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Welcome to the Golden Sun ReMix Project!

This project seeks to recreate, and reinterpret the wonderful and exquisite soundtracks found in the original Golden Sun, and it's sequel Golden Sun: The Lost Age.

With careful coordination and passionate work, the hope is to represent the music found in both games. This thread has been created as a meeting point for the project on the OCR forums, and with the hopes of finding more people who are passionate about both music and the Golden Sun series. Although if you've never played any of the games, you are more then welcome to still be apart of the project.

Project Status: Currently Unofficial

Current Stage: Launch & Recruitment

Project Guidelines

Hello there, I’m TheMaverickk. This project came into fruition after I talked about possibly heading it, and my pal Brandon Strader threw it out there that I should certainly go for it. The Golden Sun series is one of my favourite RPG series of all time. I have fond memories of reaching the end of the game only to encounter the “To Be Continued” ending, and then waiting 3 years for it’s wonderful sequel. This is a title I’m quite passionate about, and not just because the games were great, but have one of the most powerful and moving soundtracks in a game ever. I started recruiting and inviting people to be involved with this project around April. The project has slowly been growing with some WIP’s being produced and one song even being completed.

The one detail about this project that I have been adamant about is that both the original Golden Sun, and it’s sequel, The Lost Age, be covered. One with out the other would feel incomplete, much like as if you were to play only one of the two games. Between both titles the diversity of musical styles and sounds are amazing. It is that diversity I hope to recreate in new and exciting ways, to do the Golden Sun series justice. With E3 2010 drawing near, Golden Sun is sure to be on every ones mind as new details surface about Golden Sun DS. So there has never been a better time to show love and appreciation to this epic adventure game.

Claiming Tracks:

I’ve sent out invitations to people across the ReMixing community (stretching from OCR, VGmix, and all you hooligans who hang out on the Shizz) and those people have first choice on tracks. If you didn’t get a personal invite though, don’t worry because at the end of the day the people who are even more valued are those passionate ReMixers who love Golden Sun as much as I do and come here and claim the track they want with a determined look in their eye.

If you want a track, it’s a pretty simple process of posting which track it is you wish to claim. I’ll be checking back frequently and updating the list with songs as they are claimed. There are a few conditions to claiming and it goes as follows;

  • If two people claim a track, I give first dibs to who posted first.

  • If you claim a track, I will send you a message to confirm a track claim

I should also note is you haven’t noticed already is that the track list lists certain songs together (as indicated by having a “+” symbol). Those who claim these tracks are expected to represent each of the tracks in their ReMix. If songs have been combined, it’s for one of several possible reasons. Either the songs carry a similar melody (Kart and Agatio’s main theme is sped up into the Karst and Agatio Battle Theme), the songs represent a certain event in the game (Colosso Starts and Colosso Battle Theme), or I simply felt that the songs carried a similar atmosphere or tone. The purpose of combining tracks was to make sure every track is represented in some way, while cutting down the amount of songs needed to complete the project.

Songs potentially can be broken apart, but I would like to encourage ReMixers to take on the challenge and work within these guidelines.

You are more then welcome to claim more then one song, but I’d like to recommend that no one go over working on 2 songs at a time. If you can adequately complete 2 songs and want to take on more you can, but again finish what you start first.

Additional Points

If you have any questions or things to suggest regarding the project, please feel free to contact me with a PM. When working on the project I will say that the best way to keep in touch is by using the Unleash the Alchemy forums, or to PM me on OCR. Keeping in contact through Instant Messaging isn’t the best since I’m barely on it, but I check forums and messages pretty frequently. Contacting me by e-mail should be a last resort in general as there is always a chance your letters will be lost into the junk pile.

Also I’d like to keep as much of the project under wraps from the public until it is ready for release. So I’m asking that you refrain from submitting songs into contests like Dwelling of Duels, or to be judged for OCR ect ect. If you really really really want to though, at least let me know and talk to me about it. The goal should be that when it’s released that people be surprised to hear ReMixes that they haven’t heard already.

Source Soundtrack;

The soundtrack of the Golden Sun series was created by Motoi Sakuraba.

If you would like to hear the original sound track you can go to the following websites;

Golden Sun Realm

Golden Sun Syndicate

Just Google them and you should find them.

