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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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Damn Compy, I lost my internet trying to forward my ports to seed the CS torrent. Luckily, it's not out yet (which makes me feel better about losing my internet).

We'll see if I can consult tech support to get it back.


ATTENTION - If you are here to comment on the Chrono Symphonic: Regular Edition album, please direct your comments to the Chrono Symphonic Comments/Feedback thread.

This thread is exclusively for the continued development of Chrono Symphonic: Special Edition. Any and all comments/feedback merely on the currently released album will be mercilessly deleted as we have no way to move them. Please enjoy the album and post in the correct thread.


I got some private suggestions in terms of the "humongus bass" that seems to be caused by subwoofers. I'll take a look at that in the remastering, but keep in mind:

An orchestra is a very dynamic "bulk of sound" (so to say). Timpanis and Strings can get pretty heavy in lower frequencies. Also an orchestra is not "compressed" in any way. So if your Subwoofer craps out, simply reduce the volume of it, setup your bass management correctly, and make a cutoff (hicut) at 150Hz if your subwoofer can do that (also if the bass is still too intense, move it 1m away from the wall9. It's a "support" after all.

I won't go indepth on setting up a 2.1 or 5.1 environment "properly", cause that's what manuals and online tutorials are for. Just those simple tricks.

Thanks, and I'll keep you informed about the "Special Edition".

And like Larry said, everything else goes into the official comments and feedback thread please.

ATTENTION - If you are here to comment on the Chrono Symphonic: Regular Edition album, please direct your comments to the Chrono Symphonic Comments/Feedback thread.

This thread is exclusively for the continued development of Chrono Symphonic: Special Edition. Any and all comments/feedback merely on the currently released album will be mercilessly deleted as we have no way to move them. Please enjoy the album and post in the correct thread.

Thanks Larry. I was just about to post the same thing. 8)


Now I got the special edition songs from the website, but I wanted the ISO for the cds I would burn.

Alas, when I started the torrent, there were no ISOs, only flac and mp3.


edit: and the songs are all teeny tiny. I expect that's from compression, but that's exactly why I would want the larger ISOs with full CD quality. But why 3 cds? They almost all fit on one, and with SE on the third cd...it seems a waste. I guess I'll just put it with the second CD, but then the album art doesn't match and arrggghhh. I always like extra songs, this SE thing is cool, but maybe a bit more support for these 4 extras?

Now I got the special edition songs from the website, but I wanted the ISO for the cds I would burn.

Alas, when I started the torrent, there were no ISOs, only flac and mp3.


edit: and the songs are all teeny tiny. I expect that's from compression, but that's exactly why I would want the larger ISOs with full CD quality. But why 3 cds? They almost all fit on one, and with SE on the third cd...it seems a waste. I guess I'll just put it with the second CD, but then the album art doesn't match and arrggghhh. I always like extra songs, this SE thing is cool, but maybe a bit more support for these 4 extras?

you got the special edition tracks already!? 8O

...but compy hasn't even started working on those yet... :roll:

ps: there's going to be more than 4 tracks on the special edition... if you want put the audition tracks on the second cd for now, no ones stopping you, it's your cd :wink:

eDit: forgot a word... moo.

Now I got the special edition songs from the website, but I wanted the ISO for the cds I would burn.

Alas, when I started the torrent, there were no ISOs, only flac and mp3.


Those "Special Audition" (not Special Edition - there's a difference) files don't relate to the "Special Edition". They aren't even mastered from myself. I thought StarSander put them down for the release, even after my request, but he didn't.

And like PLBenjamin said... you can't have the Special Edition, cause I didn't finish it yet. And no... I don't give out a releasedate.

edit: and the songs are all teeny tiny. I expect that's from compression, but that's exactly why I would want the larger ISOs with full CD quality. But why 3 cds? They almost all fit on one, and with SE on the third cd...it seems a waste. I guess I'll just put it with the second CD, but then the album art doesn't match and arrggghhh. I always like extra songs, this SE thing is cool, but maybe a bit more support for these 4 extras?

The songs are "tiny" due to the original songlengths. The mp3s are in 192kbit VBR and the FLACs have "strongest compression" activated. Also C.S. doesn't fit on one CD. Both CDs have a running time of 86:53 alltogether, so they won't fit on a regular 74min CD.

The CDs are split up due to a reason, and it's compeltely fine. What will be on the "3rd" CD is already known too. Just go a couple of pages back, I listed what will be on there. Always remember... not only the audio material has a specific filesize (1min around 10MB-11MB), but also the "bonus material".

That's all the support I can give you atm.


Out of curiosity, and this may not be possible, but do any of the artists have sheet music for the two piano tracks? (Darkness Dueling and To Far Away Times) It would be pretty neat to be able to play some of that. I don't know how the remixing process works, if the artists know what the sheet music is like, that sort of thing. Just wondering if it's a possibility.


I know for a fact that there is no MIDI available from "To Far Away Times" (cause I wanted to try out some other pianos and stuff), therefore there is no score sheet that we could have made out of it.

Guess you have to ask the mixers directly or write your own one.


Well. You guys did clear up things quite a bit.

And yes, CS is longer than one CD, I did check this out (I like to do a little research so I don't sound like a complete moron more than I have to.)edit: the preceding text in parenthesis should be changed to the following- I have the eyesight of a cave salamander, and the brain capacity of one to boot.

But but but, and I know this will likely just get me corrected more, let me say a few things.

edit: whole section removed because of my stupidity

Now, here is something you might want to consider. Those songs you told me were "Special Audition" and not "Special Edition"... let me post the file name and tag for ya:

File:SE - Determined (PLBenjaminZ).mp3

Title:SE - Determined (PLBenjaminZ)

see those little thingies that say SE? That quite tricked me.

