Dahlia Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 so how come you can only listen to two songs? You used to be able to hear them all, but Claado wants them all to himself.
Jillian Aversa Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 Site's looking good! Yo, can you update the teaser for To Far Away Times? That's an older version that has some clipping, and...is orchestrated... (Newer version can be acquired here, but clear your cache in case your browser's storing an older version...) http://www.fayhaven.com/To%20Far%20Away%20Times.mp3 There'll soon be an even newer one when Compyfox is done, but we at least don't want people downloading the clipping track because they might not think to download again when the project is released.
sephfire Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 If fortune smiles upon me, I'll have my computer back and be up and running by this evening. I'll get to work on your edits as soon as that happens, Compy.
Compyfox Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 kay. All others also think of the deadline? So far Rellik and Pixietricks/Reuben Kee are the only ones who have an okay already sending me the RAW files.
Sleepy Emp Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 Compyfox, I'll send you the reworked files this weekend.
RoeTaKa Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 I should be able to get my song complete tomorrow or sunday. Don't know if I missed this out Compy but with the WAV you said no reverb, does this mean you want all the effects/EQ taken off aswell or just the reverb? That's probably a given but I'm not sure, thanks.
Eon_Blue Posted September 10, 2005 Posted September 10, 2005 ...the album is two discs? Is the tracklist on the first page the final order? And if so, where's the break between discs? Workin' on the art right now, kind of need to know that.
Compyfox Posted September 10, 2005 Posted September 10, 2005 RoeTaKa: I answered that question further up in a FAQ. Eon: Disksplit is 01-14 and 15-25 +bonus tracks However that with the bonus tracks on the main disk is not sure YET. I'll keep you informed on that. Those who sent me files, I'll take a listen and get back to you. Those who still have to send me files... GET THEM TO ME!!!! EDIT: One important thing! If you send files to me, put the tracknumber in front of your track. AKA "name them properly". I can't have the complete project in my head you know.
RoeTaKa Posted September 10, 2005 Posted September 10, 2005 RoeTaKa: I answered that question further up in a FAQ. Oh sorry, I've only been in coordination with Claado untill now. Thanks.
Claado Shou Posted September 11, 2005 Author Posted September 11, 2005 Good news and bad news on the music side of things. Hemophiliac's project file got corrupted, so all of his work was lost. However, I went ahead and did the song myself (rush job, I know ) so Track 17, "The Third Guru", is done. I NEED people willing to mirror. I NEED album art. And Compyfox definitely NEEDS your raw files. I understand a lot of people are unavailable for whatever reasons, and there's nothing we can do about that...but every raw file helps, so send them in if you have them. Also, Compy was right...the official split is 01-14 (Fire/Light) and 15-29 (Shadow\Ice). However, there are a few more nuances to it than that...you'll see in 16 days. ~.C.S.~
Compyfox Posted September 11, 2005 Posted September 11, 2005 I said it a thousand times now and I say it again cause a lot of you definately can't read! FIRST THE MP3 FOR ME TO CHECK - THEN AFTER I CHECKED THE FILE AND APROVED THAT IT'S OKAY I WANT THE WAV! Not sooner! Saves a lot of trouble for you, and some for me. Also keep in mind: I have no SoundClick account and please don't use a webhost where I can't download from. If you wanna send me the file, I wrote down how to do this on page 75. Please pay a bit more attention!
Zarggg Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 One thing I noticed on the site: Confronting the Mystic by sephfire"Seeking revenge for his friend and the chance to rid his world of evil, Frog confronts the Magus of the Mystics, and much ensues." I think there's a word missing in there.
Claado Shou Posted September 12, 2005 Author Posted September 12, 2005 Hmm...I didn't intend for any other words to be there, but this begs the question: is the word "much" a noun? Dictionary.com writes: "n. A large quantity or amount: 'Much has been written.' Something great or remarkable: 'The campus wasn't much to look at.'" So no, there isn't a word missing. But whatever. ~.C.S.~
Sleepy Emp Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 I'm finally done with my songs. Whew, reworking three songs in a day was quite an experience. I can only imagine the horror that awaits Compyfox when he's going to master the whole soundtrack.
Compyfox Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 I did Joe Cammisa's "Hits & Misses" CD ( www.joecam.net ) in 4 days. 21 tracks, 2 of them in-depth audioengineering (the last 2 tracks). Now count that up for 29 tracks. I still have 15days left, and only 1/4th of the project "master ready" here on my HDD.
Rexy Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 Just out of question, does anyone have a way I can contact Russel Cox? I tried emailing him but apparantly his email on the forums doesn't exist
Claado Shou Posted September 12, 2005 Author Posted September 12, 2005 Russell Cox, by all the means that I have at my disposal, is not available for contact. But that may have changed, so try PMing him. I honestly have no idea. HOWEVER, there IS something that I can be VERY sure of, and that is the official release date for this project. Considering how close we are to completion, and the significance of the date, I dub TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 the official date of release for this project. Further information will be announced later on, but this is the day it's happening, and I hope you all are there to see it. ~.C.S.~
Jillian Aversa Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 Yo, I think I can be a mirror. (Prays her bandwidth isn't exceeded...) WOOO, getting psyched! And it looks like the Chrono Symphonic coverage on VGDJ is gonna coincide with one of the episodes I'm filling in for Aurora. I'll try to make it good...
RoeTaKa Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 Woot! I love joining in right near the end, it's like so much to look forward to in such a tiny span of time! I'm working my ass off at the moment, and it's hella sweet. WILL be done by the end of the night.
Claado Shou Posted September 12, 2005 Author Posted September 12, 2005 Good news, RoeTaKa. Good news as well, Jill. This is gonna be so awesome. *puts Jill down as mirrorer* *plays Donkey Konga 2* ~.C.S.~
RoeTaKa Posted September 13, 2005 Posted September 13, 2005 I've finished my track (arr I want to die it took all day and I'm achey all over!) but it's ok, were all happy pandas now ^o^!
Claado Shou Posted September 13, 2005 Author Posted September 13, 2005 Happy pandas, aye. Indeed, we are VERY happy pandas. Ecstatic even. Well, with RoeTaKa's piece finally in, we are officially done with the music arrangement portion of the project. It's all good and we are very much happy with the results...even without mastering, the album sounds whole. At 1:38:48 (98 minutes and 48 seconds for you non-clock-liking types) it is MASSIVE. However, with TWO WEEKS REMAINING, we still have a lot to do. So be on the watch, and make sure to show your enthusiasm to the whole Chrono Symphonic team. These next 14 days will be a blast! ~.C.S.~
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