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Oh wow...this is superb. The 'mellow' feeling of it is very relaxing, and the...dammit, I have no knowedge of musical terms, but the change that happens at 1:33 was very, very superb and I just stopped what I was doing and just listened.

Great work, Neil.


Although this song isn't pushing the envolope from a technical standpoint, I find it exploding with emotion and all around good feeling that is hard to deny.

I can't stress it enough, emotion exploding everywhere.

Kudos on your first submission Neil, I hope to hear more from you in the future.


Very well done, Neil. I'm very impressed.

This is by far my favorite track from Chrono Trigger.. the game itself has some incredible sentimental meaning to me and my own personal life, believe it or not. I'd be here all day explaining that, however.

Let's just say that I'm incredibly moved, and relieved that someone has finally made a submission for TFAT and got it past the judges. My heart is at ease.

I look forward to hearing more pieces from you, and hoping to see others take a shot at TFAT. :)


This piece simply KICKS ASS.

I'm sorry. I'm biased. I love Acustic guitars and I love this song. I hate it when people make their own piece and borrow from the original remix.

It's like making some crappy spinach and tossing some M&Ms in there for the hell of it. The M&Ms taste good but they don't go that well with the spinach nor do they make up with the spinach.

I'm really really suprised that this piece got rejected. I'm not dissapointed with any part of it. This SOUNDS typical of Yatsunori Mitsuda as a mellow ending track.

I still think that the sound quality is a little bit sketchy. Some of the complimentary sounds to the guitar are a little bit too sharp.

Oh, well, still kicks ass.

May the wind be always at your back,



90 percent... 91... 92... Hehhhe- DL'in... and I'm really kind of excited as even on SNES sound it's still a long time personal favorite, hopeful song... and now for listening...

Very uplifting... wonderfully done. Huge props to the Square sound cast for the ground work and for you doing this already great song a most appreciated justice.


Great piece. It'll be an incredible day when webspace and bandwidth gets cheap enough so that websites like ocr can't let on nearly any mix. Maybe then they could just label some "editor's choice" and install a user grading system or something...

Again, good work.


OK, so this is one of the best emotional/'get you into the song' pieces. I was pulled in almost instantly and caught myself swaying back and forth to it. It's one of those pieces that's repititious, but you just don't give a damn because it grabs you.

But, I don't honestly see why there's so much hype. The only thing I see that's really outstanding is that such few notes/instruments could cause such an effect. From about 2:50 to 3:30 you lose me (notice that's a little after it goes real quiet; you kinda lose me there every time). A horrible note on 3:32 that just sticks in my side. Piece picks up by the end with a little more energy than before, but I still have that captivated feel.

It is still an impressive mix, that subconciously I was lulled, but not mastered very well. Still, great job.


Awesome job man, one of the best remixes Ive heard of this track, keep up the good work and hope to hear more of your stuff in the future. The acoustic guitar was a nice choice of instrument for this song gave it a very "warm" feel.

Great piece. It'll be an incredible day when webspace and bandwidth gets cheap enough so that websites like ocr can't let on nearly any mix. Maybe then they could just label some "editor's choice" and install a user grading system or something...

Again, good work.

Bandwidth and webspace is not the prime reason OCR doesn't post everything we get. :roll:

Anyway, nice job Neil. I liked your piece for the most part. Some iffy spots melodically and harmonically in the third minute, but overall, nice work.


thanks a lot guys. i'm glad you like it. yeah, there're a few bad notes here and there, but i honestly got sick of fine-tuning this song. :)

i'm trying to get together with a friend of mine and record a rock version of one of the tracks in the old game 'shanghai' for the master system. we'll see how that turns out. . .


Well, as much as I disagree with you, ShrikeArghast, the fact that you used a Terry Brooks novel as an example is awesome.

I really liked this arrangement. Very light stuff that doesn't get too ambitious.

Anyone else think the end sounds very similar to a well-known classical piece? I can't remember the exact name or composer of the piece I'm speaking of, but if Neil had segued into that piece at the very end, I'd have been highly impressed.


beats the hell out of MY To far away times mix...

Though...I think it may inspire me to reworm my old Brink of Time remix that got rejected...and thereby hurt my little soul, and forced me to quit remixing...and then I started again, and blah blah blah...er...

yeah...the mix is good, but those chords I mentioned earlier...


I can hear the poor guitar, but more than that, I can hear the "soul" of this peice, which is fantastic. I have but one complaint, and that is that I think that the snare drum used near the beginning really detracts from the music. It feels far to jarring to me. It's jarring near the end too, but not as much and could be forgivable. I just don't like it at the beginning at all. It makes me wince.

But there are so many moments this song has! Moments that are FULL of emotion and meaning! It's quite good, and well worth the download and listen.

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