Bleck Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 [9:36:25 PM] Bleck: I really want reggie fils aime to just [9:36:26 PM] Bleck: walk out [9:36:29 PM] Bleck: and look at the audience [9:36:31 PM] Bleck: for five minutes [9:36:34 PM] Bleck: like michael jackson [9:36:38 PM] Bleck: and everyone is just screaming and fainting [9:36:41 PM] Bleck: and then he just says [9:36:42 PM] Bleck: new zelda [9:36:43 PM] Bleck: and walks off stage [9:36:46 PM] Bleck: and the new trailer plays [9:36:50 PM] Bleck: and nintendo wins E3 Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Looking back at the Microsoft briefing and the now over Ubisoft conference, I think I'm going to take back that grade and give them a C+ as well. I'm officially interested in Kinect after seeing stuff like Child of Eden. Lots of cool stuff out so far. Can't wait to see what Nintendo and Sony have in store for their briefings. Quote
Toadofsky Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 [9:36:25 PM] Bleck: I really want reggie fils aime to just[9:36:26 PM] Bleck: walk out [9:36:29 PM] Bleck: and look at the audience [9:36:31 PM] Bleck: for five minutes [9:36:34 PM] Bleck: like michael jackson [9:36:38 PM] Bleck: and everyone is just screaming and fainting [9:36:41 PM] Bleck: and then he just says [9:36:42 PM] Bleck: new zelda [9:36:43 PM] Bleck: and walks off stage [9:36:46 PM] Bleck: and the new trailer plays [9:36:50 PM] Bleck: and nintendo wins E3 Now that's the best post I've seen all day... Quote
prophetik music Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Also, isn't Nintendo coming out with a new portable this fall? You know, that fancy one with the 3D display you don't need glasses for? Isn't that new hardware?I mane, it's got a very different processor, loads more system memory, larger screen, that whole 3D thing, motion sensors, camera, mew games for it... no one cares about the uber-ds. i don't think a console's portable when it's the size of your torso. rising isn't 360 only, but it's being developed lead on 360. that means that it'll look way better on 360, then PC, then PS3 last. lead consoles always blow away the ported console. not to mention that, thanks to this conference, you can now get a 360 for 150$. which is a better price point than any other console - including stuff like the go and the newer DS models. Quote
Toadofsky Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 no one cares about the uber-ds. i don't think a console's portable when it's the size of your torso.rising isn't 360 only, but it's being developed lead on 360. that means that it'll look way better on 360, then PC, then PS3 last. lead consoles always blow away the ported console. not to mention that, thanks to this conference, you can now get a 360 for 150$. which is a better price point than any other console - including stuff like the go and the newer DS models. Don't take this the wrong way, but not everyone cares about Kinect either. I've asked people in general about it, most of the people I've talked to weren't interested in it. Granted, none of us have played any of these products so opinions and judgement are rather pointless right now, no matter what overall forum opinion is (not like that really matters either) Quote
Gollgagh Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 no one cares about the uber-ds. i don't think a console's portable when it's the size of your torso. because the finished product is totally going to be that size Quote
prophetik music Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 because the finished product is totally going to be that size oh, totally =) don't get me wrong - the kinect isn't going to sell on the order of the wii or the ps3. it is, however, going to be probably one of the best-selling "accessory" units ever, behind the motion plus. that's why it's cool, and a big deal. let's wait and see if they make decent games for it, or if it turns out to be more "eye of judgment" crap. Quote
Thin Crust Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Wow, what a terrible second half. Here's hoping Sony's is better. But I'm afraid that we'll get way too much move. Quote
Melbu Frahma Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Yeah, nothing that was shown by Microsoft today really impressed me all that much, either. Even Kinect didn't impress me, and won't until you can do much more than just stand in place and bob around while playing lame arcade games, doing yoga, or petting the equivalent of a 360-generation Digipet. Although the Star Wars game for it did get me excited for all of 3 or 4 seconds, I'll admit, until I really started looking at it. Here's definitely hoping Sony and Nintendo have something great to show us tomorrow. Especially Sony, because I have a bad feeling the majority of theirs will be basically, "Hey, so, here's what Sony Move can do that is the exact same kind of stuff that Wii and Kinect can do." Quote
Overflow Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Join the club. There's only a few games I've ever truly enjoyed online, Blur, Dr. Mario RX, and a match of Halo 3 with friends, that's it... QFT. I have to seriously consider why I would EVER pay for XBL Gold just so I can download demos and play games online when I can do both of those for free on my PS3. Seriously: If you have both consoles, which one are you gonna get the online-enabled game for? I haven't had the chance to watch the whole M$ conference yet, but from what I've seen so far, nothing has really gripped me. I had a great idea for the next Zelda: The trailer opens with an animated landscape. The Nintendo Logo flashes on screen, followed by the Studio Ghibly logo. It proceeds to show a beautifully animated Link walk through the forest, castle town and eventually into the castle. He sees Zelda and the King of Hyrule standing there. He takes a deep breath, and for the first time, speaks: "Gee, it sure is boring around here..." Quote
