Cinderwild Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 I have to have the Demoknight stuff -- love melee combat!I'm hoping that we see some new toys for Medic and/or Pyro yet (maybe the beta stuff?) Personally I'm not too excited for the Detonator. It seems like the same vein of Direct Hit and Loch n Load; the fun of flare gun for me was the challenge and uniqueness of the weapon, but having one that accomplishes the same task with much less effort seems a bit dumb. This is assuming it can crit on burning enemies, not sure if it can. Also Krug, that was the best possible response I could expect for the demo set from you.
Powerlord Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 Personally I'm not too excited for the Detonator. It seems like the same vein of Direct Hit and Loch n Load; the fun of flare gun for me was the challenge and uniqueness of the weapon, but having one that accomplishes the same task with much less effort seems a bit dumb. This is assuming it can crit on burning enemies, not sure if it can. It does crit enemies that are on fire in Beta. However, one important thing to remember (as I recall): It does *not* detonate when it hits someone. You must right-click to explode it (and now it explodes when it hits a wall).
Krug Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 Somehow, i knew this to be true. Will you stick with the axe, or go with the sword? That sword would be sick for survivability similar to the zatoichi plus being able to charge at or away more often, but I think I'll stick with the axe purely for the insane melee damage. However...dat shield...dem booties. Full movement control while charging?! Good luck strafing out of my charge path now motherfuckers!
BardicKnowledge Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 Personally I'm not too excited for the Detonator. It seems like the same vein of Direct Hit and Loch n Load; the fun of flare gun for me was the challenge and uniqueness of the weapon, but having one that accomplishes the same task with much less effort seems a bit dumb. This is assuming it can crit on burning enemies, not sure if it can.Also Krug, that was the best possible response I could expect for the demo set from you. I'd argue that the Direct Hit rewards skillshots by having a lower splash damage radius. I'm with you on the Loch n Load though, as every good demo I know fires mostly direct shots anyway (as opposed to Soldiers, who often fire for feet/area damage to set up a better 2nd rocket). The only thing unquestionably better about the Direct Hit is that it makes the Soldier much better at clearing buldings; specifically, mini-sentries take only one DH rocket, while they require two normal ones. Edit: Any thoughts on what a 3rd uber for the Medic might do? My only thought is the ability to heal multiple targets at once for a brief period of time, which would not be as useful as the other two...
Powerlord Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 Edit: Any thoughts on what a 3rd uber for the Medic might do? My only thought is the ability to heal multiple targets at once for a brief period of time, which would not be as useful as the other two... The Quick Fix, the one that's been in Beta for like a year, charges 40% faster, but heals both the medic and his target at like 300% speeds when you use its uber. It also speeds the Medic up if the person he's healing moves faster than him (so you can heal a Scout to get to the battlefield sooner).
Lyrai Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 SUDDENLY OUT OF NOWHERE. Or would "GET HYPE" be more fitting here. Yes I think it would after looking at that scattergun. Go back to the TimbukTuesday page and check the pile of shields for a hidden link if you're wondering where this wonderful pile of items came from.
ParanoidDrone Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 I've been away for the last few days, so I know I'm late to the party here, but OH MY GOD DAT SPY KNIFE. L'Etranger + The Big Earner + Dead Ringer = Godmode? (I wonder what the flower does.) Given how tend to be a Ninja Heavy on the rare occasion I actually play the class, I foresee much hilarity with Tomislav in the future. The Enforcer seems uninspired statwise, and is yet another weapon that has its downside negated by the Dead Ringer. Unless it applies it by increasing the amount of time it takes to arm it, which would be hilarious yet still valid. The Bazaar Bargain has to have some sort of stealth downside otherwise the stats as listed are a direct upgrade over the vanilla Rifle. I must confess that I don't like how the Demoman is getting so many items to encourage the Demoknight playstyle. On the bright side, less Sticky/Grenade spam. My $0.02. (EDIT: Ninja'd by the Scout page. Click the crushed Bonk! can among the new Demoman shields. Or Lyrai's link, whatever.) TRIPLE JUMP WHAT. That is all.
Lyrai Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 Not sure if it's mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but Valve has cleared the air with the Bazaar Bargain: You start at -20%, and it has a cap of +30%. So you need two consecutive headshots to have a charge rate equal to the vanilla rifle.
