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  Cerrax said:
Speaking from a noob's perspective, I find that Wolverine and Deadpool are my choices when I need a speedy character to compensate for my general lack of knowledge of efficient play. Choosing the right moves that will be able to execute before you get hit is very important, and if you don't know those moves, you'll need a fast, in-your-face fighter to compensate.

Also, Thor is awesome, but his attacks are very close range, which again from a noob's perspective is pretty difficult because you try to keep your distance, which characters like Dante, Wolverine, and Deadpool let you do.

Personally I agree with Cl0ckwork. I think the thing that really separates the scrubs from the serious players in this game will be blocking and push blocking. If you slip up with blocking just once in this game yur boned.

As for Thor I personally think he's one of the worst characters in the game. He has the slowest walk speed and his range is meh. Most every character can easily out maneuver him I find.

  JCvgluvr said:
I don't suppose the thought that people actually like those characters and want play as them ever crossed your mind?

Of course, higher level people would never let something strange like that get in the way of their tiers and priority lists.

i mean trolling is cool too

anyways thor is quite good he's just not a pick up and play character, you can' be like OMG SPEICL MUVES and get in close like you can with some characters you have to work for your spacing, and then are rewarded with devastating damage output when you do


Wait a sec can Thor dash cancel? If so, I guess the fact that he walks at the speed of death become irrelevant.........

That's something I don't see many people doing in this game so far. Which is weird because dash canceling is super useful in this game.

  Brushfire said:
Cause the game has been figured out, the tiers set, and the tourney fags that infect all fighting games have risen.
  PriZm said:
thank you .

i don't get you people at all, 'tourney fags' are people who like being... good at the game? yeah how dare they

  Brushfire said:
There is a difference between people who are good, and people who study hard and put forth waaaaaay to much effort to learn every little exploit and trick to give them the edge.

It's observed as just playing THE GAME on a regularly consistent basis versus just playing once every two or three days. If you're playing just so you can say you've invested a lot of effort into it there's something wrong.


the problem being that if you play 2 or 3 times a week, it is very hard to play with someone who has your skill level because, by definition, those people don't play very often.

i mean some people still find the special or ultra animations cool and can be excited by playing as some of their favourite character from their favourite franchise; not everyone wants to study the game and frames etc etc

it's just a different experience, not a question of which is the right way to play the game. but you'll often see newbies complaining about cheap tactics and tourney fags complaining about how everyone just sucks and should learn to play the RIGHT way, both of which are equally painful

  Brushfire said:
There is a difference between people who are good, and people who study hard and put forth waaaaaay to much effort to learn every little exploit and trick to give them the edge.

Now TF2 is a game that is completely balenced with nothing being OP at all.

No one got my troll. No one at all.

  Brushfire said:
There is a difference between people who are good, and people who study hard and put forth waaaaaay to much effort to learn every little exploit and trick to give them the edge.

Now TF2 is a game that is completely balenced with nothing being OP at all.

Didn't see this last night, but I get it! ...hahaha....

seriously though, let's make pyros not suck so bad and NOT give demos new toys every patch.

Back on topic, I think people still need to experiment with characters they don't normally play. I've still got X-23/Spencer/Trish as my base team with Phoenix as a substitute for Spencer now and then...

...but I also want to be able to play with more of the cast. I'm currently looking at Arthur / Trish / MODOK for an all chip damage team, and Haggar / C. Viper / Morrigan for a secondary team that plays something similarly to my current group.

There's a TON of possibilities to the game that I don't think anyone has broken the surface on -- this one is going to keep developing for a long while.


If you don't want to play to win or put the effort into get better or if you know you just don't have the time to play more then losing shouldn't anger you. Have fun! And if it does anger you then winning matters to you more than you realize. A loss is an opportunity to learn whether you think so or not.

The game is still only two weeks old and we've only barely cracked the surface. Keep playing and have fun!


My favorite strategy when I run into a team that I can't beat on the spot is to play as that team and figure out how they work, what makes them good, and what their short comings are. Then when I run into them later on, I know more of what to expect and what might be a potentially good solution to get around them. If I lose again, well back to the lab I go. :)

  Malaki-LEGEND.sys said:
My advice to anyone having issues with the game right now.

Quit crying about it and try to suck less. That or just play arcade or against your(worse) friends all day.

This coming from a dude who is hardly tournament level.

Wow after Bleck's comment last night this thread just exploded.

You see, the problem with fighting games is that there is this whole "man up and quit crying about it/practice more" attitude. You will never find a Capcom, Namco or SNK fighting game where the majority of players say it sucks. Even if it really does. If you say something is unfair or whatever you will be told to "man up and quit crying about it/practice more".

So what happens is you spend countless hours in training mode because other players have convinced you to convince yourself that you and not the game suck.

  ShadowBlade said:
So what happens is you spend countless hours in training mode



Seriously just keep playing different players rather than the same ones that stomp all over you. Its not as if every single person has you figured out and will beat you all the time.


Overall, MvC3 definitely met my expectations, and surpasses MvC2 in every way besides 2 things. The first is the lack of characters, but that's both obvious and understandable. The second is the lack of spectator mode. Now THAT I find inexcusable. It was in the re-release of MvC2 on Xbox Arcade. It's in Super Street-Fighter 4. There's really no reason not to have it here right now.

What's most unfortunate, for me, is that this game probably won't be staying in my 360 for much longer. Now that I've beaten Arcade with every character, gotten every Mission that I'll ever hope to get, and pretty much hit my stride online...I'm just kind of...done. I can only play Ranked and Player matches for so long until it all feels too samey. Is that the game's fault? No, I blame myself. I've never been a hardcore fighting game fan.

I really needed some kind of fighting game to round out my gaming collection. I don't have any others. So then, I'm glad I have MvC3 to take care of that problem. I'm guessing that I'll break it out again once my out-of-town friends come back in a few week's time. Until then, or until some compelling DLC comes along, I think the hype has died. It kind of sucks, to be honest. I don't feel like I've got my money's worth of a game unless I've played it for at least 3 weeks. But I don't see that happening right now. Nevertheless, MvC3 gets my seal of approval. (I'll probably be playing some online here and there.)

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