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Knuckles' Chaotix 'Door into Summer'

Fun little remix here, but doesn't strike me as anything special. Maybe if I knew the original I would like it a lot more, but as it is there's not much to complain about (except possibly the fade out ending) or get excited about here.

  • 1 year later...

Whoo! Gotta say, I loved the music for this game! Probably the best before the Dreamcast and stuff came out. Anyway, it goes along the lines of the original, but a good change in instruments. It was the one I forgot to rip from the game file I had, and I'm glad I found this and put it on the same CD! One of the best, except for the classic Sega ending mix that was in there. Love it.

  • 2 months later...

It sounds to me to be too close to the original...but its here so whatever (not like the original was bad, anyways :P)

Not really a whole lot to say about this, really...

Its a brilliant remix and perfect for, as the title suggests, summer digs...

I did think at one point it was gonna repeat a third time...but you actually pulled it off very well, so thats cool ^_^

And if Im honest, I much prefer the part without the melody...but this may be because Ive heard it a couple of times before.

Overall a very very good track...recommended to all ^_^

  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

It is very close to the original, but in this case it isn't really a bad thing. It is a bit repetitive, but the original was as well, so nothing lost on that.

I like the remix, good job.

  • 7 months later...
  • 10 months later...

A nice, cheery mix. I am enjoying the bells and epiano a lot. I havnt heard the original, so i choose not to comment on the arrangement aspect of the mix, but the synths are good, and the melody is fun. The hihats do seem a little lofi, and i think cleaner ones would sound better, but I like this mix overall.

  • 1 year later...

Everything feels a little too fake to me. A song like this feels like it should have something that sounds much more like a real instrument in it. Wish there had been some variation in the second reiteration of the theme.

The trumpets have the weirdest line, dunno if that's the original or what, but I had to listen to their lick a few times to figure it out.

A nice happy mix, but I feel like it could use some live instruments in it.

  • 1 month later...

Just like DJP, i own this game as well, and although this mix isn't a far stretch from the original 32x soundchip music, it's enough of a separation to listen out of gameplay. I've been diggin' this tune for awhile now, on the drive home from a rough day at work, this tune helps my mind unwind!

  • 4 months later...

I've never heard the original source, but there is no doubt that it is a Sonic melody. It would make it one of the last classic Sonic songs before the series went into a different (not necessarily worse, but different) musical direction.

I really like the vibe that is present in this mix. It's not something you'll ever get an urge for, but nevertheless, when you find yourself listening to it, you are very happy you are. It's warm, sweet-tasting Sonic tunage; a guilty pleasure maybe, but a great melody I wouldn't have heard or appreciated if it wasn't mixed. Nod of approval.

  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

It is fun to hear this version after I've heard WillRock's, kind'a the same henomenon as with Palp's and djp's different takes on Oedo Village. This version seems stuck between loud and not, with some instruments fitting into something more lively, some into something more mellow, so the result is a mix that might be a bit difficult to appreciate. it hits a fairly mellow gear towards the end, which is nice.

The hihat bothers me, tho.

  • 7 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00517 - Knuckles' Chaotix "Door into Summer"

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