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Hey, Judges. I noticed that you guys, not counting the 6 recently judged, have about 112 To Be Judged remixes in the panel thread.

How does this affect your judging? Does it go faster, or slower? I think you should wait on adding anymore to the queue, because people who submitted tracks might go

"Oh, there are over a 100 mixes in the queue" and get discouraged and possibly impatient.

I could be wrong, and this does increase judging speed, but I am curious as to why you're overflowing the list of To Be Judged.:sleepdepriv:


I have a question relating to this. So as the bar is raised for the songs that do get posted. What about the bar for songs that get paneled? You guys still seem to get a ton of entries but are some of those entries even worth listening to all the way through? Any song that isn't worth the time should be automatically rejected with a reply letter saying that they should ask around the remix workshop for help before trying to sub a song.

I'm not sure if you guys already practice this since we can't listen to the entries, but I have a feeling that a lot of the songs that get paneled probably aren't even worth your time. I probably sound like a douche lol xD.


They have a guy that filters out the inbox, forwarding only those that stand a chance to the panel (last I read)

I've also listened to most of the rejected songs posted lately in the Judge forum (there's ways to find them even without a provided link :P) and they honestly all sounded legit to me. Personally I think they're filtering them out thoroughly, considering so many of the rejected ones are so good to me that I have 'em on my iPod XD

Man, I should submit something.. I want the honor of being rejected.

They have a guy that filters out the inbox, forwarding only those that stand a chance to the panel (last I read)

Stuff that is clearly not going to pass is often panelled for the sake of providing feedback if we hear a lot of potential. I see that a fair bit.

I've also listened to most of the rejected songs posted lately in the Judge forum (there's ways to find them even without a provided link :P)

I hope you're talking about google. Please do elaborate.


I hope you're talking about google. Please do elaborate.

No, dude. I hack your site and create "rejected" torrents, 500 seeds strong.

502 now.

But for seriously, between Google and the WIP forum it's easy to find a lot of the mixes. A lot of times I hear the rejected mix beforehand and see it in there and get all sad that it didn't make it (such as Josh's Bad Boss Boogie remix :( )


Yeah, there's a small group that does the 'first wave' of judging, either moving stuff to the panel, instantly rejecting, or gawking over the OMGAmazing tracks. As Fishy said, there are things moved to the panel that will be clear "NO"s, but they are moved for the purpose of giving some extra feedback because there is potential in them.

As for the amount on the queue, as Andrew mentioned, we've worked hard on closing the gap of the inbox so that things can arrive to the panel in a faster period of time. The next step is to move things out of the panel faster, and we are taking steps to get there as well. It's going to take time...to reduce the time...if that makes sense.


As for the amount on the queue, as Andrew mentioned, we've worked hard on closing the gap of the inbox so that things can arrive to the panel in a faster period of time. The next step is to move things out of the panel faster, and we are taking steps to get there as well. It's going to take time...to reduce the time...if that makes sense.

The only real answer to my actual question in this thread. (OA's was half of the kind of answer I was looking for) :P I can see how that makes sense. I was just asking out of curiosity, because I was thinking about whether you're going to give each song that's been panelled less attention now that you have ten times more to judge.

Stuff that is clearly not going to pass is often panelled for the sake of providing feedback if we hear a lot of potential. I see that a fair bit.

I hope you're talking about google. Please do elaborate.

So if it's for the sake of feedback, wouldn't be a lot easier and effective to just send them a response letter saying that your song wasn't considered and that you should look for feedback in the remix wip section?


I think it's most likely one of the reasons the panel is so overflowed right now; who can tell (except for the judges) if some (if not a lot) of those mixes in the To Be Judged queue have a chance of getting posted?

If only mixes with a chance of getting posted got on the panel, I think there would be more insta rejects and less panel overflow.


That's what I'm sayin. Since the bar is continuously raising for songs to be posted on OCR, the bar should be raised for songs that get paneled. You could take a lot of load off if you just insta rejected(as Nabeel put it)songs that aren't of high enough quality and send them off with a super high recommendation to post their song on the wip feedback forums.

