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Really? Cuz it sounded like I was on one end of the spectrum, you were on the other and Crowbar Man was in the middle. Nice back pedal. :roll:

Yes, I had been using the AV cables. You know, the cables that come packaged with the Wii? I used those.

And then when I bought the Wii U, I plugged in the HDMI cable. You know, the cable that comes packaged with a Wii U.

I have a Vizio 22'' HD tv. It's not much but it's mine. Yes, Brandon. There was a noticeable difference when I switched consoles and cables. I'm sorry you didn't see a difference on what is I am sure a very much nicer TV. It sounds very much like our experiences were different due to equipment. That doesn't give you the right to get up on your high horse and start 'teaching people what it really is'. Cuz I know what I fricking saw, and it was great.

@Crowbar Man: I'm actually a she. Thanks for throwing down your two cents on the matter.

ON TOPIC: New Virtual Console update - SMB2 is on sale if you already have Super Mario World (until May 23). Super Metroid is $0.30 people. They sure don't have much to choose from but boy they're trying their damndest to be good to us like Steam. Ain't much but hey they're trying.

I'm interested to see the progress of the new Xenoblade-like game they teased last year at E3.

I wonder what else I'd be interested in besides Wind Waker HD. *imaginary beard stroke*


Soooooo..... Sega just announced a Sonic exclusive for Wii U and 3DS, Wonderful 101 is dated for September, Super Luigi U is releasing as dlc for early Summer and stand-alone in August. And a Nintendo direct is coming on in about half an hour, so hopefully some bigger news shortly. Anyway, it's nice to see Sega teaming up with Nintendo again. Perhaps they will work with Nintendo again of F-Zero? I know, I'm pissing in the wind.


Probably because EA wanted money the same method Nintendo wanted. Nbd.

Really, if you ask me, it's not that hard to incorporate a tablet as a secondary screen. I can imagine great inventory and skill menus or interactive maps on there. Hell, you could probably keep a sports play plan on there for Madden. If you're into sitting on your butt while playing football, i guess...


with all the stuff nintendo has been doing recently makes me think this is them hitting the panic button,

earthbounds release being a wiiu exclusive was where i first got the feeling they are panicing.

so why isnt wiiu selling well?



It all comes down to severe lack of games.

Super Metroid for 32 cents would be good if it weren't for it being a really, really terrible and dated game.

Also Nintendo has been screwing up the last several 32 cent games, the first couple had good volume and then the last several were too quiet. What's up with that? And Kirby's Adventure had a glitch bar on the left. They couldn't put in a tiny bit of work to make any of these releases..... decent?


Brandon, I like you, but Super Metroid? C'mon dude. That's still one of the best speed-running games out there. For 33 cents as well. I'm starting to think that someone could bring you a brand new Corvette filled with bikini models and stacks of money, and you would still complain. I'm not mad at you, but LOL.

Anyway, looks like Nintendo does have a plan for not hosting a main show at E3.

http://kotaku.com/nintendo-re-writes-rules-of-e3-letting-the-public-play-508197374 (I know it's Kotaku. Sue me)


Super Metroid for 32 cents would be good if it weren't for it being a really, really terrible and dated game.

Now why would anyone listen to what this person has to say, ever again?


Ha ha. No, I meant that virtually anything can be deconstructed and pulled into a negative light if one tries hard enough. Personally I think Nintendo got the slap they deserved and they're going to get it right this year. Only time will tell.

Posted (edited)

Anyway, looks like Nintendo does have a plan for not hosting a main show at E3.

http://kotaku.com/nintendo-re-writes-rules-of-e3-letting-the-public-play-508197374 (I know it's Kotaku. Sue me)

oh snap. Don't care if it's Kotaku, that's pretty damn awesome on Nintendo's part!

Obviously it's never been done before, so that in and of itself should bring in interest for Nintendo. Plus the fact that they're unreleased games, which the public can access to decide on whether or not the games are worth buying, is huge.

Makes you wonder if you'll see Sony and Microsoft trying to pull this off at next year's E3 - or even this year

EDIT: and with the Metroid thing, I've personally never played it. I probably should. However, let's not turn this thread into another episode of "This Week On Tumblr: Opinions Edition"

Edited by Anorax
oh snap. Don't care if it's Kotaku, that's pretty damn awesome on Nintendo's part!

