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I think we should slap anyone who nominates either goldrush or dustbowl while we're playing the other with a 2 hour ban.

I think people should stop being so picky. I don't care where we play.

I'll stop being picky as soon as cp_dustbowl isn't played over 3 times more than any other map.

I don't think I would mind Dustrush if it didn't have some large flaws. It is a small map which gives power to explosive classes and those with area denial. (Engineer, Demoman, Soldier) The maps tend to last a long period of time which tends to become a competition of suppressive firepower. The map also cancels out the usefulness of certain classes. (Scout, Offensive Pyro, Endgame Spy) When you include the fact that you will always need a Medic to play this map it just feels very routine. It seems like the game boils down to who has the best Uber or the most Ubers.

Actually, the best way to play Dustbowl offense is as follows.

3 Medics

3 Soldiers

2 Demomen

2 Heavies

1 Engineer

1 Utility

The Ubers cascade which basically results in a brute force attack on a TF2 scale.

I like Badwater, Dustbowl, and Goldrush cause the are fun map. Granted they are played a lot, but that is because they are good maps.

Unlike all those 5 CP maps and other shit.

I've never understood what you have against 5 CP maps.


I don't like the idea of a not clear cut objective.

What I mean is, most pubby folk are retarded and tend to get more retarded when something is not spelled out for them. On 5 CP maps, the retard pubby folk are given the option of pushing ahead or staying and defending. That is one too many choices for their feeble brain to grasp.

I don't like the idea of a not clear cut objective.

What I mean is, most pubby folk are retarded and tend to get more retarded when something is not spelled out for them. On 5 CP maps, the retard pubby folk are given the option of pushing ahead or staying and defending. That is one too many choices for their feeble brain to grasp.

So, I take it you hate PLR maps for the same reason?

Why does everybody like dustbowl anyway? Badwater and the new Payload maps are clearly much better.

payload is a really really poorly designed gametype and the only way its fun is if its on a complete joke map like goldrush

and abcba maps are great except for freight and yukon


Oh hi guys!

I was gone camping at a family reunion over the past 4 days and slightly out of the loop. Anything I missed?


EDIT: Yikes! I stop playing TF2 for a week and drop 6 places in the HLX ranking. I forget how competitive the top ~50 spots are!

The 10th class finally reveals itself!


Primary Weapon: Sludge Ray [slows enemies and deals poison damage over time]

Seconday Weapon: The Head Crab [Throws a headcrab at the enemy and turns him into a CPU of The Alien's team for 5 seconds.]

Melee: The Laser Lance [Allows for backstabbing when at full charge; charge activates after being ubered]


if you people are trying to somehow defend the payload gametype thats just comical

its fundamentally flawed in that the entire defensive team all attack one spot which just becomes a spamfest to that point far worse than dustbowl could ever be

of course most people are really really stupid when theyre playing and forget that all you have to do is spam that spot and you win so they leave the point to go do whatever

so yeah if im gonna just play on a spamfest map it might as well be goldrush or hoodoo because instead of just a bad map its at least a laughably bad map


If the enemy team just drives a cart right into a spot where defenders are able to spam that's equally as "really really stupid". You can't just spam and win unless the enemy team is so "really really stupid" that they forget to kill you before driving the cart right next to you.

When I play payload maps, I usually run ahead and kill off (or attempt to) whatever defenses are set up.

EDIT: A spy is a good way to do this, just take down the "spamfest" defense from behind if all they're focusing on is the one cart.

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