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Mega Man X 'Airbased'

Once upon a time, two people submitted a kick-ass rendition of Wicked Child and were never heard from again - or so we thought, until they released their second remix, Airbased. This is probably the best rendition possible of the original song - love the eagle cries! The more mellow section at the end really catches me off guard, and I often find myself wondering if this would have been a better mix if it had been left off or released separately. But it is what it is, and whit it is still kicks major ASCII. Highly recommended.

  • 3 weeks later...

Megaman X is one of my all time favorits, I always remember beatin the eagle guy second to the penguin. Sometimes I'd leave the game on to li sten to the song while I cleaned my room or did my homework. :D This is a really wonderful remix. It is missing something though, it seems kind of, plainish. Great guitar too! Keep up the great work Chikusho Team ^_^!



I wasn't too impressed with this one.

It is generally sloppy, especially the synthesizer work on it. I don't really like the way the synth string pad tries to 'solo' at :44, and the drums sound like a bad softsynth. The transition to the slow section barely works, as it is just a crossfade to more offbeat string pad solos (ugh).

The saving grace in this song is the guitar, which is generally good. Though I'm not a fan of long extended guitar solos, it is generally pretty tight.

Some nice ideas in there, but too sloppy for me to listen to more than once.

7.1 / 10

  • 2 weeks later...

I like the eagle noises, that really added to the effect of things to come. I think this is good remix, considering there aren't too many Storm Eagle remixes out there, so I'm impressed with this one.

  • 1 month later...

Wow, Even if I wasn't a huge MMX fan I'd love this song! The guitar in it is something fierce. This is by far the BEST remix of ANY Mega Man song I have ever heard. I'd love to hear Chikusho Sound team do Armored Armadillos stage song, and if anyone can do it right it's Chikcusho Sound Team.


First things first, the ambient wind and eagle screech (presumably Storm Eagle's?): I know what it means, so it's cool. If I didn't know what it meant, I wouldn't feel out of place for long. It's a great mood-setter, especially considering that the whole thing centers around a real "fighter pilot" sound.

Speaking of fighter pilots, I don't know if this was intentional or not, but the guitar riff at the beginning was modified just enough from the original that the first thing to hit my mind was not Mega Man X, but Top Gun. And, thanks to the afforementioned eagle's scream, it gave the feeling of shattering nature's silence.

I love the newly added delay in the melody. It really pulls out a sense of drama that was missing in the original piece. In fact, all of this remix is a means to this end. It has great build up, using different instruments on the melody, starting with some kind of synth-something, then to a guitar, then hitting its climax with two guitars, then backing it down to a slower rendition of the melody at the end. And all the time keeping us flying with the eagle using that ambient sound.

If there's one thing that impresses me, it's this kind of artistry. A lot of remixes lean pretty heavily on the original that they are drawn from. But Airbased, without changing a note of the original, is a piece that could have easily stood on its own without a game.

I honestly believe that this is the best remix on the site. If you haven't already, download it. You won't be disappointed.

  • 5 months later...

I love this remix, because I love MegamanX stage music. They have some of the best video game music I think, and have always loved video game music. The eagle cry was a great touch and the guitar kicked friggin' butt, especially at the end where the song was about to end, excellent job. Now, I have a request. Do you think you could make a remix of either Boomer Kungwanger or Spark Mandril's stages pleeeeeeeeeeeease!? Those two are my favorite stage themes It would be so awsome. Well thanks annyways if you dont, your music still rules.


  • 1 month later...

I'll be honest... I liked their Castlevania Remix better. This one seemed at bit... sloppier? Something just didn't feel as tight as their other one. I think it was the synths, as the guitar playing sounded good. There seems to be a few spots where the synth harmonies are off (like the notes at 1:56 and 2:03) and the synth has an attack time that makes it fade in a bit too slowly.... making it feel like it's off the tempo at times. Also, if this thing is running at 192kn/s, why do the cymbal crashes swim so much?

It's a cool enough song and all, and the guitars are good, good stuff. I just think the synths could use some cleaning up.

Just my opinion...

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Simply amazing, this could be a theme song for a megaman movie. Its about time someone brought true electrical guitar sole into some megaman music. end of line

  • 2 months later...

Oh wow, that's going striaght on my homepage... just kidding, this song is in my opinion the BEST REMIX ON THIS SITE, and I've listened to quite a few. My love of Megaman, and of this stages music in particular fit together perfectly with this remix. If you download one Megaman Remix, make it this one!


I've listened to quite a few remixes, and I can honestly say this is one of my favourites.

Admittedly, I wasn't expecting much at first. Storm Eagle's theme from the game was one of my favourite tracks to begin with, but there really wasn't a whole lot to it.... about 30 seconds or so of music, repeating. I had no idea how someone managed to put together an entire mix of such a short song.

Fortunately, I decided to check it out anyway, and I was NOT disappointed. The eagle cry caught my attention at first, and the synth work told me I definitely needed to listen to this one all the way through. After the song went through the traditional "30 sec" round of the eagle's theme, I didn't know what else to expect. I was pleased to hear what almost sounded like a little improv work. Really gave it more of an ambient, sky-like feel to it. Good stuff here.

The second round continued to improve on what was already shaping up to be a gold remix. The guitar they used really kept that "sky feel" I mentioned going, and sounded better for this particular track than the synth. That should tell you something, since the synth sounded great to begin with.

The third round through was by far my favourite part of this mix. The guitar really grabbed my attention, it came piercing through everything else from nowhere. I never get tired of hearing it, and trust me.... I've heard this song plenty. The instrumental part after the final eagle cry, I could have done without, but by no means does it take away from the overall quality of this remix.

This sounds weird, but I kid you not, this song is best listened to with an open window, or outside, or whatever.... really, just close your eyes while the breeze is blowing around you, and you'll feel the atmosphere this song gives off. The use and sound of the guitars really makes it "feel" like Storm Eagle's air fortress. The Chikusho sound team did an incredible job with this one. I'd really love to hear more stuff by these guys.

  • 5 months later...

Wow man! 8O What more can I say? :P I've always loved Storm Eagle stage music, but that! :!: Not only this remix stay close to the original, but with those sounds effects, electric guitar solo and stuff... Just too cool and rockin'! 8) Really great stuff! :idea:

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I can't believe I havn't commented on this song yet. I know I had to have lstened to it at least a couple of dozen times. The wind and eagle's cry at the start of the song makes for a great intro and the way the song ends makes this remix unique from others out there. I'd love to see these guys make remixes for Spark Mandrill's stage, Flame Mammoth's stage, and Armored Armodillo's stage. Heck considering there's no Megaman X2 tracks out there it'd be nice to see a Flame Stag remix as well.

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