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...Just whoa.

Hell yeah. Now this is absolutely amazing. It takes a special kind of ReMix to get me to post a review, and this easily gets put into that group.

Bloody amazing jazz take on the classic DKC track. I thought bLiNd and McVaffe had already perfected this song with their ReMixes, and now they're playing second fiddle to this. This is going into the rotation, immediately after I play it a couple dozen times on loop...


I found this particular remix to be outstanding. The background supports the original melody with a "real" feeling aura. This is the best remix I have listened to so far, though all of the other ones I have listened to are very good, this one just stands out in my mind.

This has instantly become one of my favorite all time remixes after just a few listens. The use of the cameos is subtle and not overpowering, and I had to go back and search for them. I just love this piece so much. Best jazz mix I've ever heard, that's for sure.

I agree with what Wanderer has to say about the cameos. They'll make an experienced listener grin and it doesn't take away from the song at all. They even flow right into each other. From what I could hear was: Frog, Metroid, and Narshe.


Now, this piece is just how I like my yellow...mellow!

Very laided back piece that I enjoyed quite alot. Found it amuzing how you melded Frog's theme and Orcaria of time in there. Nice jorb.


Also, the whispering of Biblical verse in the end is a nice polish. I think it really magnifies the title a lot more. I've often wondered what runs through the minds of heroes as their time comes. Well, clearly, their brave thoughts are Beneath the Surface

Psalm 23:1-3 (Frog)

23:4 (Samus)

23:6 (Terra, perhaps? Locke? Anyone who's recognized in Narshe... Oh, that's from Zelda, you say?... Could've sworn it was Narshe. It sounds like the drawn-out sighs. Well, if that's not the case, then Link fits the greave here.)


I heard a little section from Mega Man 3 in there at 3:29,

I hear frogs theme at 5:26

I hear metroid at 5:40

Where is the Zelda/Narshe theme? And what biblical verse is it? I can hear whispering, but I can't make out any words.


Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,

he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 he restores my soul.

4 Even though I walk

through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil,

for you are with me;

your rod and your staff,

they comfort me.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me

all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD


I find the first two references quite fitting...

Frog: Green pastures, quiet waters.. A nature scene, as well as the restoration of soul.

Samus: All alone, against the Metroids...

I suppose the last verse can fit for either Terra or Link.


Combining one of my favorite songs of the game and one of my favorite genres of music...this piece is certainly worthy of ocr status...a beautiful remix that puts you into the deepest emotions of the remixer...i feel a mood herethat matches complete relaxation...


Thanks for all the feedback; it is always appreciated. I guess i'll fill you in on some of the details.

i think an unbalanced portion of the comments have been about the ending, so i'll clear that up and maybe people will focus on the non-vox non-chrono trigger aspects of the mix.

The vocals are me whispering that "i'm about to die" psalm you hear in movies. It's not there to endorse any particular religion, only because i thought the whispering sounded really cool with the stereo delay and stuff. an earlier version of htis mix was called "eulogy at sea" and that explains the morbid themes. other vocal clips featured are from the movies "gladiator" and "teenage mutant ninja turtles."

as for the guitar that plays behind the vocals in the end...what can i say. i was improvising. i didnt plan it like that; they just came out, and i thought it sounded alright. they are (obviously) frog's theme, kraid, and intro from Ocarina of Time.

someone cited something from megaman 3 or something during the guitar solo. i listened again, didnt hear anything, so if it's in there, it was unintentional. SRRY.

Sax is live, played by me. guitars are pirated gigasamplez, OK?!?!


Excellent Remix, actually reminds me of some of Lex de Azevedo's music (unintentionally, I'm sure), but very good nonetheless. It has quickly become one of my all-time favorites, especially since Aquatic Ambience was also my favorite piece from DKC. McVaffe's remix kept the overall feel of the original, but you put a lot more emotion into it with the live saxophone. Wonderful.

Oh, and I could have sworn that was a live guitar, as well... gotta love samples.. :P

[root@your.box]# logoff


I registered for the sole reason of reviewing this ReMix.

I found the ReMix on the OCReMix main site under the Kong in Concert section. I was generally impressed with all the ReMixes until "Beneath the Surface" came on, and I was completely blown away.

"Beneath the Surface" is probably my favourite ReMix todate. Not only that, but it's reached my top three favorite songs of all time. That's including all music I listen to (and I listen to a lot of music, so that's saying something).

It's jazzy, it's calm and it's just frigging beautiful. It's one of those songs you can put on loop and listen to without ever getting bored. There are so many underlying melodies and themes and sounds, you catch something new every time you listen; riffs from other songs, underlying sound effects, whispery vocals.

"Beneath the Surface" has such depth and a encompasing atmosphere that it's almost impossible not to like it. You can't help but be swept away by the music and be brought into serenity for six minutes and twenty seconds. A song that can do that is simply amazing, and "Beneath the Surface" does it for the full 6:20.

Just wanted to mention, as a sax player myself, that your sax playing is incredible. It has that sweeping jazzy feel to it, a beautiful tone (which is perfectly suited for the song) and fits the song perfectly. Also, the piano (I'm not sure if it's synth or not) is a beautiful touch, and again, it has this whole sweeping feel to it, like waves, it just flows over you, cascading up and down. Amazing.

In the end, I'll just say that this is probably my favourite ReMix to date. It's fantastic, overwhelming and breath-taking.

- afterglow

Just wanted to mention, as a sax player myself, that your sax playing is incredible. It has that sweeping jazzy feel to it, a beautiful tone (which is perfectly suited for the song) and fits the song perfectly.

Ummm, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Vig was being facetious, and the nature of the instrumentation is actually the other way around (meaning live GUITAR playing and sequenced sax)? You know, if it turns out Vig really does play the sax that well, I don't know what I would do. That's why on my comment o so many pages ago I said "I love your sax" in reference to Vig's "pirated gigasample."

In the end, I'll just say that this is probably my favourite ReMix to date. It's fantastic, overwhelming and breath-taking.

I saw nothing wrong about this comment.


This is a fantastic remix. I love the real (or at least entirely realistic sounding) instruments and it is a wonderful, soothing play with what I think most can agree is the best song from the original soundtrack.

But I just wanted to say I don't like the other tunes in there. I know Vig has posted to say that he didn't mean it (though honestly, how can you not notice?), but to me, that is all the more reason to perhaps remove it/change it. I mean, hey, far be it for me to be so audacious to say he should change his own genius creation, but he didn't so much mean for it in the first place. And I have to say, for me, it does takes me out. I was chillin', groovin' to it when I distinctly hear some Frog's theme and BAM I'm sucked out of it, thinking about Chrono Trigger. And I'm the type of person who will only think about that everytime I get to the end now.

So all in all, I think this absolutely brilliant mix could be made all the better by changing these small things, if it was not too hard. And of course, I would still love it even if it stays the same.

I mean, hey, far be it for me to be so audacious to say he should change his own genius creation, but he didn't so much mean for it in the first place.

Did he really not mean to put the CT Frog theme in there? Seems to me like that was one of the "allusion" themes Vig purposely molded into the song, I think there was controversy over some other theme that he didn't realize he was playing, but I could be wrong.

Anyway, let's just cross our fingers for the revamped Zebesian Midnight and leave our fanboy fantasies at that.

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