And I had this huge, huge, post ready that would've made Webster get bored but, while looking for a quote, I found Compy's little nice explanation of the Special Edition. Ok. Let's all point at the me and laugh.

Eagerly awaiting the SE. Then I can scrap the expensive printable CDs that I made and remake 'em.

Patience is a virtue, and here I messed up.

I would like to know about Special Edition album art though: possibility or no?

Now, here is something you might want to consider. Those songs you told me were "Special Audition" and not "Special Edition"... let me post the file name and tag for ya:

File:SE - Determined (PLBenjaminZ).mp3

Title:SE - Determined (PLBenjaminZ)

see those little thingies that say SE? That quite tricked me.

I requested this a couple of times now, Star didn't put the files down. Blame him, please. It was fault due to misinterpretation, not lisetning and not forwaring requests. And that's still taking place.

I say it once again:

The "SE" files on chrono.ocremix.org don't reflect the "Special Edition" or the mastering of the "Regular Edition" in any way. They're the files that were released as teasers months ago and didn't change since then.

...while looking for a quote, I found Compy's little nice explanation of the Special Edition. Ok. Let's all point at the me and laugh.

Search function would have helped.

I would like to know about Special Edition album art though: possibility or no?

Was also already answered with a "yes".

Can't answer questions till next week thuesday (I'm not available till then). So please don't hijack this thread. I'll post new informations as soon as they're relevant.

Ah yeah to those who think this "Special Edition" is a "thing by Compyfox only, which has nothing to do with Chrono Symphonic anymore and is just to show off":

You're wrong!

I'm still the engineer of this project, Claado still says what goes on the CDs and what not (in other words... his word counts - nothing else). I didn't take over anything or stole "the project". This Special Edition idea came up last year October/November, Claado agreed to the idea, developed it with me and gave me free hand in terms of the release.

It's still "his" project and no emo roll from my side. Whoever started this BS... thanks, but I don't need anymore of that crap.

Just to clear the rumors and false information.


Closing this one till I have some news for you. Keep your eyes open for that.

  • 2 months later...

A long time ago that something actually happened in here. But I promised to keep you updated in terms of the "Special Edition", not only to show that this thing is not forgotten, nor dead. From now on, till the official release, I'll post infos in irregular intervals to keep you a bit "on the edge".

So let's get down to bussiness!

:arrow:Official Releasedate: TBA

*stays like that till the CD is really finished - and no, I don't even give out rough estimated release dates*

:arrow:Format of the Release: Audio CDs (via torrent)

:arrow: The "Special Edition" will feature 10(!) extra tracks additional the "Regular Edition" released in January.

:arrow: The production code of the Bonus CD is "Return Through Time"

:arrow: The planned playlist order of the Bonus CD might be something like this (changes possible!):

TRACK 01 - Compyfox feat. Kevin "Lorenzo" Sisk - Prologue (featuring narration by Kevin Sisk as "Gaspar")

TRACK 02 - Emperor - The Story Begins

TRACK 03 - SirRus - In Search of Light (completely reconstructed)

TRACK 04 - PLBenjaminZ - Determinded

TRACK 05 - Tyler Heath (Unknown) - Predetermination

TRACK 06 - Rexy - Belthasar's Opus (Source Tune: "The Epoch")

TRACK 07 - Rexy - Peak of Incantation (Source Tune: "Singing Mountain")

TRACK 08 - PLBenjaminZ - The Final Battle (previously unreleased, based upon "Theme of Lavos")

TRACK 09 - Reuben Kee/pixietricks - To Far Away Times (Orchestrated Version)

TRACK 10 - Compyfox - Epilogue

:arrow: The "Special Edition" will also include several Bonus Material like recorded Interviews, Production Reports, Outtakes and more...

This is all for the time being. More in the next weeks.

And once again, sorry for the delay.


To those who missed the VGF show yesterday, that featured the whole Chrono Symphonic project, I have a bootleg recording till Larry releases VGF#84 officially.

Unfortunately I only have 1 interview recorded due to my Wavelab messing around. VGF#84 however featured additional interviews with Rexy and Kevin "Lorenzo" Sisk. So all I can say for the time being is "keep your eyes open" and get the official release over at the VG Frequency thread as soon as it's out.

You can get the recordings here:

:arrow:VGF#84 Chrono Symphonic Special - Interview: Compyfox (33:35min, 24,1MB, mp3pro)

:arrow:VGF#84 Chrono Symphonic Special - Exclusive Bonus Footage (36:34min, 26,4MB, mp3pro)

The "Exclusive Bonus Footage" featured the following tracks as "beta versions" and/or previously unreleased tracks:

TRACK 01 - Compyfox feat. Kevin "Lorenzo" Sisk - Prologue

TRACK 02 - Emperor - The Story Begins

TRACK 03 - SirRus - In Search of Light (non-reconstructed)

TRACK 04 - PLBenjaminZ - Determinded

TRACK 05 - Unknown - Predetermination

TRACK 06 - Rexy - Peak of Incantation

TRACK 07 - PLBenjaminZ - The Final Battle

TRACK 08 - Reuben Kee - To Far Away Times (Orchestra only Version - the "Special Edition" will feature the vocal version, this was only a bonus!)

Please keep in mind that the "Special Edition" is not finished yet, neither does the recording reflect the final product. Just see it as a "sneak preview".

That's it for now, more again soon...

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