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I listened to it all. Standouts were Sturm und Kong, Rare Respite, Monkey Merengue, Token Up, Apes of Wrath, Beneath the Canopy, A New Place, This Chase is Haunted, Us Monkeys Together, Club Klubba, Swamp Gases, Backwards Room, Dance of the Zinger, Pickin' Out The Fleas, Bramble Reprise, Castle Crescendo, and of course Re-Skew. It really is an all-around amazing album, though. Phenomenal job by everyone involved!


Spontaneous comment!

I had to listen to Stickerbrush Symphony first since it's my favorite track and I gotta say...AMAZING JOB, Joshua. You really did the track justice. I feared that this track in particular wouldn't be good or completely deviate from the original's calm vibe, but man you went above and beyond. Love the soothing sound ambiance that complements in the original...love the acoustic guitars...love the orchestrated samples...love the electric guitar solo. Couldn't have this track any other way to be honest.

Posted (edited)

I made something just for occasions like these (big album releases and whatnot), inspired by one particular reviewer jerk. It's called "gohito's prayer". And it goes like this:

"Dear Remixing Entities.../sarcasm

Let us not ruin this like we apparently ruined FF7./sarcasm

Let us not taint the music with our lame originality,/sarcasm

for we are not the original composers/sarcasm

and are not worthy of ruining the music we so love./sarcasm

No non-fitting chords or bad sample choices. /sarcasm

Just cookie-cutter revisions./sarcasm

Learn to make the good remix/sarcasm

and stop doing it wrong./sarcasm


You can highlight the prayer for additional effect.

Edited by Level 99

This album is amazing ,but it would have been better if they at least do an instumental version for each vocal track the vocals really did piss me off I myself am not a fan of vocal music bu who knows if they had thought of adding this option things may have been alot better and they won't lose anything except time and I think its worth it.

Oh yes and if only proticity had joined this I think that things would have turned out much better.Dont get me wrong I really appreciate all the hard work they have done and I thank them all it really took a long time to finish but it was worth it ^^.

This album is amazing ,but it would have been better if they at least do an instumental version for each vocal track the vocals really did piss me off I myself am not a fan of vocal music bu who knows if they had thought of adding this option things may have been alot better and they won't lose anything except time and I think its worth it.

Oh yes and if only proticity had joined this I think that things would have turned out much better.Dont get me wrong I really appreciate all the hard work they have done and I thank them all it really took a long time to finish but it was worth it ^^.

I'm beginning to feel like I'm in Shutter Island... I know in my heart that people should under no circumstances be angry about any aspect of a free offering of music, but it keeps coming up again and again that I'm beginning to think that I'm the crazy one.

Granted, I know most of the posters who say these things really aren't ANGRY, but still... OCRemix is an offering. Let's keep things in perspective.

they won't lose anything except time and I think its worth it.

Oh yes and if only proticity had joined this I think that things would have turned out much better.

You're right, we just should have lost a shit ton of time on a project you think would have been better had protricity done the whole thing.

I'm on your side all the way.


I'm about halfway through the first disc and I'm really loving this so far. I'm looking forward to the rest, especially the track that David Wise was involved in. Thanks everyone.


Pretty much pissing my pants, right now.

I suspect this may be my favorite album release on here, to date... and I have yet to listen to the whole thing. David Wise produced a incredible track, but so far I'm giving Virt's track a listen and proclaiming it as the best one on here... so far. Of course, gotta give David Wise credit - without him, this whole project would never have existed :lol:.

Yeah, a remix album of one of my favorite soundtracks... Until there's a FFVI remix album that comes out soon I'm pretty sure this one's going to top my list for a long time.

Great work, everyone.

Oh yeah, and your prayer is awesome, 99.

This album is amazing ,but it would have been better if they at least do an instumental version for each vocal track the vocals really did piss me off I myself am not a fan of vocal music bu who knows if they had thought of adding this option things may have been alot better and they won't lose anything except time and I think its worth it.

Oh yes and if only proticity had joined this I think that things would have turned out much better.Dont get me wrong I really appreciate all the hard work they have done and I thank them all it really took a long time to finish but it was worth it ^^.

Wow way to crap on the singers of those songs. Music is music man, and this site is as open-minded to music genres as it gets. Maybe this site isn't your thing if your mentality is going to be like that.

No bLiNd tracks? :( The tracks sound fantastic. I've always loved this soundtrack, probably more than the first DKC.

Posted (edited)
I'm beginning to feel like I'm in Shutter Island... I know in my heart that people should under no circumstances be angry about any aspect of a free offering of music, but it keeps coming up again and again that I'm beginning to think that I'm the crazy one.

Granted, I know most of the posters who say these things really aren't ANGRY, but still... OCRemix is an offering. Let's keep things in perspective.

Everyone has the right to offer their opinion on something, just as we each have a right to dismiss their opinions ans biased, unfair, or just plain silly. Alas music is something people feel strongly about regardless of how much it cost them.

Personally? I skipped directly TO the vocal tracks. :) The two that I knew where vocals (Flickerfall and Nicole Adams, et al.) were just fine. The only reason I would want to see an instrumental version of them would be so we could karaoke at a meetup or something.