Project Tracklist


01 - The First Book (Title Screen)

02 - Page One (Menu Screen)

03 - On That Night, 3 Years Ago + Saturos and Menardi Cyril the Wolf

04 - An Adept's Home

05 - Sol Sanctum + Sol Sanctum Erupts

06 - The Angarian Journey

07 - Battle! [isaac] - Brandon Strader

08 - Happy Towns - Patrick burns

09 - Hopelessness

10 - The Royal Palace

11 - A Little Friendship

12 - Mysterious Caves

13 - Battle! [boss]

14 - Forest's Requiem - MichealTheCrow

15 - Winterly Imil

16 - Battle! [saturos] - ThePlasmas


17 - Ready for a Challenge

18 - Oriental

19 - Kalay

20 - Altin Peak's Flood

21 - Desert Heat

22 - Set Sail! Through the Karagol Sea - Bonkers

23 - Crossbone Isle

24 - Tolbi

25 - Colosso Starts! + Battle! [Colosso]

26 - In the Presence of a Lord

27 - Suhalla Gate

28 - Tunnel Ruins

29 - Venus Lighthouse - LuketheXjesse

30 - Battle! [saturos and Menardi + Fusion Dragon Medly]

31 - Alone + Final Beacon Medley - TheMaverickk, Demonstray, MichealTheCrow

32 - Victory! + Fallen Heroes (Game Over Screen)


33 - The Second Book

34 - Battle! [Jenna] + Battle! [Non-Adept] - M-H

35 - Traversing Weyard

36 - Battle! [Felix]

37 - Drums of Daila + Kandorean Temple Entrance + Kandorean Temple Labyrinth

38 - Little Madra

39 - Beneath the Surface + Cavernous Shadows

40 - Alhafra

41 - A Full Moon in Garoh - Nario

42 - Air's Rock

43 - Scaling Mountains + The Nocturnal Ritual + Inside the Great Gabomba

44 - Full Speed Ahead! + Battle! [ship]

45 - Izumo in Despair + Gaia Rock

46 - A Festival in Izumo

47 - Apojii Islands + There Goes Briggs!

48 - Aqua Rock


49 - Yallam

50 - Yepp's Song 1 + Yepp's Song 2

51 - Taopo Swamp

52 - Freezing Kalt (also SE Angera Islet)

53 - Tundaria Tower + Ankohl Ruins

54 - The Sea of Time + Battle! [boss]

55 - Ruins of Lemuria

56 - Mystical Shaman Village

57- Jupiter Lighthouse

58 - Agatio and Karst + Battle! [Agatio and Karst]

59 - Sorrow and Regret

60 - Walking Forward With Determination

61 - Magma Rock

62 - Mars Lighthouse - Demonstray

63 - Enemy Appearance + Battle! [Dragons]

64 - Trouble is Brewing... + Battle! [Doom Dragon]

65 - The Golden Sun Rises - Demonstray

First Deadline:

WIP 50% - August 31st


Project Founder/Director: TheMaverickk

Co-Director: Brandon Strader


Patrick Burns

Micheal the Crow





The Plasmas

Video Editor: Opening

Website: Opening

Teaser:Here some of the work that's already been done...

* I really need a video editor, if you have video editing skills and the spare time it would be great if someone could fix the YouTube teaser. It wasn't supposed to get squished, and it may have not been edited to the best quality. I did it relatively quickly myself and I still have much to learn about video editing. If you want to video edit, your first task will be to fix the trailer which I'm well aware is not the best it could be.

Official Unleash the Alchemy Project Forum

Best of luck to everybody involved with this. Golden Sun has needed the album treatment, and it's about time it got some. Thanks for organizing everything and making such beautiful artwork for it already, TheMaverickk. :-)
Well I've gotten some bites in other sites so I consider that a good thing.


On that Night, 3 Years Ago

I wants it. Bass solo included plz.

And yea, I guess I'll take the other track too.

Confirming that I've put you down for "On that Night, 3 Years Ago". Thank you for joining the project, I encourage you to join the project forums one day, but it's not critical at this point.

I can't wait to see the wonderful bass powered solo too considering the work I've heard from you ;)

EDIT: Also just thought I'd ask, you are aware that you have to work in Satorus + Menardi's theme into the song right? Shouldn't be a problem for you though considering that Satorus and Menardi is totally a song that like wise has a lot of bass in it. Part of the reason why I put the songs together.