Cinderwild Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 Not sure if it's mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but Valve has cleared the air with the Bazaar Bargain:You start at -20%, and it has a cap of +30%. So you need two consecutive headshots to have a charge rate equal to the vanilla rifle. So its not useful at all...Man they think this stuff through don't they. Also @ scout update: items sound interesting, don't really care too much for the style. Spy and Heavy got mobster, sniper and demo got saharan, scout gets....toy-inspired set? I saw these models awhile back, they were a rejected polycount pack. Not really sure about the aesthetics, but the mechanics sound interesting. I really don't want to give up my fish for a cheesy bat though. EDIT: Looking at TF2wiki and doing a bit of math that pistol doesn't really sound very useful. Its a -very- slight increase in damage for the amount of ammo you lose.
Powerlord Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 P.S. The Engineer had better get a set this time around. Of the 9 classes, 8 of them as of this moment have sets in game, and the 5 new sets that have been announced for this next update are all for classes other than the one that has yet to have a set. Also, I checked the Day 2 page for hidden links when they first posted it... the Scout page wasn't there then.
Lyrai Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 P.S. The Engineer had better get a set this time around. Of the 9 classes, 8 of them as of this moment have sets in game, and the 5 new sets that have been announced for this next update are all for classes other than the one that has yet to have a set.Also, I checked the Day 2 page for hidden links when they first posted it... the Scout page wasn't there then. Yeah it was sprung on everyone several hours after everyone combed it.
Powerlord Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 Uber Update Day 3: World War Wednesday has gone up. Two new Soldier sets. No hidden links yet. Stats will be posted soon. The General's Formals Name: The Mantreads Slot: Secondary Type: Boots -75% reduction in push force taken from damage Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on Name: The Disciplinary Action Slot: Melee Type: Riding Crop On hit ally: boosts both players' speed for several seconds -25% damage Airborne Armaments Name: The Liberty Launcher Slot: Primary Type: Rocket Launcher +40% projectile speed -25% clip size Name: The Reserve Shooter Slot: Secondary Type: Shotgun +15% faster weapon switch speed Mini-crits airborne targets for 3 seconds after switch -50% clip size Name: The Market Gardener Slot: Melee Type: Shovel Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping No random critical hits
Cinderwild Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 3 more classes to go. Here's hoping everyone gets something.
ArmadonRK Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 I'm enjoying the weapons so far, but did they really need to give 2 new sets to a class that has way too many weapons as it is? I haven't kept track of which has more, but the soldier and demo get way too much love from Valve.
Powerlord Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 I'm enjoying the weapons so far, but did they really need to give 2 new sets to a class that has way too many weapons as it is? I haven't kept track of which has more, but the soldier and demo get way too much love from Valve. Yes, and Engineer and Medic have the least. I'm assuming Medic will get something this time around, but we'll see if they screw the Engineer again or not.
Lyrai Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 They've mentioned more than once that Engineer is the hardest to add new items for. In a sense, he has everything he needs, and everything he brings to the table is essential in one form or another. See: The repair node thing. It made engy nests extremely hard to break. Also removing teleporters crippled teams and made the balance go haywire. Most I can see them doing for the guy now is minor alterations, not huge shifts. Like, say, a Sentry that can track faster, locks on and fires faster, and continues to fire when it's being upgraded or redeployed in return for no rockets/more metal.
Top Gun Posted June 22, 2011 Posted June 22, 2011 To be fair, the Engineer and Medic are limited in terms of attack-type weapons by the inherent nature of their classes...if the Medic is at the front lines, he should ideally be healing someone else, and unless the Engy is going all battle-mode with the Gunslinger, he's generally preoccupied with building stuff. The new Medigun should provide an interesting new dynamic, and I do hope that the Engy gets at least some love, maybe in the form of a weapon that enables a brand-new building variant.
Powerlord Posted June 23, 2011 Posted June 23, 2011 I may disable the melee only plugin... while I don't think it'll make a difference, even when melee only is disabled, it'll still running a hook every game frame. Which, as I understand it is many times per second (66 if this is the same as the server's tickrate, 450ish if this is the same as the server's fps)
Powerlord Posted June 23, 2011 Posted June 23, 2011 On another note, I recommend not playing TF2 until tomorrow's update, as item drops reset an hour ago, but won't include the new items until the update hits.
Powerlord Posted June 23, 2011 Posted June 23, 2011 Turns out that even though my desktop crashes when I try to render replays, my laptop doesn't. I'm having it render my 13 Backstabs on Degroot video now (if it doesn't crash during rendering), after which I'll upload it to Youtube.
Powerlord Posted June 23, 2011 Posted June 23, 2011 Video uploaded to Youtube. I also added annotations of when each backstab took place. Oh hey, I was wrong, it was 15 backstabs, not 13.
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