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You need to use the Male vocals.
You used Terra.

Women won't flock to Terra (nor Schala), try Ice Cap instead.

This is harder than I thought it would be. I quit.

What the fuck do you know? I pour my fucking heart out into my music.

Let's see a goddamn remixinator do that.


took me 4 clicks.

Though a cool suggestion for ReMixinator 2.0 is the level of heart the ASS pours out. Add to the dev wish list I guess. :-)

Guys, I have a problem with the Remixinator... whenever I select the same parameters it always gives me the same song. Can this be fixed?

It is simply selecting the optimal ReMix given the parameters. Quite simply, given the settings, it is creating the perfect ReMix.


I tried uploading one of my new remixinator mixes to youtube, but with this new textp definition I'm only getting a black screen with text that alternates between the words boom and tiss over and over and I can't hear the mix. Is this a problem I need to bring up with you guys or is this something youtube needs to fix?


Thanks, Geoffrey, for saying what needs to be said.

I'd be happier if OCR had just allowed a bunch of shitty Cage-esque aletory remixes onto the site than this crap.

The vocals in all tracks are uninspired to the point of being laughable. The remixes themselves are below quality for even the worst remixes on this site, and there are plenty of those.

Really, great job guys. you really fucking suck.

Thanks, Geoffrey, for saying what needs to be said.

I'd be happier if OCR had just allowed a bunch of shitty Cage-esque aletory remixes onto the site than this crap.

The vocals in all tracks are uninspired to the point of being laughable. The remixes themselves are below quality for even the worst remixes on this site, and there are plenty of those.

Really, great job guys. you really fucking suck.

Dude. You'll be put on "vacation" if you keep this up.

Interesting, considering my post on this topic was deleted.....

Hours ago.....

Does this mean I have to kill you Snooze? I kinda like you, but not enough to not kill you.

Are you John Conner?


I'm so relieved. My doctor told me that if I didn't stop sequencing, I would get severe arthritis within 48 hours. I was crushed, until I found this. Now I can make faster, much more efficient musics with no looming fear of gimp hands. Thanks, Remixanator! :-o

The vocals in all tracks are uninspired to the point of being laughable. The remixes themselves are below quality for even the worst remixes on this site, and there are plenty of those.

That you could speak so derogatorily of lip rolling offends me beyond the point of internal conflict and brings my emotions to a boil - sir (nay, you are not worthy of such high praise: I shall refer to you by your true, lowly status, traitor), I am outraged.

My fellow Remixinatorians, we must band together as remixers and listeners alike as one Party to overthrow the shackles and the tyranny of the antiquated system of man-made remixes.

The ASS Party: where creativity and mediocrity go to die and where boobs aren't welcome.

edit: unless you're megan fox.

I bet Darkesword bought shares in their company. He's gonna get rich off of this. Mark my words.

Not really possible. It's not publicly traded; plus that'd be a conflict of interest.

Plus OCR's whole "free" thing isn't changing, so there's no real way to make money off of ReMixanator. It's proprietary, but we're not licensing it out either.

It's possible we might release it as open-source somewhere down the line, but right now we want to play this close to the chest.

Also, Emperor Charlemagne, as I said before, it's one thing to express your opinion about what we've done, but you can do it without being an dick, like Taucer did.

Take a vacation.


I honestly think this system will kill OCR. I mean, yeah, it's an excellent idea to make noobs be able to arrange a song however they want, but why in the hell did you have to cut off on the REAL artists?

Ever listened to "The Legend of the Snake" in the MGS section? that thing's a masterpiece, hell this site is full of masterpieces, but no, forget the artistic side of music just to let noobs have that cheesy mix that doesn't even sound like an actual arrange...


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