Confirming that I've put you down for "On that Night, 3 Years Ago". Thank you for joining the project, I encourage you to join the project forums one day, but it's not critical at this point.

I can't wait to see the wonderful bass powered solo too considering the work I've heard from you ;)

EDIT: Also just thought I'd ask, you are aware that you have to work in Satorus + Menardi's theme into the song right? Shouldn't be a problem for you though considering that Satorus and Menardi is totally a song that like wise has a lot of bass in it. Part of the reason why I put the songs together.

Um, Yea, I didn't know i had to specifically work it into the song like a motif, but I was gonna make it sort of thematic I think. I haven't put more than cursory thought into it.


Well there's a possibility of splitting the two songs up, but if you can give it some thought and listen to both songs, and consider whether it is something you are able to do or not.

Forcing medley's is not something I wanted to do originally, but in order to try and cut down the number of tracks we try to produce, I'm trying to encourage some creative mixing with some songs. Although within reason of course.

Again just think about it, brain storm a little, and if it can't be done then we could split them up, just let me know and everything. I'm all for flexibility.


Never finished the first game, but I did enjoy it and I remember the music kicking ass, so count me in! I think I'll have to whip up some demos or something to see if my ability is up to the standards you're after here, as I am a newbie here. So I won't claim anything just yet.

I'm definetly gonna go back and revisit the first game actually. To get some inspiration.

Never finished the first game, but I did enjoy it and I remember the music kicking ass, so count me in! I think I'll have to whip up some demos or something to see if my ability is up to the standards you're after here, as I am a newbie here. So I won't claim anything just yet.

I'm definitely gonna go back and revisit the first game actually. To get some inspiration.

Go for it, during the process of preparing this game I played through both over again just to get a good feel for the songs and atmosphere.

I would enjoy some sort of example of work you've done. It really helps to see where your musical style lies. If you have nothing posted anywhere already whipping up a quick demo is great.

Bonus points if you got instrument training as well. I'd like to expand the amount of variety we have in sound.

Hell yes, Golden Sun!

Man, I really love the games and the soundtracks! This is great to see that a project for these games! I'll see if I'll have enough time to ask for one track!

We would love to have you on board, since this project is just beginning, you can also choose to join a little later and everything.
  • 1 year later...
Okay, just let me time to finish some other works and I'll get in :wink:

...sooooooooooo, whats the deal with this project? I saw your guys' pro board forum, and I posted there, but I wasnt expecting a response when your last post was 6 months ago :(. Whats the deal with this project? Is it Dead?

...sooooooooooo, whats the deal with this project? I saw your guys' pro board forum, and I posted there, but I wasnt expecting a response when your last post was 6 months ago :(. Whats the deal with this project? Is it Dead?

Unfortunately that seems to be the case, lack of interest and exposure created lack of motivation for the very few of us, don't think it's going anywhere. Unless someone else picks the project up, it'd be better off done from scratch under a new project director.

Unfortunately that seems to be the case, lack of interest and exposure created lack of motivation for the very few of us, don't think it's going anywhere. Unless someone else picks the project up, it'd be better off done from scratch under a new project director.

I plan on heading a Golden Sun Project, but I would prefer that I post a remix first before I start it. I have too much on my plate as is.

I plan on heading a Golden Sun Project, but I would prefer that I post a remix first before I start it. I have too much on my plate as is.

I agree; I would love more than anything in this internet to restart this project, but I am nowhere near experienced enough. Oh well, just have to wait a few years :(


Nooooo!!!! The Golden Sun series is my favorite handheld RPG series, so when I saw this thread I thought "Sweet! Someone is giving these games the good remixes they deserve!" and then I looked and no it's dead ;A;.

I would help, but I'm a newbie director myself and already have enough trouble trying to drum up interest in my B-K project as it is.

Hopefully someone can take over this project...or start it anew, maybe including Dark Dawn as well.


I was just the co-director of this thing, and as a result didn't really have too much control over anything. I think this project faltered due to not getting enough support from remixers, and The Maverickk was very ambitious about it. I'm sure seeing the lack of support made him really sad.

Before people start saying "I'M GONNA TAKE OVER!" just wait it out and see if Maverickk returns. If the demand was that good, i'd probably be into doing it, but there are not remixers throwing their support in here. The project doesn't need more directors, it needs remixers.. preferably ones that are experienced and capable with the OCR situation. :-P

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