No need to judge a song that doesn't fit the bill and to waste all of that time and space for the other judges to get to it when you all will essentially just say the same thing =/.


Well that's not really fair on anyone.

If someone sends us a song that clearly has potential but one fundamental flaw that could be changed for example.

It might be very clear it's not going to pass to whoever is running the inbox, but sending them a letter instead of telling them exactly (from the judges, not from whoever happens to be in the wips forum) why it didn't pass, and what they could do to change it.

That person is less likely to be discouraged from submitting again, and will hopefully learn and improve based on the feedback. It's better for the whole community to vote on anything with potential.


That person is less likely to be discouraged from submitting again, and will hopefully learn and improve based on the feedback. It's better for the whole community to vote on anything with potential.

The Judges are secretly nice people?

Oh no, my world view is crumbbbbbbling

Well that's not really fair on anyone.

If someone sends us a song that clearly has potential but one fundamental flaw that could be changed for example.

It might be very clear it's not going to pass to whoever is running the inbox, but sending them a letter instead of telling them exactly (from the judges, not from whoever happens to be in the wips forum) why it didn't pass, and what they could do to change it.

That person is less likely to be discouraged from submitting again, and will hopefully learn and improve based on the feedback. It's better for the whole community to vote on anything with potential.

So you hired the WiP Mods for absolutely no reason other than to make those guys feel better about themselves? You made those guys staff for a reason, you should direct insta rejected people to them instead of clogging up the panel.

So you hired the WiP Mods for absolutely no reason other than to make those guys feel better about themselves? You made those guys staff for a reason, you should direct insta rejected people to them instead of clogging up the panel.

Uh, no. We made them staff because they do good work in the wip forum, and consistently give good advice that we wanted to highlight. They aren't (and were never intended to be) some kind of lower panel.

"We're not accepting your remix for some reason or other, ask the wip mods why" doesn't look very classy now does it? Imagine waiting however long it takes to get through the inbox just to get the passed on to the wip mods when you could go straight to them in the forum anyway? It's not unlikely they already have a wip thread in some cases.

Uh, no. We made them staff because they do good work in the wip forum, and consistently give good advice that we wanted to highlight. They aren't (and were never intended to be) some kind of lower panel.

"We're not accepting your remix for some reason or other, ask the wip mods why" doesn't look very classy now does it? Imagine waiting however long it takes to get through the inbox just to get the passed on to the wip mods when you could go straight to them in the forum anyway? It's not unlikely they already have a wip thread in some cases.

Imagine waiting even longer only to get NO'd by the judges.

Instant reject to the WiP Mods is much faster. You don't have to wait for the overflowing, clogged panel queue to start moving when the submissions inbox reaches you.

Imagine waiting even longer only to get NO'd by the judges.

Instant reject to the WiP Mods is much faster. You don't have to wait for the overflowing, clogged panel queue to start moving when the submissions inbox reaches you.

We panel mixes that need to be paneled. That's not going to change. Things we see on the panel are mixes we feel need feedback from US. We're well aware that the JP is not a WIP forum.

The bar for accepting remixes hasn't risen significantly in the past couple of years; it's held steady for quite a while now. Tightening the DR:panel:IR ratio won't really help.

Imagine waiting even longer only to get NO'd by the judges.

Instant reject to the WiP Mods is much faster. You don't have to wait for the overflowing, clogged panel queue to start moving when the submissions inbox reaches you.

Case in point; just got a message from someone thanking me for my detailed comments on why she got rejected for fundamentally unpassable issues that were probably very obvious to whoever paneled it - all the time maintaining that we hear the potential and saying we look forward to hearing more. This is why it's not going to change.

It's probably annoying for people who've been around getting rejected a lot and not fully understanding our feedback, but for newer people it is encouraging to get good feedback that lets them know we think they can get there with practice.

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