Kenogu Labz Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 I had a great idea for the next Zelda: The trailer opens with an animated landscape. The Nintendo Logo flashes on screen, followed by the Studio Ghibly logo. It proceeds to show a beautifully animated Link walk through the forest, castle town and eventually into the castle. He sees Zelda and the King of Hyrule standing there. He takes a deep breath, and for the first time, speaks: "Gee, it sure is boring around here..." ...and proceeds to merrily kidnap Zelda, cackling madly all the while. I'd play that. I saw the tail end of the Kinect presentation. I find it to be striking that no-one's realized what they've done technologically; it's actually quite fascinating that they've managed to shrink what is effectively motion-capture technology down to this scale, and with fairly good precision. If Ubisoft's fitness demonstration showed nothing else, it was how relatively precise the system can be, compared to, say, the way Wii Fit detects body movements. Does it work better? Is it really any more flexible? Will we see some totally awesome Elite Beat Agents action with it? Guess we'll have to wait to find out. Quote
prophetik music Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 zelda fap fap fap I had a great idea for the next Zelda: [describes idea] nice job noticing the title: E3: MICROSOFT. we know everyone here is a nintendo fanboy. we don't have to fanboy so much that we discuss their crap in threads completely unrelated to that. as a guy with both a ps3 and a 360, i really just don't like ps3's online play. it feels so much less streamlined. not to mention that for 35$ a year (no one really pays 50$ any more, they just wait for amazon's once-a-month sale) you get very smooth matchmaking that doesn't freak out and drop like psn's does all the time. not to mention stuff that's coming or here like hulu, espn,, twitter, facebook, and the complete integration with windows through the media center stuff. now that the new 360's got wifi built in, the primary reason anyone would want a ps3 is to get the exclusive games. i don't think there's that many anymore, either. edit: i just noticed toadofsky's post. i rarely ever play games online: blur (which came out like two weeks ago and gets old after roughly two weeks), halo (which everyone has played online by now), dr. mario (omg nintendoez!)... does anyone else think that this is a gross understatement? i'm sure, dude, that you've never looked at what games your friends have played, or interacted with humans through the voice chat with 360 or text chat (do people really think that ps3 is more advanced if you don't even have cross-game voice-chat until three years into the life of the console still) on the ps3. that's ok. see, everyone else who owns a 360 has taken it online at least once unless they don't have a cable connection. so your majority of one can sit in the corner and enjoy yourself. i'll join the 21st century. have a nice time. edit 2: that came out wrong. i'm not trying to be mean, i'm trying to point out how ridiculous it is to buy a system that costs 300$ and a game that costs 60$ (with a majority of the development costs for both going into multiplayer connectivity) and then never use the online play. why would you even buy games, then? most of the games nowadays would be total ripoffs to you, since there are very few games that are worth the price for the single-player campaign only. Quote
The Coop Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 we know everyone here is a nintendo fanboy. Pardon? Looks like someone hasn't been doing their homework. Detention. Three days, for one hour each day. You'll be cleaning out the OCR "rejection letter-worthy" remixes bin while you're there. Quote
Overflow Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 I think that what The Prophet mentioned is part of the problem with games these days. I don't really enjoy playing online (My trail of XBL Gold wasn't very enjoyable, besides the one time I was able to play with a friend), and other people won't want to spend the extra money to play online or, as you said, don't have a cable connection (We didn't have hi-speed internet until a couple years ago!). WarHawk for PS3 slides because it doesn't try to be anything other than an online game, but others like CoD4:2 (Which I haven't played, bear in mind) give a shriveled little excuse for a single player mode. There are reasons/excuses for not playing (Or wanting to play) games online, but no excuse for not being able to play the Single player mode. What more games should try to do is follow the example of the Gears of War games (Again, I haven't played them) and allow the entire single player campaign to be played online, rather than offering vestigial single/multi-player modes. C'mon, Cliffy B, where's my Jazz Jackrabbit 3? Quote
Bleck Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 nice job noticing the title: E3: MICROSOFT. we know everyone here is a nintendo fanboy. we don't have to fanboy so much that we discuss their crap in threads completely unrelated to that. you're right let's talk about the hardware revision that nobody needed or the motion control shovelware that nobody cares about or the infinite amount of rehashed space marine army shooter sequels that have no business being rehashed because unlike nintendo rehashes they were never actually good I'm sure everyone wants to get a word in about how much they loved all of that Quote
Brandon Strader Posted June 15, 2010 Author Posted June 15, 2010 I've actually been waiting patiently for the day that Jazz Jackrabbit is culturally relevant enough to become a game again. Stupid Raving Rabbids. I'm sure everyone wants to get a word in about how much they loved all of thatYou're on page 7 gtfo Quote
ambinate Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 or the infinite amount of rehashed space marine army shooter sequels that have no business being rehashed because unlike nintendo rehashes they were never actually good ok this is a bit of a gross exaggeration. i like nintendo as much as the next guy but to say that they haven't made a huge business out of peddling remakes of older titles is just being silly. and those rehashes sucked a lot of the time, too. Quote