Obviously it's never been done before, so that in and of itself should bring in interest for Nintendo. Plus the fact that they're unreleased games, which the public can access to decide on whether or not the games are worth buying, is huge.

Makes you wonder if you'll see Sony and Microsoft trying to pull this off at next year's E3 - or even this year

EDIT: and with the Metroid thing, I've personally never played it. I probably should. However, let's not turn this thread into another episode of "This Week On Tumblr: Opinions Edition"

it was on nintendo direct so yeah it's pretty clearly real.

i am also fairly excited about nintendo's 'exclusive partnership' with sega. sonic team obviously is not good in any way but if IPs start to get passed around some really cool things could come of it


They did a bangup job with Sonic Colors and Sonic Racing in my opinion, but yeah they're not exactly the best in the biz anymore. Although I would love to see them do something with Streets of Rage, Phantasy Star, Shining Force, Shinobi, etc.. Probably not going to happen but seeing Sega, out of all the publishers out there (and once Nintendo's greatest rival) come to help out Nintendo...It warms my nerd heart.

Posted (edited)
with all the stuff nintendo has been doing recently makes me think this is them hitting the panic button,

earthbounds release being a wiiu exclusive was where i first got the feeling they are panicing.

so why isnt wiiu selling well?


Brandon is right about one thing: it comes down to a severe lack of games.

Wii U like all Nintendo systems will spin its wheels in mud until Nintendo themselves lead a charge with high quality exclusive content (mostly 1st Party). It's completely understandable why the thing isnt flying off the shelves when Nintendo themselves have put out only two games, but they are working on new stuff. To name a few games: We know Pikmin 3 is hitting in August. We know 'Wonderful 101' is hitting in September. We know Wind Waker HD is hitting around October. We know Mario Kart U and the next 3D Mario will be playable at E3 both possibly seeing Holiday 2013 release. We know Smash Bros will be shown at E3. Bayonetta 2 is locked down as exclusive. The new Sonic game is locked down as exclusive. And we know during E3 there will be even more games we don't know about announced for the future.

As for the system ending up being another "Nintendo games only" system, that's nothing new to be concerned about. EA seem to have had an agenda to half-assedly 'support' (and then justify not continuing support of) Wii U from the get-go. How smart was it to release Mass Effect 3 (without DLC) and then announce a Mass Effect Trilogy pack at a lower price for everything BUT Wii U. Supposedly EA are bitter toward Nintendo because Nintendo didnt want to heavily integrate Origin in their online platform and EA cut off support.

In regard to Nintendo hitting the 'panic button,' "Panic-mode Nintendo" tends to bring out better games for us, anyway. They're being made now. Just like they were for 3DS.

Edited by ocre
Wii U like all Nintendo systems will spin its wheels in mud until Nintendo themselves lead a charge with high quality exclusive content.

not only is this true, it's true of literally every video game console ever made; every single console comes out and has barely any games for the first year



Stop posting photoshops of yourself, Brandon, it's going to make people sick to their stomach.

Like I said before. You strike me as the guy I keep running into at a friend's house who is unhappy with everything and makes it everyone's problem. Why did you buy a Wii U if you don't like anything it's putting out and have no hope it will ever put out anything satisfactory to you?

I'll admit that I somewhat question my decision to spend $350 on a freaking console. But I think Nintendo's going to have some surprises. They have a huge opportunity here if they can get past the whole "hey this looks cool...what the hell I do with this now?" phase they seem to be in.

Nintendo is crazy. That doesn't seem to hinder them when it comes to pulling off amazing shit though.

But then again, I wouldn't be surprised the Wii U being Nintendo's last console...I have mixed feelings...

Now why would anyone listen to what this person has to say, ever again?

Because the response to his point of view makes for more dray-ma.


Ok. So the Wii U is obviously failing miserably right now. Mainly because there aren't any games on it. At least, not any good games. Everyone will probably get one this holiday season because games like a 3D Mario title, Wind Waker remake, Mario Kart, and hopefully before 2014 is over a new Smash Bros. will be releasing for it. That's what everyone wants. They don't want another New Super Mario Bros. We're sick of those.

Now wait, what's this? And this?

This may also attract more people to the Wii U, honestly, unless there are just people out there who are completely against Nintendo and decide they are sticking to Shmall of Shmuty and stuff.

What I'm finding hilarious is the amount of debate happening over a stupid game console. For crying out loud, it's a freaking game console.

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