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8.9 Magnitude Earthquake in Japan (7.4 aftershock/tsunami - April 7th)

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In case it's been missed, currently the Japanese government is ordering people within 20-30km from Fukushima reactor to stay indoors and everyone within 20km has already been evacuated. Could be a bad sign. There's also a lot of talk about the latest radiation level readings around the power plant, but I'm not up and up on all that sievert mumbojumbo, so just look it up.


Also, radiation levels in Tokyo have risen to 23 times the normal levels according to one report. That is still of no immediate danger, but shows that in the event of a real catastrophe at the reactors, even a couple hundred kilometers might not be far enough. Hopefully that is just my over-reacting imagination though.


I've been trying to follow the nuclear emergency thing on the news but I can't really get a reading of how serious it actually is based on the information from the media. Half the time they make it sound like another Chernobyl scale incident and the other half they are all, "Don't worry it's all under control."

so what you're saying is no big deal

got it

No I think he's saying:

If it gets in the ground water then a very long time.
I've been trying to follow the nuclear emergency thing on the news but I can't really get a reading of how serious it actually is based on the information from the media. Half the time they make it sound like another Chernobyl scale incident and they other half it's they are all, "Don't worry it's all under control."

Indeed. I was watching NHK when I heard about the evacuation thing. Hard to get a read on the people they interview, as well, but it sounds like it's fairly serious. NHK was also reporting that Japan finally asked the US for help in cooling the reactor. There's a lot of sensationalizing of the news out there, so it's tough to find a news source you can trust. Pretty annoying.

Indeed. I was watching NHK when I heard about the evacuation thing. Hard to get a read on the people they interview, as well, but it sounds like it's fairly serious. NHK was also reporting that Japan finally asked the US for help in cooling the reactor. There's a lot of sensationalizing of the news out there, so it's tough to find a news source you can trust. Pretty annoying.

Sometimes the media isn't the best place to go for information


I'm sure newer plants have safeguards like this in place to prevent nuclear fuel from coming into contact with groundwater.

According to the BBC, this particular plant has safeguards in place to prevent 'China Syndrome' or whatever that's called where the nuclear fuel just burns a giant hole in the earth.

Indeed. I was watching NHK when I heard about the evacuation thing. Hard to get a read on the people they interview, as well, but it sounds like it's fairly serious. NHK was also reporting that Japan finally asked the US for help in cooling the reactor. There's a lot of sensationalizing of the news out there, so it's tough to find a news source you can trust. Pretty annoying.

At this point I have pretty much given up trying to find credible sources of information about what's happening over there. I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but as someone with first-hand experience at nuclear power stations, it's incredibly frustrating when so much of what's being reported is misinformed half-truths and just-plain-ignorance.

At this point I have pretty much given up trying to find credible sources of information about what's happening over there. I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but as someone with first-hand experience at nuclear power stations, it's incredibly frustrating when so much of what's being reported is misinformed half-truths and just-plain-ignorance.

But CNN, FOX News and all those other sites need their hits... :-(


There will be rolling blackouts throughout Niigata (where I live) to create extra energy for Fukushima and Sendai. I'm not going to complain one bit about it, if it helps the evacuated people who are living in school gyms. Also a lot of groceries that would normally be shipped here and to other areas are being diverted to the evacuated area, as they should be.

Right now the biggest concern is without a doubt the Fukushima nuclear power plant. I too don't REALLY know how much danger I'm in. My mother emailed me saying that 100 miles away from a disaster that will be worse than Chernobyl is "garaunteed" to get AT LEAST cancer. So she's got me all worried. On the other hand, the Japanese officials have said that the 30km. evacuation radius is fine for now. Pretty scared.

It seems only people within japan can tell us what's actually goin on. Keep us posted CHIPP, I hope nothing escalates further.

I also want to try and donate some money. Where are some trusted places to go if I wanted to put some money down?

I donated to the red cross. They are taking donations for japan. Just check out their site, and you'll find the page. Or I can just link it here :P


My mother emailed me saying that 100 miles away from a disaster that will be worse than Chernobyl is "garaunteed" to get AT LEAST cancer.

In terms of actual radiation release, this so far doesn't come anywhere close to being comparable to Chernobyl. We're talking the difference between 300 Sv/hour and 0.4 Sv/hr (400 mSv, at its highest on Tuesday (EDIT: And this is assuming they actually mean millisieverts and not microsieverts - the comparison gets even more absurd if they mean microsieverts). Best part is that the inverse square law applies, so the farther away you get from the source, the actual exposure drops off dramatically.

Again, for this to be "worse than Chernobyl," the same sort of circumstances and (lack of) precautionary measures from Chernobyl would have to apply as well.


So due to the earthquake and rolling blackouts, companies such as Square-Enix and Konami have suspended their online game servers to conserve power. This has affected games such as Metal Gear Solid Online, Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV(and being that unlike FFXIV, FFXI is NOT free to play, SE has decided to eliminate any charges made to accounts for all of April).

In what could be interpreted as a stroke of good luck, the official forums for both SE games launched a mere days before the earthquake, and not only has there been a huge outpouring of support and donations from fans all over the world, we've been able to see some personal accounts from Japanese players on what's going on and news on how the developers and their families are doing.

I just logged on to said forums for FFXIV and read a new page from the "support" section. Within it was a letter from the producer, which is an ongoing series from the new producer, Naoki Yoshida, that explained the situation, but not only that, explained that the team is STILL working on the patches that were scheduled for March/early April.

As a fan, naturally I'm glad that they're still working on the game, but this seriously tugged on some heart strings for me all the same. Even in the face of ALL this shit, and even though most people would say worrying about a game is hardly important, SE, and the Japanese by extension, are still showing some serious resilience that I don't think I'd easily be able to. The fact that this is pretty much expected, being that this is a business and life has to go on makes it even harder to swallow.

Seriously, fuck all those assholes who think it's funny to troll this sort of thing at a time like this. Fuck all those people on Facebook, etc.

CHIPP, I hope everything works out for you and your wife's family, and to anyone else on these forums who have family/friends there, I hope everything works out.


If the Red Cross isn't your cup of tea (and why the hell wouldn't it be) you can always donate to Medecins Sans Frontieres (AKA Doctors Without Borders). They are a group of doctors that travel around the world to offer world-class treatment to disaster areas and third world nations. They also have relatively low administrative costs, meaning you get more bang for your buck.

In terms of actual radiation release, this so far doesn't come anywhere close to being comparable to Chernobyl. We're talking the difference between 300 Sv/hour and 0.4 Sv/hr (400 mSv, at its highest on Tuesday (EDIT: And this is assuming they actually mean millisieverts and not microsieverts - the comparison gets even more absurd if they mean microsieverts). Best part is that the inverse square law applies, so the farther away you get from the source, the actual exposure drops off dramatically.

Again, for this to be "worse than Chernobyl," the same sort of circumstances and (lack of) precautionary measures from Chernobyl would have to apply as well.

It was 400 millisievert, only for a brief time and at the entrance of the plant.

On the other hand, that's only the radiation measured. You have to add the sievert from contamination too, which are the radioactive particles that's been inhaled,.. etc. (not 100% sure, can someone correct me if I'm wrong?)

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