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A lot of my stuff in my storehouse was stolen over the weekend. I'm going to say this now: If you stole it, please return it now. I won't ask questions and I won't care, unless it happens again. If you don't, Crowbar WILL be involved. This is a game. It shouldn't turn into serious business, but theft is not cool, even for a joke or something. Please return the stuff you took. Here's the list...

A stack of pumpkins [64]

Two stacks bones [128]

Two stacks of redstone [128]

A diamond sword

Two stacks of feathers [128]

Two stacks of string [128]

A loaf of bread

A bucket of lava

An empty bucket

An iron hoe

A bow

A stack of torches [64]

A bed

Three saddles

A few leather hides (I don't remember the exact number)

It was Epicenter. He was looking through your shit nabbed some of it, and then killed himself with a badly placed lava bucket. He didn't know it was yours, he kinda just meandered into your place and took it. He has owned minecraft and played for a total of like 5 minutes. When he told us about it, we lashed him good over skype.

I'll leave the discipline to Crowbar.


Crowbar, it seems the problem with MM is likely that it's not the latest version. Many problems with the signs were fixed between 1.03 and 1.04. MM has now been updated to 1.04f, and all the plugins are up to at least 1.04 base (signs is 1.04d). Let's see if we can't get them to update the server accordingly.

Posted (edited)
It was Epicenter. He was looking through your shit nabbed some of it, and then killed himself with a badly placed lava bucket. He didn't know it was yours, he kinda just meandered into your place and took it. He has owned minecraft and played for a total of like 5 minutes. When he told us about it, we lashed him good over skype.

I'll leave the discipline to Crowbar.

Yeah, you know what, I'm going to ban you both. I don't care how you and your Skype posse "lashed out" on him, if you would have come here AND INFORMED US OF THIS RIGHT AFTER IT HAPPENED WE WOULDN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW. You guys should just go back to your After Dark server because it seems to me you and your Skype posse just want to trololololol on this server. Crowbar Man spent the entire evening yesterday going through the logs just to try to find out this bullshit.

I might log on and I just might drop some TNT by your buildings and they just might happen to detonate. Totally by accident though.


Edited by Meeting_Gman
Yeah, you know what, I'm going to ban you both. I don't care how you and your Skype posse "lashed out" on him, if you would have come here AND INFORMED US OF THIS RIGHT AFTER IT HAPPENED WE WOULDN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW. You guys should just go back to your After Dark server because it seems to me you and your Skype posse just want to trololololol on this server. Crowbar Man spent the entire evening yesterday going through the logs just to try to find out this bullshit.

I might log on and I just might drop some TNT by your buildings and they just might happen to detonate. Totally by accident though.

Could we be totally be watching?


As weak of an excuse as "I didn't know it was his" is when Aba's store house is behind an iron door in the middle of a small fortress that requires you to pass a giant Abadoss sign, I would still like to avoid the drama that could arise between the after dark crew and the admin that hasn't been on in weeks. We've done fairly well in terms of avoiding drama, little bit with dupping when we first set up shop on the new host and a little bit more with regards to software develop.

In the event this is legitimately a case of "I didn't know" here is a rule of thumb, if it isn't marked as a community chest, don't take it. As far as I know the only community chests are at the spawn so don't take shit from anywhere unless expressly given permission?

Posted (edited)

Part of my reason for leaving was the After Dark trolololol group bullshit. Other then that, I used to be on e-v-e-r-y day. I feel they are just moving over to cause trouble and then their Skype posse of "let's not use chat or the official Mumble server just because".

How the hell does a newbie to Minecraft not know to not steal from chests (inside someones BUILDING), but he knows how to make a bucket and scoop up lava?

This could all have been avoided if the person who stole the crap or Brushfire or anyone in his Skype posse, would have posted on this forum or Heaven forbid, come into the chat server and informed us that this had happened, so that we could give Aba back what was lost and informed the guy who stole that you don't do that and saved us an entire evening of wasted time trying to find out who did this.

Or Hell, Brushfire or whoever in the Skype posse, could have just typed it in Minecraft and it would have been on record in the chat log. Just freaking let us know so no one wastes their time and we can repair whatever damage was made.

Edited by Meeting_Gman
Posted (edited)

Well yea, Crowbar Man is always on the server and IRC.

Gman hasn't been on in at least a week and a half from what I can tell.

Part of my reason for leaving was the After Dark trolololol group bullshit. Other then that, I used to be on e-v-e-r-y day. I feel they are just moving over to cause trouble and then their Skype posse of "let's not use chat or the official Mumble server just because".

