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Beautiful, just beautiful. I didn't particularly care much for the game, but there's no denying that Morrowind did come with a great, if somewhat repetitive soundtrack. This remix is a great complement of that, slow and with an almost sorrowful undertone to it. This is just one of those tracks you can unconsciously find yourself listening to for hours, and that's saying something, right? Now I regret trading off Morrowind for Bloodrayne...


Unbelievably amazing. Freemind proves himself more than damn able to stand on his own two legs. (And of course, no disrespect to Gray, who is more than amazing in his own right.) You're a sucker if you don't download this.


I was thinking while listening to this that working with this particular Morrowind song can only produce something epic and outstanding due to its very nature... it's a VERY memorable song, that I've found myself humming or whistling in the car or whatnot and wondering to myself what the source was. So, as a side note, thanks for reminding me where this tune came from.

But then I remembered that even if a melody lends itself well to sheer... umm... awesomness, that it takes quite a bit of talent to follow through on it. And for that matter, you've added a number of good things, and your instrument choice was wonderful, and besides... you didn't go techno! Which is GREAT! I must take back my thought that anyone could do this peice justice, and say instead that not everyone could, I probably couldn't, and you most certainly did.

Well done!


When i first played it on my friend's xbox, Morrowind seemed boring and "a lot of graphics for not that much fun.." but then i bought my own copy for the PC and found out i loved it. This song is with you for about 99 % of the game, and it sticks in ur mind.

the remix is really good. The tom drum collection is a great background to the crisp set. The theme is pretty basic yet with the instruments used, it sounds epic.

very nice, make more!


An excellent mix of an already excellent piece of music. I actually bought this game just from hearing the original version of this song coming from an in-store X-Box display. Freemind adds a greater sense of personality that is missing from the original, while still maintaining its epic scale.


Head of House, Master of Fighters Guild, Brother to Imperial Cult, Knight of the Garland, and werewolf on fullmoons Hlaalu Lvl 45 Nord, I give this hands down great review solid, drums were weak though, more like in Skies of Arcadia Hoteka Stomp where the drums just tend to Sing throughout the song, good stuff though congrats on going Solo... breaking out of the boyband!


Thanx a lot of guys for your reviews...

I am very happy to see especially the remix of Morrowind at OC, because I had worked a lot on this theme..and I realy enjoyed..

To be honest ( all the judjes told it, and I agree with them ), I didn't do anything special..I have heard the original theme from midi, and I just followed the main melody!!It is epic by itself..The only thing that I have changed, was the tempo..the original theme is at 3/4, and I have changed to 4/4 to add the irish mood...

Also I agree that tha drums are weak , especially when the toms come..I will try to use Groove Agent VST to see the result..If it is better than this one, I will suggest to "replace" the remix...

Ah..2 weeks after I finished the remix, i had played the original game..I didn't like so much the game, but when I heard the music, I said "Oh shit..this is the same with the remix.. :roll: "..


Love this mix...loved the game so why shouldn't I? The guitar is great and the piano is just beautiful. I do admit though I didn't like the bagpipes or whatever those were...nice work though!


Freemind, I'm glad that I came back to OCR to check out what was going on. The first thing I saw was a Morrowind song in the reviews section, and I thought to myself "Morrowind is an awesome game, I have to take a listen to this!" Then I discovered that it was a remix that you made, and I was even more eager to take a listen to this, since I'm a big fan of your style.

I think this remix shows a lot of growth as a musician for you. There are certain elements in this song that I don't recall in your Halo mix, Reflections of Ireland (before you and Gray collaborated on it). Your instrument changes are incredibly smooth, and your instrumentation itself is interesting, but it works very well. The synthy stuff near the end sort of threw me off at first, but as soon as it threw me off, it pulled me right back into the song. The distorted synth you use feels so right in this instance, it draws a lot of emotion into the piece, and it works with that flute (I think it's a flute).

Again, your instrument transitions are incredible. You make the transitions feel natural, in fact I didn't really notice that the instruments were changing on my first listen until the synth section. Talking about instruments, your brass, piano, that atmosphere/sparkle thing (accompanying the piano in the middle section), the bagpipes (I think), the bells, and that synth are all incredible. The feel you give this song is really powerful to me.

