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OCR01202 - Zombies Ate My Neighbors "Neighburgers"


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Perfect. This mix is awesome every second through. I actually had winamp minimized and around 2:00 i thought the song was ending, It would have been enough. But nooooo we have to endure another 3 minutes of this incredably superb remix. To be honest i played this game a lot back in my day. I was expecting the normal skip beat song you hear during ur levels of play. But this was much better. The variations on the main theme and the solos really keep the song driving. The ending was okay.. I just didn't really want it to end.

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one of my favorite soundtracks. haha, if i redid that track, i wouldve included some howling chainsaws...that hedgemaze level was pure paranoia.

i would have preferred a buildup at the beginning, thats what makes the original so cool imo, that ever repeating utterly stupid bassline and the following buildups towards madness. i really dig your eclectic style though.


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I've never been a fan of Proticity's works but this one kinda did it for me. There is at least one track I enjoy. Mind you, this remix is from one of the only few games on the SNES that I did enjoy.

..it was also on the Genesis.

Just to respond to CokedUpWerewolf, I've played it a lot. Never beaten it. I remember the last level i played was a giant football field. I think a giant baby was walking around shooting milk at you from his/her giant bottle.

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Perfect. This mix is awesome every second through. I actually had winamp minimized and around 2:00 i thought the song was ending, It would have been enough. But nooooo we have to endure another 3 minutes of this incredably superb remix.

Uhhhhh how long is this mix

mine does cut out at 2:00

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