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Your RPG Playin' Ass - NEW EPISODE - Dragon Age: Inquisition "Review" (Spoiler-free)

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This is a huge jump in quality for me and this is what I strive to make the norm for my videos. You WILL enjoy this. I'm just so sure of it.

Your RPG Playin' Ass - Episode 23: The Funniest Dragon Age: Inquisition "Review" Starring JAIME LANNISTER

Your RPG Playin' Ass - The Entire Playlist

All the Previous Episodes in an Eye-Pleasing List for No Reason

Your RPG Playin' Ass 22: Chrono Trigger Jokes

Your RPG Playin' Ass 21: Dark Souls II Jokes

Your RPG Playin' Ass 20: Persona 4 Jokes

Your RPG Playin' Ass 19: Tales of Vesperia Jokes

Your RPG Playin' Ass 18: Faster Than Light Jokes

Your RPG Playin' Ass 17: How to Pronounce Epoch

Your RPG Playin' Ass 16: Demon's Souls Jokes

Your RPG Playin' Ass 15: How to Pronounce Orichalcum

Your RPG Playin' Ass 14: How to Pronounce Shiva

Your RPG Playin' Ass 13: Star Ocean 4 Jokes

Your RPG Playin' Ass 12: How to Pronounce Ifrit

Your RPG Playin' Ass 11: Catherine Jokes

Your RPG Playin' Ass 10: How to Pronounce Masamune and Muramasa

Your RPG Playin' Ass 09: How to Pronounce Kujata and Bahamut

Your RPG Playin' Ass 08: Atelier Rorona Jokes

Your RPG Playin' Ass 07: How to Pronounce Atelier

Your RPG Playin' Ass 06: How to Pronounce Ouroboros

Your RPG Playin' Ass 05: Alundra Jokes

Your RPG Playin' Ass 04: How to Pronounce Deus

Your RPG Playin' Ass 03: How to Pronounce Shaman

Your RPG Playin' Ass 02: How to Pronounce Gungnir

Your RPG Playin' Ass 01: How to Pronounce Mana and Wiki

Edited by The Legendary Zoltan

The RPGcast is kinda bad... They usually touch things on a very superficial level, Anna never has anything interesting to contribute, and Chris just wants to argue and win his (half-assed)points most of the time...

That isn't to say anything about what you're doing, which is cool.


Haha... People actually say "Shay-man"? In Metal Gear Solid, no less? :lmassoff:

Then again, I've always pronounced it "Shuh-mahn", because that's how it is in Portuguese ("Xamã"). Can't say I like the correct pronunciation ("Xámã"?), so I'll keep using mine.

Gungnir always seemed obvious, just pronounce it as if you were Scandinavian, right? How do people even mispronounce it? "Guhng-nyre" or something?

Deus really was obvious, can't believe people still mispronounce it.

And I'll definitely start using the correct "Mana" pronunciation from now on. I thought Symphonia 2 was just messing around when they changed the pronunciation of that word from the first game.

(In a related note, I really hate "Kray-tos" instead of "Krah-tos". Do you plan on ever touching that one?)


Those are really well made, make more please. To my surprise, I pronounce all of those correctly, which I didn't expect, being from the South and all.


This is brilliant.

I agree with all of them, except for shah-man. That just sounds wrong to me, and I've heard many people pronounce it 'shay-man'. Might just be because I'm British, though. Plus, I learned the word from Populous: The Beginning.

  • 2 weeks later...

i am a huge cynic and thought i was going to hate this but i actually really enjoyed it. mercifully, i've been pronouncing this stuff right, but i really dig the inclusion of a little history lesson that covers the word's roots. also, you have a lovely voice

No. I don't have that kind of awesome microphone. It's a regular dynamic microphone that you would use to MC a school event or something. Since it's not music, I don't bother to go so far as to cover it with a my T-shirt. But I guess I should?

Well, more like just in front of it, not on it, but yeah, it might help some.


Thanks guys. I'm glad you're enjoying them. Sorry I've been missing weeks here and there. Episode 7 is about Kujata and Bahamut and is up now.


Does the popping sound better than last time? I tried something a little different this time. I recorded two voices. You'll know what I mean when you hear it. Let me know if you like it or if it becomes too difficult to comprehend.

Ambinate: I guess you liked it because I'm also being kind of aggressive.

By the way, if I can't find something on the internet, I just fill in the blanks myself, so if any of you think there's a discrepancy, let me know please. I don't THINK there are, however.

Quiz! Does anyone know what AWESOME song I have remixed in the background?

  • 4 weeks later...

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