The Damned Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Hello, fans. Look at your console. Now back to me. Now back to your console. Now back to me. Sadly, it isn't me. But if it stopped using gamepads and started using motion control, it could play like me. Look down. Back up. Where are you? You're in the casual market with the console your console could play like. What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it. It's access to the casual market that you like. Look again. The casuals are now hardcores. Anything is possible when your console plays like the system that everyone bought three years ago. I'm on a high-horse. Quote
Overflow Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Hello, fans. Look at your console. Now back to me. Now back to your console. Now back to me.Sadly, it isn't me. But if it stopped using gamepads and started using motion control, it could play like me. Look down. Back up. Where are you? You're in the casual market with the console your console could play like. What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it. It's access to the casual market that you like. Look again. The casuals are now hardcores. Anything is possible when your console plays like the system that everyone bought three years ago. Anything is possible when your console plays like a Nintendo Wii with a camera and not the system you marketed it as. I'm on a high-horse. With a little re-working, that could be a beautiful sonnet. Quote
Bleck Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Hello, fans. Look at your console. Now back to me. Now back to your console. Now back to me.Sadly, it isn't me. But if it stopped using gamepads and started using motion control, it could play like me. Look down. Back up. Where are you? You're in the casual market with the console your console could play like. What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it. It's access to the casual market that you like. Look again. The casuals are now hardcores. Anything is possible when your console plays like the system that everyone bought three years ago. Anything is possible when your console plays like a Nintendo Wii with a camera and not the system you marketed it as. I'm on a high-horse. this is a fantastic post Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 I love a good xbox bashing as the next guy but hey here's some new stuff on the latest system edition... comes packed with a smaller, but still proprietary, 250GB hard drive. WiFi is built in, using the 802.11n standard. Two USB ports are hidden behind a flap on the front of the device, with three extra USB ports in the back for a total of five. The power supply is much smaller, and we were told the system uses much less power. To make sure no one mixes and matches the power supplies, there is an all-new adaptor for the 360 250GB. Hmm... That's some heavy plastic surgery for the 360 Quote
DarkeSword Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 This is a Mircosoft thread. Stay on topic. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 This is a Mircosoft thread.Stay on topic. I'm trying dood! Engadget article Shack News article Here's a laundry list of the newer version's detail. However one issue that I'd consider debatable on being worth while is the silly ESPN deal. I wish I could get rid of the espn channels if it means a cheaper bill... Fucking hate ESPN with a passion that burns brighter than the number of suns that could possibly exist. Xbox 360 is fully loaded with new features and still comes with everything you know and love. Here's a feature list to make sure you don't miss any of the newest Xbox 360 250GB parts.Form Factor: Sleek, lean and gloss black finish with chrome accents. Place vertically or horizontally in any living room entertainment center. Touch Sensitive Buttons: Turn the Xbox 360 video game system on/off and eject a disc with the swipe of a finger. Whisper Quiet: Whether you're playing a DVD disc or from the hard drive, or navigating the dashboard, with the all-new and much quieter Xbox 360, the only noise you'll hear is your own laughing, cheering and playing. Wi-Fi: Built-in 802.11n Wi-Fi for fast, easy connection to your friends and entertainment on Xbox LIVE. Hard Drive: 250GB internal, swappable hard drive for even more storage. To access, remove the bottom panel by pushing the small tab toward the front of the console. Kinect-Ready: Custom Kinect port on the back of the console that directly hooks up to the Kinect sensor for controller-free fun. USB Slots: Five USB ports; three in the back of the console and two in the front for easy plug and play. AV Connections: AV Cable included for standard definition TV connection. HDMI port for high definition TV connection. Optical Audio out port integrated on back of console for AV system connection. Power Supply: Smaller and more efficient. Xbox 360 250GB and Xbox 360 Original power supplies are not interchangeable. Wireless Controller: The award-winning Xbox 360 Wireless Controller matches the console in all black with color-matched thumsticks and directional pad with a touch of gloss and chrome to complete the look. Backwards Compatible. Your favorite accessories and games will work with Xbox 360 250GB. (Xbox 360 External Hard Drives and Memory Units are not compatible.) Accessories. Customize your Xbox 360 250GB with matching black accessories, including favorites such as Controllers, Wireless Headset, Chatpad, Quick Charge and Play & Charge Kits and more. Get a look at a few of these today. Key Internal Components Changes: Fan: Moved from two small fans to one larger fan for improved acoustics. Chipset: 45 nanometer and integrated CPU and GPU. Wi-Fi: Integrated wireless capability. Quote
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