How the hell does a newbie to Minecraft not know to not steal from chests (inside someones BUILDING), but he knows how to make a bucket and scoop up lava?

there was a bucket of lava in the list of things taken from abadoss's stuff

Where do you get off saying that about the After Dark people coming to troll when as far as I can tell this is the ONLY instance where it's been an issue.

Similarly: I prefer Skype over Mumble.

A decently easily fixed iissue doesn't mean that threatening to TNT structures is justified, an I don't care what your position in the server is.

Edited by Cyril the Wolf
What are you talking about, phill? Crowbar and Gman are on like practically every day. You sir are full of shit.

Crowbar yes, but he isn't involved in this current forum discussion now is he. We did talk about this yesterday evening when Abadoss brought it up in-game/irc and his reaction was pretty much what I have come to expect from him. Gman has, on the other hand, distanced herself from minecraft for the past couple of weeks, I don't really care why, but I do think she should step back and realize that the after dark group has not been trolling since they started playing. They aren't any more demanding then then either Abadoss or I are, they haven't walked in a straight line for hours on end, like Abadoss :P and haven't crashed the server like Abadoss or Halc :P . They may a have a little bit of a clique going on, but this is a group of good friends as far as I can tell so it's to be expected.

I would really like to avoid any us vs them drama which could lead to actual griefing and players leaving the server. I like having my projects not blowing up and like do enjoy having a server that gets more then just the 4 regulars we have been running for the past little bit.


That's what you all get for constantly building everywhere and leaving chests everywhere. You know, if you had just ONE spot claimed then maybe something like this wouldn't happen. But of course not. You're all inclined to make one structure, abandon it, start a new structure, abandon it, start again......................... STOP doing that.

So I just want to say, shit happens.

Posted (edited)

Alright Gman is letting her anger at me and the situation get a little out of hand.

I would like to comfirm with epicenter and maybe other ocad members that these are the truth to the events

I find three things wrong here overall:

Why would one walk into a giant elaborate castle open an iron door and take stuff out of chests "by accident"?

It sounds like at least some of ocad knew about this and just decided not to inform anybody

I believe epic was on when aba was reporting the theft yet said nothing

If brush is saying the truth I do want to thank him for being honest and saving me the hastle of trying to figure out this puzzle.

Im a litttle disapointed in the whole situation and will have to discuss matters with gman when I come home

The items aren't a big deal but I don't like the fact it seems things are being hidden from us. Especially since we usually go out of our way to make sure everybody is having fun

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

I am actually abandoning my housing complex for a different area, so if you wanna harvest it for raw materials you can.

Yes, we could've handled it better. If you wanna ban me for a time, I am ok with that. I was the vouch so I should share in the punishment.

My bad.

How the hell does a newbie to Minecraft not know to not steal from chests (inside someones BUILDING), but he knows how to make a bucket and scoop up lava?

If you have played any game that isn't tetris with Deven, you would know that he is very awful at video games and you practically have to hold his hand.

Edited by Brushfire

Well apparently we have a little more information:

Apparently Brushfire has been telling people its okay to steal from structures that people haven't played in a while.

Only thing is: Brush doesn't know who hasn't played in a while because he barely plays on our server. So I have no idea who hes told its okay to steal from.

This is not our rule, but one Brush has fabricated.

DO NOT STEAL. Period. It doesn't matter if the person hasn't logged in in a year, when they get back, their stuff should be there.

I don't know if this was some rule that was on when Fireslash was the host (i doubt it), but if it was never given to me, and im sure just a fabrication of Brushfire's.

Just don't steal. I give people what they want half the time, especially donators. and we have community chests.

Do Not Steal.

Thank you

Well apparently we have a little more information:

Apparently Brushfire has been telling people its okay to steal from structures that people haven't played in a while.

Only thing is: Brush doesn't know who hasn't played in a while because he barely plays on our server. So I have no idea who hes told its okay to steal from.

This is not our rule, but one Brush has fabricated.

DO NOT STEAL. Period. It doesn't matter if the person hasn't logged in in a year, when they get back, their stuff should be there.

I don't know if this was some rule that was on when Fireslash was the host (i doubt it), but if it was never given to me, and im sure just a fabrication of Brushfire's.

Just don't steal. I give people what they want half the time, especially donators. and we have community chests.

Do Not Steal.

Thank you

I never told him to steal. I said that peoples stuff inside their chests is their stuff. Don't go pawing around unless they say you can.

I was talking to Dev last night and he claims that my mic cut out. So by technicality it is my fault cause he did not hear that much. I'll pay for better internet from now on.


Not what I was told.

Im getting a lot of conflicting stories from various sources.

Not sure if I trust any of them. Dont trust you for sure

But something is wrong. Ban sticks for now, and I'll be creating a specific rule sheet to clarify things

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