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He still somehow manages to make pre-pubescent teenage girls turn into violent criminals hoping for a chance to see him. It's really quite scary.

That's all marketing. Thy pay some girls to scream at the camera whenever they hear his name to hype him up. It's an old trick used by everyone for decades.

Other girls, they see this and think "oh my god, they like him, he must be awesome! I should like him too!" because girls are dumb at that age. So are boys, but that's another topic.

Think about it: Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, the Beatles, pretty much anyone that young girls would freak out over. It was all marketing and subconscious peer pressure.

That's all marketing. Thy pay some girls to scream at the camera whenever they hear his name to hype him up. It's an old trick used by everyone for decades.

Other girls, they see this and think "oh my god, they like him, he must be awesome! I should like him too!" because girls are dumb at that age. So are boys, but that's another topic.

Think about it: Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, the Beatles, pretty much anyone that young girls would freak out over. It was all marketing and subconscious peer pressure.

not really

It must be, because the only other explanation is that girls really do find shit like that good, and they genuinely do get all fluttered over someone like that.

If so, I'm all in favor on nuking the planet now. Someone get on it.

I'm up for it.

Then again, the mystery of what the teenage girl finds attractive/sexy (and more importantly, WHY) has stupefied me for a decade and a half. So, yeah.


EDIT: "Stop hating on Justin Bieber!" Says the guy who has a blog about how OCR is "downhill" because of how offtopic treated him.

Few weeks ago...

Neblix: Who the hell is Justin Bieber?!

Emunator: Look him up. I don't wanna tell you.

Neblix: *listens to a song* ... That was awful.

He sounds like a 6 year old singer in those elementary school music instructional sessions. 0_0 Like the kind where it's prerecorded and all the kids have to learn to sing along on their 5th grade graduation.

I think it's perfectly fine to hate on him from a musically objective standpoint (like above).

He sounds like a 6 year old singer in those elementary school music instructional sessions. 0_0 Like the kind where it's prerecorded and all the kids have to learn to sing along on their 5th grade graduation.

*shivers with bad memories*

Seriously, though. I have to agree with Salluz - his music is too commercial, too let's-feed-the-masses-another-bland-donebefore-piece-of-crap-just-because-we-know-it'll-sell-copies for my liking.

I think it's perfectly fine to hate on him from a musically objective standpoint (like above).


its not

musical taste is musical taste and if youre going to say someone is stupid for enjoying any particular type of music (unless its promoting something seriously wrong like pedophilia or something, in my opinion) you need to get over yourself

and youre way to young too be able to judge music anyway


I've never listened to his music, so I won't comment on it. Instead, I will comment on his haircut and his last name.

He looks like a girl, and needs to get a proper stylist to work on his hair. Get a straight girl to do your hair, not a gay guy or a dyke-ish lesbian. Neither one will give you something that looks right for your age. Also, your head is slightly misshaped. I think a baseball bat would solve some of that.

Also, every time I hear or read his name, I automatically think "beaver". Which makes for some really good mental puns. He's Canadian, his names turns into a word for vagina so easily, there's a few about beavers and girls... damn, it's like someone intentionally set it up for my specific form of odd humor.

So, I can not like him for who he is, right? That's acceptable, right? Or are you going to start on a big rant about how someone who puts himself up for public display shouldn't be judged?

musical taste is musical taste and if youre going to say someone is stupid for enjoying any particular type of music (unless its promoting something seriously wrong like pedophilia or something, in my opinion)

I was talking about justin bieber, not people who listen to his music. Anyone can hate all they want on him. If they don't like his music, they're allowed to express that.

you need to get over yourself

I thought we were talking about Justin Bieber?

and youre way to young too be able to judge music anyway

There's no age requirement to be a musician. You've never seen heard or read me criticize music so you also don't even know what the hell you are talking about.

So, I can not like him for who he is, right? That's acceptable, right? Or are you going to start on a big rant about how someone who puts himself up for public display shouldn't be judged?

of course i am

He looks like a girl, and needs to get a proper stylist to work on his hair. Get a straight girl to do your hair, not a gay guy or a dyke-ish lesbian. Neither one will give you something that looks right for your age. Also, your head is slightly misshaped. I think a baseball bat would solve some of that.

are you seriously being critical of someone because you think that their head is slightly misshaped and how they do their hair

why dont you post a picture of yourself and have me rip it to shreds

Also, every time I hear or read his name, I automatically think "beaver". Which makes for some really good mental puns. He's Canadian, his names turns into a word for vagina so easily, there's a few about beavers and girls... damn, it's like someone intentionally set it up for my specific form of odd humor.

this is obviously incredibly relevant in a discussion of reasons to not like someone

You've never seen heard or read me criticize music so you also don't even know what the hell you are talking about.

you just did pal

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