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Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! - History

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It's been quite a wild ride, the past 3 years. I remember clearly the night I found this thread: I had a frustratingly tough week and knowing Serious Monkey Business was coming out on 3-15-2010 gave me the courage to work through the multiple tough situations I had to face. I knew that regardless of how horrible my week was, I'd have a great DKC2 album to make up for it.

Given the giant gap between Kong in Concert (2004) and Serious Monkey Business (2010), I didn't expect a DKC3 album for several years, if at all as DKC3 was considered the weakest soundtrack of the trilogy. By chance I saw this project under "recent posts" and it immediately grabbed my attention...then I saw that it was remixing not only the SNES soundtrack, but the absolutely criminally-underappreciated GBA soundtrack. Several tracks already had substantial progress and familiar artists (such as Mazedude, zykO and Blue Magic) were remixing some of my favorite source tunes. To say I was psyched would quite possibly be the biggest understatement in history.

It's funny how things played off from that moment on. I never expected to be part of the project at all, let alone to the extent that I was. And it's all because Emunator is so fucking awesome. :)


Everyone remember the rules of an album release:

1) Download album. listening to it is optional. Bonus points if you say you downloaded it and only listened to the preview.

2) Decide that the album has too much of the following: techno, vocals, rock, orchestra. Can be a combination of them.

3) Go on to youtube, ocremix, or neogaf, and complain about such while making sure it is known that you disapprove of the efforts of a hobbyist community to come out with lots of high quality music for free. The more places you complain, the better.

"OverClocked ReMix: ruining video game music for stuck-up internet twats since 1999!"

Everyone remember the rules of an album release:

1) Download album. listening to it is optional. Bonus points if you say you downloaded it and only listened to the preview.

2) Decide that the album has too much of the following: techno, vocals, rock, orchestra. Can be a combination of them.

3) Go on to youtube, ocremix, or neogaf, and complain about such while making sure it is known that you disapprove of the efforts of a hobbyist community to come out with lots of high quality music for free. The more places you complain, the better.

"OverClocked ReMix: ruining video game music for stuck-up internet twats since 1999!"

What happens if we fail to abide to these rules?

What happens if we fail to abide to these rules?

You will be shot by KAOS and your body will be fed to the Kremlings!:twisted:

And then everybody goes out for mexican to celebrate.8)

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