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Justin Beiber's just a gateway drug to real pop music. AM I RITE

And the fact that YOU don't think that his vocals fit the music that he sings is just your opinion. I listened to a minute of his songs. Sure his voice is high-pitched compared to like, a black rapper's, and his voice is processed a lot, but the beats were catchy, he sang in key and kept to the rhythm.


Meh. This kid again? I don't understand why he's so damn popular. Nor do I care. Seriously, Saxman, why should we stop hating on him? Expressing an opinion on this kid seems to be fine and is within the confines of free speech. So yeah... this JB bullsh!t needs to stop now, before it gets someone killed.

It's almost as bad as the people who faun over Team Jacob or Team Edward. Grow up.

so wait vocals arent music?

In my opinion criticizing music is criticizing the musical instrumental content, along with the melodies.

His voice can be seen as an instrument, or it doesn't have to be, and I don't see it as one.

I just hear it as a bit of inconvenient noise speaking english in the upper range of the frequency spectrum. xD

In my opinion criticizing music is criticizing the musical instrumental content, along with the melodies.

His voice can be seen as an instrument, or it doesn't have to be, and I don't see it as one.

I just hear it as a bit of inconvenient noise speaking english in the upper range of the frequency spectrum. xD

Stop being a pretentious music snob.

I just hear it as a bit of inconvenient noise speaking english in the upper range of the frequency spectrum. xD

anything thats a part of a song is part of the music and if youre saying that particular part is bad youre criticizing the music what dont you get here

youre proving my point when i said youre too young to be doing this

Why not to tell him to stop being stereotypical about my musical ability based on my age?

I would question the musical ability of anyone who categorizes vocals as "inconvenient noise speaking english in the upper range of the frequency spectrum," regardless of age. It's a snobby, pretentious thing to say.

Objectively, what Bieber does is singing. You opinion of what criticizing music is is flat-out wrong.

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