Edited by Arcana
Posted (edited)

Jesus Christ why is Giga Bowser getting such a beating? People are allowed to say negative things about the album too, don't take it so personally or feel the need to defend the album. Not exactly the best welcome to the site he's (she's?) had.

Anyway, checked out the album, dug some tracks, not so much others, but overall the production was nice and the remixers who took part did a great job.

Edited by The Vagrance

First listen DONE. Not enough to have a complete opinion but aside from some tracks it seems all done well :) .

I need to listen it again and again until I will classify (with stars, I mean) all of them...

Posted (edited)

For all those who think that everyone here should accept anything because its free I don't think that way in fact I don't mind either paying or not since its valuable to me,I really want the best for these remixes I didn't complain I just wished that those two remixes on hot head bop and the mining melancholy could've been instrumental they're also one of my fav therefore this means its my opinion I don't have to mention that since we all know that!!! The only thing that bothers me is that no matter how hard you try to put vocals its a vg music track therefore the best for it is be that way why try and destroy or seperate from the original? Oh and I didn't mean that protricity would have done everything its just that I really got upset that he had'nt joined since his remixes are the best (IN MY OPINION).

Edited by Giga Bowser
Everyone has the right to offer their opinion on something, just as we each have a right to dismiss their opinions ans biased, unfair, or just plain silly. Alas music is something people feel strongly about regardless of how much it cost them.

Personally? I skipped directly TO the vocal tracks. :) The two that I knew where vocals (Flickerfall and Nicole Adams, et al.) were just fine. The only reason I would want to see an instrumental version of them would be so we could karaoke at a meetup or something.

Thanks I've had a hard time thinking what is the best way to say all this.

Jesus Christ why is Giga Bowser getting such a beating? People are allowed to say negative things about the album too, don't take it so personally or feel the need to defend the album. Not exactly the best welcome to the site he's (she's?) had.

Anyway, checked out the album, dug some tracks, not so much others, but overall the production was nice and the remixers who took part did a great job.

I think that I should thank you too I'm sorry if my English is crappy cause its me second lang anyway I hope there will be a future DK3 album I know its tracks weren't awesome as 1 and 2 but its had some amazing ones I personally would like to hear the water level remixed (forgot the name)


The whole "no vocals" opinion has been done to death, and it still doesn't make sense, except in a context of irrational prejudice. Not a single person on this planet can sing well and offer good lyrics!? That's my peeve. VGM in the era before Redbook had almost no vocals simply because it couldn't be done, not because that was the rule. The voice is an instrument, as much or as little an important part of a piece of music as anything else. It's always up to the composer(s) and artist(s), not the listener. That said, in the interest of studying and appreciating a song's construction, I would love instrumentals as a supplement, NOT as a replacement.

Now that I'm out of the context of preparing a trailer, it's time for me to have a listen.

Thanks I've had a hard time thinking what is the best way to say all this.

You don't get off quoting me scott-free. :)

Yes, it's a free album and you reserve your right to comment on the tracks, but it is polite to give the tracks a good listen and then to comment on what elements that you didn't like. Be specific. Maybe you didn't like the timbre of the vocals or the lyrics or the annunciation, or you thought vocals didn't fit into the originals.

But, don't be rude. Be critical, but not rude.

I'm still going through a lot of the tracks personally. A lot of them are really funky tracks. I like the style and the overall vibe the album's presenting so far. It's a very fast-paced, upbeat album. Lots of heavy beats and rhythms. It's a very fun listen. I imagine that a lot of this music will become a permanent part of people's car music.

You're right, we just should have lost a shit ton of time on a project you think would have been better had protricity done the whole thing.

I'm on your side all the way.

I know I made this a long story, but I forgot to mention this important point when I brought protricity I didn't mean that your all worthless piece of shit compared to him no matter what the way I see it every remixer here has different skills and I respect everyone, I'm if I offended anyone here in any way. The reason I said Protricity isn't just because I find him the best dk2 remixer its because that I listened to every remix in fact I listened to almost every remix on this site and I never found someone like him who can do a metal remix, symphony, synthetic and so on, I can't say that I am sure that he's the best cause I am not a remixer or composer myself and I don't have any exp (hope to in the future).

I really enjoyed this album and all its tracks except the vocals and the most and best of all I enjoyed was Mazedude's Dead Ragenning (Bad Bird Rag) and secong was Tetanus then brambles and forest interlude


Well the biggest part I hated is the voice of the vocals,but I only feel that the vocals fit with "in a snowbound land" but the other too I disliked the lyrics and the voice if there wasn't an instrumental version on monkeys disarm their kremlings it would've been three cause I think the vocal on that one was horrible V_V if I'm being rude please tell me the correct word I should use and I will change them.



I ended up listening to the album at work after downloading it the night before. Now I'm playing it again so it scrobbles on last.fm. :razz: I'm not sure if I can even comment on the quality of all the remixes, because the quality is just there. Good music is good. I hadn't even looked at the artwork until a short while after listening to it. I'm interested in a physical copy just so I use it as a conversation piece on a shelf somewhere.

As for the vocals: I may be nostalgic for the game, but I don't let that cloud my judgment. Then again I've been calling it Diddy Kong's Quest when it's actually Diddy's Kong Quest, so maybe my memories of the game aren't as strong. :oops: I think the vocals were implemented well, and I particularly like the concept of Nicole's track.

Congratulations to everyone involved in the project!

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