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Eh, a lot of people are getting hot headed over little things. There is room to make this better without getting into a lot of arguements.

Dan makes viable points and GT should take them into account and it's good to see he is. Ultimately, I think the final decision is reliant on Mythril and GT.

Kungfu, for someone who was highly criticized and pissed off at the huge criticism you got when running the sonic project in its early phases; it's surprising that you would stoop to a lot of needlessly unconstructive comments.


I apologize for the attitude that I may have given off earlier (especially to Danny B, since I totally missed his initial criticism that was constructive above all) It was somewhat uncalled for. However, I took some time to work on some designs when there weren't any and the only feedback that was given was "hey that's fucking ugly". Great. Just great. If you want to help, do it. But if you don't want to be the one doing the designing, please ease off. If there is nothing but short trite nitpickyness, it just doesn't help.


GT, my problem with the headphones is that its postioned over Mars. I personally think that's lame. Perhaps putting the OCR logo of to the side or something might look better. Since I might not have said it before the who graphic itself is quite awesome, it's just the headphone sort of kill it.

EDIT: I just noticed the whole "we missed 666 thing" way to go... :x


You know, its been a while since i've visited the forum and now there is alot of hostility on this site (yes i'm stating the obvious between KungFuChicken!++ and Global-Trance). Especially something simple as a web page. Granted it's cool looking but, it's nothing to fight over. I though the music was more important than the web site. I hate to sound like a hippie, BUT, . . .

This is a group project by the remixers and therefore it SHOULD be voted on (and commented by) BY remixers and people who are activally involved w/ this project.

KungFuChicken!++ -Dude, granted i don't like the controller idea either, but I don't go to your job and tell you that the way you flip burgers is "fucking ugly". I mean come on dude, did you really have no other way of expressing what you thought about the web page? Did you think he would respond back to you w/ something like, "Oh, thank you so much for pointing that out that way. I was blind but now I TRULY do see!" By the way, replying back with hostility or cussing me out only proves my point that I'm right and you, . . . are a douche. However you could be the better man and apologize to everyone on the forum (granted you have the right not to do so), reinstate your comment about the page like "I don't think that controller would be beneficial to the design that the remixers are hoping for." Now it's just me but I personally would say something like that, but you can pick something easier if you want.

Global-Trance -I thought the web page was awsome, but unfortunately I did not like the controllers on the page. It was a good idea but it gives the feeling of "dark, bloody, murder, groovy hippie" it just didn't seem to fit. I think that the red concept is awsome, if not a mixture of red and orange.

Red = Murder.

As for the comment made by KungFuChicken!++, just let it go. I'm not trying to comment on how to run your life and I know you are thinking "who do you think you are given me comments!" But, he made a rude comment, life goes on. People will hate your work and people will love your work. I think what he was trying to do was in some strange rude way "help" you improve the web page. But then again he is not doing anything with this project, you are (among others, sorry I don't feel like going through 45 pages to name everybody) contributing not him, so his comments don't really count. As far as i'm concerned, all the remixers in this project are the only comments that count. They have the vision of what this project should be, and MythrilNazgul gave them that opportunity. Thank you also for being the bigger man and apologizing to everybody.

Damn, I sound like a guidence counsler.

I know that this is only my first remix but, I feel honored to be apart of what may be the best remix video game concept album, . . . ever! Thanks to everybody who are going to make this album kick "fucking ugly" ass.

Am I the only one whose nipples are hard w/ excitement over the release of this project? Okay, too much information.


Christ, guys. It's just the front page. All this bitching is pointless and anti-productive.

Look, I know you guys may have your opinions on Global-Trance's design, and that's fine. You can have your opinion. I respect that. However, the fact of the matter remains: I'm running the project, and I make the final decisions.

Now, I chose G-T to design the website, gave him full creative control over it, because I know he can do a good job. Frankly, I'm satisfied with what he has turned out so far. It's just the cover page, people. Not the end of the world.

Granted, I was somewhat expecting this seeing as how Kong in Concert also recieved flack for its site design. Hell, when DJP changed OCR to the white, people complained up the shithole. However, it was his design, his decision - and in the end, it didn't really matter that a few people thought white on orange looked terrible, or the new site layout was crappy.

I hate to come down like a dictator on this issue, but a project manager needs to lay down the hammer sometimes. Shit, Prot said this project (as well as Kirby and others) would fail because we didn't have the backbones to be project managers, that we didn't have what it would take to lay down the limits when the time came, no matter who it would put us up against. Well, I know I've been lenient as a motherfucker the past few months - shit, I wasn't breathing down peoples back with deadlines and whatnot. I allowed the mixers, the people, to pace themselves. Gave them some freedom.

But now this, this is just silly. This close to release, the project doesn't need any more wrenches in the gears.

Global Trance is going to keep working on the site. Any further negative comments in this thread regarding this issue will be deleted. If you have issue with the site, or have ideas you would like to see implimented on the site, please PM or email me in a polite fashion. I will take the points I see fit and discuss them with G-T. I see no further need to aggravate someone who volunteered their time to help make this project a success.

And it will be a success.

ps: granted, the 666 thing is out now.


meh, its ovbiously a not-so important reason, MN, but I think you were a bit too harsh there. The people who complained are not complaining for the heck of it, but because they want, just like you, to see this project succeeding in a big way. And mods can delete this post as well, but I think the headphones are not fitting there. If a lot of people would have told me to change something about my song that was wrong, I would have done it, because I want my job to be as satisfying as all the work from all the other people who joined the project. So I dunno why this had to be resolved in a dictatorship way.

Anyways, good luck with the release of the project.


Hmm that all happened a bit quick.

If someone asked me to do something for their important project, I would expect criticisms and feedback but I don't think I should have to take unnecessary bitching that's completely un called for.

GT has talent, so why try and push him away from reaching a good finished design? I've seen his other art and I'd encourage him 100% to come up with better ideas rather than bitch to him till he has to get upset about it.

This is over, but lets show a bit more maturity, appreciation and respect next time. I can't say I'm suprised at who was being negative and abusive though.

I knew this would probably happen... :?

Edit: hey how about we take out every bitchy post up untill we get 666 again? :lol:

because if we took out every bitchy post, we'd probably end up back around 200 posts.

Heck why don't we just delete your account TO? :lol:

I knew this would probably happen... :?

Edit: hey how about we take out every bitchy post up untill we get 666 again? :lol:

because if we took out every bitchy post, we'd probably end up back around 200 posts.

Heck why don't we just delete your account TO? :lol:

I have 1 or 2 posts that aren't bitching. :wink:

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