ParanoidDrone Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 I think I've broken some sort of personal record by continuing to work on Launchpad this long. I've switched back to an _a# versioning system since I updated it on as well and I left off at _a5. Dropbox Link TF2Maps Link TF2Maps Thread BZ2 File (Even though Powerlord all but said not to bother.) Changelong from _stage2c: -Redesigned RED's spawn in Stage 1 to allow easier battlements access. -Redesigned the layout of Point 2A so that BLU can simply walk onto it -Removed some extraneous areas from the first half of Stage 2 -Simplified the path RED has to take to get outside from spawn in Stage 2 -Removed half of the large building in Stage 2 and removed all one-way drops from the other half -Slight redistribution of health and ammo pickups in Stage 2 -Extended the capture time of all points from 6 seconds to 8 Special thanks to Sombrero for running through it for several hours and showing me a bunch of problem areas. Got several good ideas from that session.
The Derrit Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 played at red tonight twas fun my sniper skills have been somewhat retained but need work
Dr. Suredeath Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 Switched to Deus Ex sniper for a bit after months of being Piss Sniper... Now I realized the god damn pee gun had ruined me. I can't do any head shots now.
Dhsu Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 IF YOU PAY FIRESLASH FOR A RESERVED SLOT, YOU NEED TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IN GOOGLE CHECKOUT I can't do this for you. Seriously. Because the subs weren't tied to item codes, I can't cancel them. You need to do it. Otherwise you're donating to the "throw sand in the gaping hole in FS's wallet" fund, which gets you a shiny box of nothing. LOL I just noticed this. And I forgot about the TF2 birthday. Why do I miss ALL THE THINGS.
ParanoidDrone Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 Crap, I just noticed in a screenshot of my map that one of the rocks around 1A up and vanished. Easy fix but I feel silly for not catching it. OH WELL.
Powerlord Posted August 29, 2011 Posted August 29, 2011 Just a heads up: I swapped the configurations for BLU and RED earlier today. This means that BLU now has crits and damage/weapon spread, while RED does not. This is primarily so that events on RED don't draw random people in from Valve's matchmaking service. This hasn't been an issue lately, as we haven't really had any events in the past few months. P.S. If this message looks funny, it's because I'm typing it via a text-based web browser and can only see so much in it. P.P.S. This means BLU will draw people from Valve's matchmaking service rather than RED.
ParanoidDrone Posted August 29, 2011 Posted August 29, 2011 Powerlord, when you get a chance can you update the server's version of Launchpad?
Powerlord Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 Powerlord, when you get a chance can you update the server's version of Launchpad? OK, a6 is on the server now. It'll show up in the nomnomnom list after map change.
ParanoidDrone Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 OK, a6 is on the server now. It'll show up in the nomnomnom list after map change. It'll show up in the nomnomnom list after map change. nomnomnom Got Sandviches on the mind, do we? (Thanks.)
Powerlord Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 Got Sandviches on the mind, do we?(Thanks.) Nah, it's a running gag. I always refer to it as nomnomnom (or nomnomnominate) these days.
Top Gun Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 Speaking of lists, do we have Boundary on there? It's a PL map that shows up on another server I've played on, and it's a decent amount of fun.
Powerlord Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 Speaking of lists, do we have Boundary on there? It's a PL map that shows up on another server I've played on, and it's a decent amount of fun. Nope. All maps on the server show up in the nomnomnom list, which is: arena_badlandsarena_granaryarena_lumberyardarena_nucleusarena_offblast_finalarena_ravinearena_sawmillarena_starship_v1arena_watchtowerarena_wellcp_5gorgecp_axle_b3bcp_badlandscp_biodome_b1cp_coldfrontcp_degrootkeepcp_dustbowlcp_egypt_finalcp_fastlanecp_freight_final1cp_glacier_rc6cp_gorgecp_granarycp_gravelpitcp_gullywash_procp_junction_finalcp_launchpad_a6cp_manor_eventcp_mountainlabcp_pacman_plus_wtfcp_redfort_b5cp_stark_b2cp_steelcp_takeback_mountaincp_vector_v1cp_waste_v2cp_wellcp_yukon_finalctf_2fortctf_aerospace_b4ctf_doublecrossctf_haarp_test6ctf_premuda_b1bctf_sawmillctf_turbinectf_vector_v1ctf_wellkoth_badlandskoth_disneyworld_b1koth_harvest_eventkoth_harvest_finalkoth_lakeside_finalkoth_nucleuskoth_sawmillkoth_viaductkoth_wastepl_badwaterpl_barnblitzpl_cashworks_rc2pl_cave_b6pl_cranetop_b8pl_frontier_finalpl_goldrushpl_hoodoo_finalpl_swiftwater_frc20pl_thundermountainpl_upwardpl_waste_v2plr_hightowerplr_nightfall_finalplr_panic_b2plr_pipelineplr_scoville_c2tc_hydrotc_meridian_rc3 While I'm on the subject of lists, does someone want me to post the reserved slot list somewhere, so people know whom all is on it?
Powerlord Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 Haarp's been updated to final. Link. Updated. It'll appear on the nominate list on the next map change.
Top Gun Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 New patch incoming, complete with Tropico 4 promo hat for the Scout. Looks like they finally fixed drop notifications not showing up in chat, too.
Powerlord Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 New patch incoming, complete with Tropico 4 promo hat for the Scout. Looks like they finally fixed drop notifications not showing up in chat, too. The nice thing about having a server auto-updater... the server had already updated and restarted before you even made this post. Anyway, the complete patch notes are: Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM) - Fixed snd_restart breaking voice recording - Fixed a rare crash creating a listen server Team Fortress 2 - Item found notifications now correctly show up in chat - Added Tropico 4 promotional content - Added BleedPlayer input on player for mappers - Updated localization files - GetSchema WebAPI changes: --- Added "kill_eater_score_types" --- Added "account_info" for attrbutes where the value is a Steam account ID --- Added support for Romanian, Turkey, and Hungarian (ro, tr, and hu respectively)
Brushfire Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 Hahhaahahahahahaha, ya'll thought the items not showing up in chat was a new feature.
ParanoidDrone Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 The ETF2L Highlander participation medals have arrived. I believe they're handing them out on an individual basis, so it may take a while before everyone gets theirs, but mine's in my backpack as I type this. They're also Genuine quality.
XeroZohar Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 The ETF2L Highlander participation medals have arrived. I believe they're handing them out on an individual basis, so it may take a while before everyone gets theirs, but mine's in my backpack as I type this.They're also Genuine quality. Just checked, got mine too. BTW, I don't suppose we're ever gonna do anything like that again? I remember it being fun for the most part. (what I mean is, get a group together and play organized games against people. that kinda thing)
ParanoidDrone Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 All I really remember is that it was a BITCH getting both teams to play at a given time. I hate dealing with logistics.
Cinderwild Posted August 31, 2011 Posted August 31, 2011 I would love to get involved in competitive play.
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted August 31, 2011 Posted August 31, 2011 I'd be down for that (or something similar) if it happens again.
Zerothemaster Posted August 31, 2011 Posted August 31, 2011 For a moment I thought "Oh, that'd be cool". But then I remembered that I suck. nvm.
Top Gun Posted August 31, 2011 Posted August 31, 2011 I'm far from top-tier on any class, but it'd be a lot of fun to try something like that.
Cinderwild Posted August 31, 2011 Posted August 31, 2011 I think when it comes down to it I could get better. I seem to recall that just knowing I was doing that one tournament caused me to start performing really well for the next few days afterwards.
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