Congratulations on your first solo remix making it onto OCR! I'm really impressed by this, and although your Reflections of Ireland captivated me (I've been listening to it since you put a WIP up on OCR many months ago, before Gray started collaborating with you on it), I think I've found a new favorite mix from you :D. Wow... This song just gave me chills down my back 3 times in a row...

Keep up the excellent work Freemind, I'll be sure to bug Gray about letting me know when you put up OC ReMixes and WIPs more often ;). Can't wait to hear what you come out with next! :D

Dang it... Now I'm torn between wanting to play Morrowind (I've taken a two day break) or listening to this song (which makes me really want to play Morrowind again!). I think I'll just turn the music off on Morrowind and listen to this incredible piece :D. Well, I guess I'm off to be Daerius the assassin-thief, and the Neravarine!

Once again, thank you for sharing this song with all of us Freemind, be sure to PM me if you start any new WIPs or something, I'd love to take a listen to anything you come out with!


this mix really has a great epic feel to it, the tune is wonderfully smooth, and as garde said the instruments just melt into place. The chords in the background are beautiful, and the main theme that is played by whatever it is...well, it really rules man! This may sound weird (well I know there are a lot of weird things on this site anyway), but it's the kind of thing that makes me want to, like warp myself right into the world of Morrowind when I hear it. It's that ambient. This is one hell of a piece, that's what I meant to say ^^


It was a pretty awesome Mix. Not a whole lot of variety, but it's hard to do that when the song it's based on is pretty mellow to start with. Overall, pretty solid. Now we need a totally original Morrowind mix!


My soul is now content knowing that someone has made a remix using Uillean pipes. I'm highly impressed with this piece and I would suggest making MANY MANY MORE LIKE IT! Anyway, I appreciated that, aside from using the pipes, you used them extremely well. You evoked much of what the instrument has to offer. Please, by all means continue to incorporate them and explore some of the other aspects it has. Keep in mind that while it's timbre is better suited for long sustained tones than the Scottish bagpipes, it still has the capacity for complex and intricate runs and reels.

Well, now that I've pumped that up (no pun intended), I just want to reiterate how much I liked the piece. Great work.

{edit} - I suppose there's no need, but I just wanted to meantion that the Uillean pipes are my favorite instrument...

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Just a quick note here:


(Although they originated in Peru)

There ARE Irish pipes.

I'm not sure what the bumping rule is in this forum, but... I really love this piece, expecially the instrumentation, which is dead-on. The drums give it a lot of energy the pieces from Morrowind generally lack (no offense to Soule intended).

  • 10 months later...

This song was ensnaring as well as electrifying. It even inspired me to compose a Morrowind remix on the piano- which I plan to record and hopefully I can put it on here somewhere (if I'm wrong, call me stupid.) Thanks for posting this amazing song.

  • 2 years later...

Great! Really great. A lot of different sounds which gives it a fullness that is terrific. No really. I imagine myself standing on one of the mountains in Cyrodiil ( I know. it's a morrowind remix.), looking over the land as this greatness reaches me. About 1:00 minuts in the track you make a good break, where you get some drums on, and then slowly build it up again. About 1:51 minuts in the track you variate it a little by doing the guitar, which again, gives it some more volume.


  • 1 year later...

Nice sounding mix here, the whistle and pipes are great, and the piano and chimes give a nice texture to the string beds. The brass was a little weaker than the rest, which made it sound out of place, but it wasn't too jarring. It played a smaller role in the track anyways, so no worries.

Enjoyable and relaxing, nice work.

  • 2 years later...

So, even though I haven't listened to this mix in possibly 4-5 years, I'd still say it is my most listened to mix. I remember just looping this for hours and hours, doing various school assignments and editing projects. It's got that unobtrusive, building progression that is perfect for sustained listens.

Listening to it now, I hear a lot of small issues I couldn't hear back then. The brass sample at the beginning jars my memory quite a bit. It also veers quite close to Titanic-association with the fusion of the drum sample and pop sensibility with traditional Irish instruments.

Nevertheless, listening to it now, it's pretty clear why this has always been a firm favourite for me. I loved the source tune, and this accentuates it in every way I'd want. Most samples still sound incredible; the pipes are a great addition. I really love layered, delicately arranged pieces like this... and I'm sure I'll be playing this a lot more from now on.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01207 - Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind "The Final Stage"

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