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I just like to say, this game is truly a beautiful experience, and I absolutely love it. That's all.

EDIT: This thread is not necessarily about selling the game to trolls. It's about starting a mellow discussion among those who've played it, and if others are interested in it, read a few posts down for the review you can't read due to the fact that you are an-alphabet lol (Probably? If you're not, I am sorry - you're one of the good guys).


Don't be a hussy, open the book of magic...

... and experience something entirely different.

Just checked out the OST. Excellent.

That discovery alone is a testament to the productivity and depth of this thread for me :P

Indeed! Self exploration is key. The music is astounding, and a lot of the tracks compliment the events in the story as detailed and beautifully . Listen to the Kaine / Salvation track, it's one of the most emotional pieces I've heard in years! The singer, the foreign words and notes are all spectacular.


This game didn't really release to a lot of fanfare, did it? I remember reading about it though.

The soundtrack really is amazing.

Anyway, talking about the forums on the forums is stupid. Offending posts have been moved. Let's stay on-topic, which in this thread means talking about Nier. If you don't know what Nier is, there is a link to a review of the game in the fifth post of the thread. Have fun.


I remember being curious about this game. From what I'm reading in the SA thread Tensei just linked, it sounds somewhat appealing, but I'm reading and have read a whole crap-load of game reviews calling it mediocre at best.

I dig what I'm hearing from the soundtrack so far. Beautiful stuff.


Nier? Niiiiierrrrrr. Nyaaaaaaah.

I've heard all sorts of stuff about this game. The best is that the hero in the Japanese version is an effeminate 16-year-old youth, and the hero (and plot) was changed for the western version (sister becomes daughter, and that's about it).

I might pick it up next time I see it.

oops I quoted the wrong guy, my bad

A lot of sites didn't give Nier a chance, some downright set out to bash it from the start. There's a particularly embarrassing "review" from one site where the guy is trying to catch a fish for like 4 hours but was completely oblivious to the quest, which by the way had a quest marker, which told him to go to a completely different spot to catch his fish. So he spent 4 hours trying to cash a fish at the wrong spot, probably expert level fish with no bait, because he ignored an aspect of games that's been around for years now... :nicework:

But seriously, don't take reviewers' word for it. They're just people who get free copies of games and really don't put that much care into the process. Much like music journalists who get a CD to review and listen to it maybe 2 or 3 songs through before making up their mind about it. :-) *self burn*


checked out some gameplay/story vids, and it looks somewhat interesting. the combat/creatures/soundtrack in particular is awfully reminiscent of Chaos Legion in style. I'd probably enjoy it if i ever bought it.


Even though I have yet to finish FFXIII (well, I'm up to Chapter 13 at least), and have too many games on my PS3 that I need to finish (and probably won't), I checked out the OST of this game, and was blown away. Following this, I promptly found a bargain copy of this game (for $25 AUD) online, and impulse-bought it.

Thanks OCR! Let's hope it will be worth it haha.

A lot of sites didn't give Nier a chance, some downright set out to bash it from the start. There's a particularly embarrassing "review" from one site where the guy is trying to catch a fish for like 4 hours but was completely oblivious to the quest, which by the way had a quest marker, which told him to go to a completely different spot to catch his fish. So he spent 4 hours trying to cash a fish at the wrong spot, probably expert level fish with no bait, because he ignored an aspect of games that's been around for years now... :nicework:

But seriously, don't take reviewers' word for it. They're just people who get free copies of games and really don't put that much care into the process. Much like music journalists who get a CD to review and listen to it maybe 2 or 3 songs through before making up their mind about it. :-) *self burn*

Yeah, the fishing and quests got a lot of bashing from reviewers, I may be wrong, but I think JRPG's are getting bashed just for being a JRPG these days. I think NIER is a lot more mature in its representation and is based on real and pure emotions. Quests are 100% optional, so don't pay much attention to how they hack it in reviews.

I think the RPGfan reviews and the gamecritics review are the best ones.


Although the actual combat gameplay isn't the best around, it's well rounded and the magic is very unique.

I just finished my second playthrough last night, and I am very pleased. I'm pretty sure I'll be back for another go in the future.

And oh boy the music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uj_9D31ug0


Now that Cavia is gone, I wonder if they'll continue to print the game, which makes me wonder if I'll be able to grab a copy on the cheap later on.

I AM pretty interested in the game though(yes mostly because of the soundtrack :-P), and I actually appreciate them sticking with a father looking out for his sick daughter rather than a brother. I don't know how many westerners can relate to the whole brother/sister shtick as well as the former.

Also shit hog.

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