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Well, now that the Otakon scheduling has been released for the year's events, I guess we should plan on wrapping up the weekend the right way considering all the cool people's that will be in town.

This year's Otakon OCR-BQ (Yes, it's an OCR-focused BBQ) will be hosted by myself, the other OCAD hosts, and any of the folks who mooched their stay at my place for the weekend. It'll be at 1 PM on Sunday, August 1st, at my house.

There will be burgers and grill stuff, snacks, beer and spirits, Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix amongst other games, and of course, rocking tunes. If you're coming, please feel free to bring anything to contribute to the Q.

If you're interested in coming, send me a PM so I can give you the address, directions, and parking info. We can also figure out what, if anything, you'd be bringing to share. Take a look at what everyone else is already bringing and see if you can bring something different. Also, monetary or booze donations are welcome.

Here's the list of attendees:


Level 99 - Ground Chuck, Hot Dogs, Red Yellow and Orange Peppers, Mushrooms, Coke, Coke Zero, Pita Chips, Tortilla Chips, Chip chips, salsa, dipping sauces, assorted fruit, SNACK PACKS!, potatoes, tofu, some of the booze

Brushfire - Peach Dumpcake, Ice cream, and wuss alcoholic drinks.

Epicenter - pickle in a bag

OA - Watermelon

DragonAvenger - kitty ears ^_^

Bahamut - bulgogi or ice cream

djpretzel - his appetite

Zircon and Pixietrix - Hot dog buns and plasticware

Vimk (might need ride)


Palpable and diotrans - veggie burgers and probably some kind of pie/cookies/dessrty sweet thing

Kizyr and Jenner - Corn on the cob


Velocifero - Burger buns and some beer

Kulaman - non-alky beverages

Jose the Bronx Rican


I'm curious how OA's going to bring watermelon since he won't have a car.

I will bring the kitty ears.


[21:23] <DinnerAvenger> i put down what I'm bringing to your bbq

[21:23] <DinnerAvenger> i hope it is acceptable

[21:24] <Level99|Stuff> D:

[21:24] <Level99|Stuff> you will help me cook stuff i buy as well

[21:24] <DinnerAvenger> no?

[21:24] <DinnerAvenger> yea, and make any runs you need

[21:25] <DinnerAvenger> provided i know how to get there

[21:26] <DinnerAvenger> kitty ears arent acceptable?

[21:27] <Level99|Stuff> kitty ears is fine

[21:27] <Level99|Stuff> its just not EDIBLE

[21:27] <DinnerAvenger> but it would make our party FUN!

[21:27] <Level99|Stuff> but they're

[21:27] <Level99|Stuff> not

[21:27] <Level99|Stuff> eat

[21:27] <Level99|Stuff> able

[21:27] <Level99|Stuff> (elipsis)

[21:28] <DinnerAvenger> but no where do you say we need to bring something to eat

[21:28] <Level99|Stuff> it's implied.

[21:28] <Level99|Stuff> you....you bender of informal rules, you.

[21:28] <DinnerAvenger> i will put this in my post to clarify for people

Hey Steve, what is the cover charge for the chuckle heads that are coming in my camp?

Which chuckle heads and are they staying at my place?

We can bring hot dog buns. And do you need any plastic cups, plates, and/or utensils? If you've already got that covered, we could bring the burger buns as well.

I have a small amount of plasticware but it's definitely not enough, so feel free to bring that and the hot dog buns!


Stevo! You can add both me and Jenner to the list.

Hm, as for stuff to bring... We can bring corn-on-the-cob to grill again (it worked out pretty well last time at DJP's). If folks want some more variety, we can pick up some ice cream / frozen yogurt on the way, too. KF

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