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Boo dramaramallamacomma beep boop turkey poop.

And now for a change of subject.

So I saw this image today, and I have decided that one of two things MUST happen. Either I will find and buy and live in this house, or else someone (probably not me, because after seeing the stuff on the OCR server you guys have done makes me feel just... not skilled enough haha) must replicate this structure EXACTLY in Minecraft. Behold the glory:


This is the Minecraft DRAMAMAMAMA thread, not the Minecraft building thread. :P

Seriously though, you'll find that most people with wonderfully whimsical projects started off with shit dirt houses and had to figure out how to work their cube magic.

The whole reason we have a vouching process is to avoid issues. If you all seem to know that epicenter "is a moron" and" can't play video games" and" has no common sense" it would of been nice to have a heads up!

We knew it was bad, but not THAT bad. To the guy's credit, he can spank your ass at Tetris.

He is a lot like Wile E. Coyote.


Posted (edited)

Well, I was hoping to NOT be able to figure out this one and just give Lemon his stuff and pretend nothing happened, but someone did this AFTER I installed a new plugin to tell me whos done what, JUST a few days ago

Its kinda hard for me to swallow this new story, i mean, yesterday, someone hacked [new unnamed accused]'s account to specifically take Lemon's stuff?



I'm not trying to be tinfoil hat here, but come on.

I'll probably be installing a chest protection mod. Its sad this has to be done. We were all having fun times :(

Edited by Crowbar Man

What pisses me off is that anything that goes wrong on the server is going to be automatically blamed on me. So unless someone insists, I'm just going to stay off the server entirely.

Why did I get a game called Minecraft if I didn't want to do tedious, mindnumbing, timewasting mining? I wanted to BUILD shit, and the only reason I played at all was because the OCAD server was set up, Brushfire bought me a copy as a gift, and was a mod so he could give me lots of shit to build with without the tedium.

I'd really rather just play on the OCAD server since the whole reason I play this game at all is to hang out with friends who do, and build stuff without the tedious "punch blocks for nine hours" bit.

Sorry about causing this ridiculous overblown shitstorm, but I'm really surprised you guys are taking this so seriously to begin with.


Dude, unamed accused is like far from a thief, my surprise that he would do something like that (regardless of the incident that happened a few days ago) was very genuine. He's absolutely not the sort to do that, and the time frame it happened in was when he was without access to a computer.

I kinda liked the locked chest thing anyway, but then again I've always been on the paranoid side.

Dude, unamed accused is like far from a thief, my surprise that he would do something like that (regardless of the incident that happened a few days ago) was very genuine. He's absolutely not the sort to do that, and the time frame it happened in was when he was without access to a computer.

I kinda liked the locked chest thing anyway, but then again I've always been on the paranoid side.

I'm surprised it's not a feature. I would just expect you'd have to craft a lock AND a key AND if you die and lose your key you can't get into it ever again without crafting a lockpick or something.

Making a game in this age, when griefing and trolling is rampant, that just assumes everyone will be on the honor system, is rather naive.

Posted (edited)

You're forgetting the fact that locks won't help against lava or TNT. Or by simply taking an axe and chop away at the chest. The 'Whitelist' feature is the only feature that allows us not to have rampant griefing. So we have nothing but to work on an unspoken honor system from within the players allowed on. Of course, that's already been blown to bits.

You're also forgetting the fact that this game is to MINE stuff so that you can CRAFT stuff. If you don't want to spend hours mining then go download the /infdev/ version (if you can find it) where you have infinite blocks and no health (and I think you can fly) so you that can do just that; build shit. Speaking of which, constantly asking for stuff given to you by the admins is definitely not how this game was meant to be played. So why even mention if you had stuff stolen because you we all know you can just ask for it back?

Like holy shit really? Are we still going on about this? I'm going back to Pokemon now.

Edited by Capa Langley
Posted (edited)
What pisses me off is that anything that goes wrong on the server is going to be automatically blamed on me

What are you talking about now? Nobody has mentioned you in this new case. I know who the new person is. Its not you.

You can play if you want, once unbanned (probably just a week anyways), just please as mentioned, do not take things out of chests that arent yours, or aren't marked "Community" from now on, unless someone says you can. Thats all

If you don't want to play because of that, well I'm sorry.

I trust you wont do it again honestly. I don't think lowly of you, like uh most of your friends apparently do

Also blame Brushfire. I do.

Edited by Crowbar Man
What are you talking about now? Nobody has mentioned you in this new case. I know who the new person is. Its not you.

You can play if you want, once unbanned (probably just a week anyways), just please as mentioned, do not take things out of chests that arent yours, or aren't marked "Community" from now on, unless someone says you can. Thats all

If you don't want to play because of that, well I'm sorry.

You gotta remember Crowbarb, he doesn't Observe well.


Posted (edited)

woah, was there need for tripple post?

Anywho at this point im pretty disapointed, I talked to the accused, again claims of hacking and everything. I don't know. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt

Either way, it bothers me if there is a hacker why they would come to OUR server specfic, know our commands, and dump these items in the accused's storage room


I just want to have fun playing minecraft lol

Chest protection does sound good at this point, will probably be implementing it soon, ridiculous we have to though

One more theft though and no more temp bans. Its well established we do not like thevery, and after this fiasco to happen again would be nonsense. Probably no new people on the white list for at least a month either.

This is getting ridiculous

Edited by Crowbar Man
woah, was there need for tripple post?

Anywho at this point im pretty disapointed, I talked to the accused, again claims of hacking and everything. I don't know. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt

Either way, it bothers me if there is a hacker why they would come to OUR server specfic, know our commands, and dump these items in the accused's storage room, which is close to Noctis Tor.


I just want to have fun playing minecraft lol

Chest protection does sound good at this point, will probably be implementing it soon, ridiculous we have to though

One more theft though and no more temp bans. Its well established we do not like thevery, and after this fiasco to happen again would be nonsense. Probably no new people on the white list for at least a month either.

This is getting ridiculous

The client keeps track of your last server logged into on the profile side, so it would be easy enough for the hacker to hit this server.

You want rediculous, come to the TF2 and try to deal with voice chat.

It is hilarious.

Posted (edited)

Either way, it bothers me if there is a hacker why they would come to OUR server specfic, know our commands, and dump these items in the accused's storage room, which is close to Noctis Tor.

Just SSH into the server and log the connected IPs. Then compare the IPs in question to the IPs of people who post on OCR (anyone with admin priveleges should be able to see that). Should help getting to the bottom of it.

EDIT: I figured it out. An extremist fan of OCAD from Tallinn, Estonia has hacked into the server to help expand the empire of Tir Na Nog or whatever it's called and drive the OCR server into the evil OCAD cult's clutches. Now it is clear.

Edited by Epicenter

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