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That's probably the case.

I've always meant to buy Twin Snakes, but never really got around to it.

But Snake Eater, Kid Icarus, and MMLegends 3 would be my main three considerations at launch. I'd have to choose between those three (or rather, between Snake Eater and L3).

And that's only if the price is below 299 dollars. I can't afford a portable that is that expensive. : P

Judging by NoA's policies, it'll probably be $250.

Exactly. Most people seem to forget that most Nintendo systems have lower prices in North America than Japan. Even if it's only a little bit, it's usually lower.

Not to mention that the Japanese 3DS system comes with a cradle and a 2 GB memory card for storing DSware and whatever else. They might just cut that out of the NA version, saving us even more money.


maybe there are people out there who still care more about video games than they do about having a thing that plays music and movies and shit at the same time

like seriously if I want to listen to music the five seconds it takes to put my ds in one pocket and get my ipod out of the other does not bother me

and I am going to be bold and say that nobody watches movies on their ipods NOBODY


For the price of a PS3 when it came out you could buy a low-midrange PC. People still bought a PS3.

It's a matter of what value a person puts into something. I could easily say that to me a 300 dollar phone(which is what those things are supposed to be) is pretty expensive while a powerful 3D-enabled handheld is totally reasonable at 250 bucks and be totally justified in doing so.

maybe there are people out there who still care more about video games than they do about having a thing that plays music and movies and shit at the same time

like seriously if I want to listen to music the five seconds it takes to put my ds in one pocket and get my ipod out of the other does not bother me

and I am going to be bold and say that nobody watches movies on their ipods NOBODY

Right here. So true. I'm going to be bold also and proclaim that the iPhone/iPod touch is not a true gaming platform. Casual games, yes, but you will never get anything on it with the sheer quality and depth that a game like Zelda Pokemon can provide.

Except, I do watch tv show episodes on my ipod touch when I'm working the smoke shop every now and then, but some movies are too tough to watch.

Right here. So true. I'm going to be bold also and proclaim that the iPhone/iPod touch is not a true gaming platform. Casual games, yes, but you will never get anything on it with the sheer quality and depth that a game like Zelda Pokemon can provide.

Except, I do watch tv show episodes on my ipod touch when I'm working the smoke shop every now and then, but some movies are too tough to watch.

There's nothing stopping a game with Pokemon's depth from appearing on the iPhone platform -- hell, if Final Fantasy Tactics can show up on there, then any jRPG is up for grabs (obviously Pokemon is a Nintendo franchise so it's a no go).

Things like Chaos Rings and whatever Epic decides to do with its Citadel demo are only going to inspire other devs to make the same choices. I'm not saying that it will be better for gaming than the 3DS, but I do think that it's a serious competitor -- perhaps more serious than the PSP at this point.


Well, that's the thing; the big companies aren't making any of those games for the iPhone. You have some ports and remakes but nothing that can really compare.

Maybe a few FF remakes (wow, there's a new idea, let's remake a FF game for something) and some ports or mini-games connected to major titles (like some of the FPSs I've seen that are based upon console FPS series), but those are more like demos than full games.

Now, as I understand it, the SDKs for iPhone games are really cheap, like $100 or so. That's great for any size of developer. But those kits have been around for how long at those prices? And how many of the big developers have been making lots of games for them? If they aren't into it by now, I have to wonder why that is.

Because you can sell a DS game for $30 while people freak out if an app is more than $2.99.

Again, the success of Chaos Rings and Epic's stuff is going to change that this coming year. Just wait and see! :P

As for other companies: Capcom has been putting their XBLA stuff on iPhone pretty regularly lately. I'm sure that we'll continue to see more developers doing stuff for it, not less.


Bet Final Fantasy will remake 5 and 6 on the 3DS...


Which I am not really looking forward to because if FF4DS is any indication, the voices are going to SUCK.

Bet Final Fantasy will remake 5 and 6 on the 3DS...


Which I am not really looking forward to because if FF4DS is any indication, the voices are going to SUCK.

The more I think about the 3DS and its games, the more likely I'm going to pass on it. I'm getting the feeling of the N64 from it, where Nintendo overstepped itself in power, and someone else beat them in the console market, only this time, it'd be the handheld market.

Am I a fortune teller? Of course not, but I just can't shake the feeling that something will go wrong after it's first year.

And not to mention the games for it that I've seen. A bunch of them being ports. I think Street Fighter IV is a good one to port, but Metal Gear Solid 3? I play portables for a short quick experience, not a long console experience. The only game I'd buy right out of the gate, would be Pilotwings Resort, but I wouldn't doubt that Nintendo is too lazy to put anymore islands in it other than Wuhu island.

And the last thing, I really really get the feeling I won't see sprite based or 2D games unless it's on the 3DSWare, like all the companies will think it's a bad idea to make sprite based games on it (just like they did on N64). I know that sounds silly, but for me, those games have a certain charm to them.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant. As long as I get a chance to play the 3DS at a store, I won't judge it too harshly, but for now, I'll wait at the very least a year or two before I purchase the thing...


There's Shantae's Revenge, which if you have DSiWare I really recommend getting. Great music and beautiful sprite-work.

I too really love sprite-work, and really hope it doesn't disappear from the professional market (I doubt it will ever leave the indie market)- but a lot of dipshits are out there that are like "if it's 2D, it sucks"

Anecdotal case in point:

My best friend a couple of years ago sees me playing Chrono Trigger on the PlayStation1, and he says to me "why they hell are you playing something like that? It looks like shit."

"Dude, this game is originally from the 90s. You're wrong; it looks GREAT."

"It may have looked good back in the day, but it looks like shit now."

It's mainly because when people see something new and shiny, everything not new and not shiny looks bad in comparison.

On a different note, I wonder if the shoulder buttons on the 3DS will be as flimsy and unreliable as my (3rd) DSlite? Yes, my previous 2 models all had eventually broken shoulder buttons (even after I would put them in the safest spots in my backpack/locker in high school, and taking VERY good care of them).

If not for warranty i'd be a very pissed gamer.


I too really love sprite-work, and really hope it doesn't disappear from the professional market (I doubt it will ever leave the indie market)- but a lot of dipshits are out there that are like "if it's 2D, it sucks"

Anecdotal case in point:

It's mainly because when people see something new and shiny, everything not new and not shiny looks bad in comparison.

I usually ignore gamers whose only concern is how shiny and pretty graphics are. I'm more concerned on the level of developers who are going to be making games on this thing. Like I said, other than 3DSware or DSiware, I just don't think there will be major releases made in 2D. Of course, there could be some in development, so I won't say we won't ever see them.

I'd love to see a 2D Mario Bros. game on it, not a port, but an actual game. But seeing as how some Nintendo developers don't enjoy making 2D Mario, I doubt we'll see one.

My other gripe, is at the moment, I don't see any games that will really make the people who bought a DS for games like New Super Mario Bros., Brain Age, that will get them to buy it.

I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade here, I've just become very skeptical....

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