles

- Fixed The Short Circuit being hidden when the Engineer taunts

- Fixed an infinite crits exploit using The Diamondback

- Fixed The Widowmaker not returning the correct amount of ammo when multiple targets are hit

- Fixed supply closets regenerating players while they are taunting

- Fixed the Select Style UI text overlapping the image of the model

- Fixed the sunbeams hat effect

- Updated the localization files

- Updated the gamehaptics file:

---- Added draw/recoil forces for The Widowmaker, The Short Circuit, The Diamondback, and The Machina

---- Added crit fire force for The Widowmaker and The Diamondback

---- Refined reload force for Flare Gun/Detonator

- Bot changes:

---- Fixed crash with Demoman-bots trying to detonate stickybombs that had already been destroyed

---- Added tf_bot_kill console command (syntax identical to tf_bot_kick)

---- Bots obey melee only mode a bit better

---- Added func_nav_avoid to allow map creators control over where bots "like" to go

---- Fixed issue with Demoman bot reloading between each stickybomb he fired, causing him to be very slow at setting traps/destroying sentries

---- Bots never taunt if carrying the flag now

---- Aiming logic for Huntsman sniper bots

---- Sniper bots prioritize enemy snipers more aggressively, as well as enemy engineers now

---- Improved Demoman bot sentry gun sticky bombing

---- Bots will no longer try to use health entities assigned to the enemy team

---- Added simplistic behaviors for Chargin' Targe, and various consumables (Bonk drink, sandvich, etc)

---- Medic-bots stay a bit closer to their patient now

---- Sniper-bots go after very nearby enemies with their melee weapon now

---- Added func_tfbot_hint entity to allow map creators to tell sniper bots good places to lurk

---- Sniper-bots opportunistically fire on viable targets they encounter while on the way to their desired lurking spot

---- Spy-bots are more aggressive about backstabbing an engineer before sapping his nest now

Servers should be updating now, no clue how long they'll take.

Edit: Server updated files but got a "Connection reset by peer" error at the end of the update and is retrying now.


Fun fact: The halloween mod I wrote using SourceMod's holiday support makes the Horsemann appear on cp_manor_event... and crit candy as well.

No clue why crit candy wasn't working yesterday on koth_harvest_event.


Turns out that halloween plugin may be entirely redundant. I've removed it and added some Valve cvars to control which holiday is in use, but I haven't tested it yet.


Just so you all know, I will not be showing up on the server again.

I'm giving up on TF2, possibly for good.

I just can't play well enough to match up with the regulars on the server.

Just so you all know, I will not be showing up on the server again.

I'm giving up on TF2, possibly for good.

I just can't play well enough to match up with the regulars on the server.

You have a higher ranking than me in HL2stats.

You're good enough. :nicework:

But if you ever change your mind, try expert mode in offline practice. Bots are pretty smart. Don't be an obvious spy, they can tell if you do. Stuff like that.

Just so you all know, I will not be showing up on the server again.

I'm giving up on TF2, possibly for good.

I just can't play well enough to match up with the regulars on the server.

Nooooo, hoopy, don't leave. We love you! D: :cry:

If you are gonna leave forever, give me all your items!

Classy Brush.

Hoopy, in spite of what some people will say, the 'regulars' on OCR do present a slightly higher level of skill than you'll find on any other random pub server. The only way to get better at something is to practice, and to stop being so concerned with what you do. This isn't the Game Olympics, the fate of the country isn't based on how you do. It's just a bunch of friends getting together to kill each other. Take it easy.

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