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(e3) Super Secret Remake, or "How I Learned To Shut Up And Swallow Complete Rubbish, Again"

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This is literally the oooooooonly thing I care about watching e3. If it's not the super secret remake of epic proportions that I think it's going to be, I will be very, very sad. As a result, I'd like to open this thread for some speculation about what the Super Secret Remake will be (I'm hoping ff7, not something gay like Halo 1) and then at 5:40pm PST or 8:40PM EST we will know what the remake actually is, and can discuss it here accordingly.

ff7 remake. :-(

Inb4 stupid head -- ok yes, I'm the stupid one for expecting square-enix to do like, the only profitable thing they could do at this point. :<

Anyway OT... if something good doesn't come out of this announcement, i may never watch an e3 again.. cause this is rubbish. :-P

I know how you feel. I've already dropped all my anticipation for E3 2012. They already have a checkered past with E3 2008 anyway.


The only profitable thing they can do? Sorry but they're now more than a developer, they're also a publisher and I'm pretty sure they couldn't do that if they weren't making any money because outraged fanboys that aren't getting a new CT game or FF7 Remake were boycotting them. Like it or not the management at SE has decided that the game wouldn't be worth the cost of development, especially considering how fickle gaming fans can be. It's actually a smart risk vs. reward issue and people should be a little more mindful of the entire situation.

The Damned: Good point!

Also, Brandon, E3 has been trash for many years! Just play games and enjoy them, instead of watching a bunch of corporate schlubs wave their dicks around trying to show whose is the biggest while d-bags who don't even care about video games get paid to be ditzy and commentate about it. Some good shit comes out of it for sure, but sitting on the edge of your seat is dumb.

You just have to not expect anything good from them. That way, when something good actually does happen, it's great again.

Lowered expectations: the key to being happy.

My dad always says "Don't expect and you'll never be disappointed." This is applicable to this situation.


I don't know, this years Nintendo one was pretty fucking good for that. They dropped a lot of bombs with stuff like Smash Bros for both 3DS and Wii U (gotta find a better name for that, like a shorthand form... WU?) as well as the tons of 3rd party support for the new console.

FF7 for Wii U.

Calling it now.

Actually does anyone know if the FF15 for Wii-U rumors are legit? :<

I think Square-Enix needs to either get a publisher or some financial backing.. I know that sounds strange considering Square is a publisher itself now. I've yet to really see a successful game that they've published. Dead Island may be the first truly successful game published by Square. If they can't afford to remake FF7 or even release an HD version of it with the same engine but with new models and background paintings, then they must be in pretty severe financial straits.


I know the chances are 1 in a million, but I would love to see a remake of Breath of Fire 2. Being able to create a much bigger Hometown with more tenants would be awesome, and more Shamans for a larger variety of fusions. That game was one of my favorite old school JRPGS, and had potential to be so much better if the optional stuff had been more in depth.

Or a complete overhaul of Secret of Mana.

If not remakes, I would love to see sequels that are to par with the quality delivered with the originals.

... I've yet to really see a successful game that they've published. Dead Island may be the first truly successful game published by Square. If they can't afford to remake FF7 or even release an HD version of it with the same engine but with new models and background paintings, then they must be in pretty severe financial straits.
I wasn't even aware Square-Enix was involved with Dead Island (Wiki page says they're distributors, not publishers).

I've always wondered if they would try to remake Rad Racer.

But pointless speculation aside, do we know the company that's actually doing the remake? Is it Squeenix or is it someone else? Konami, Capcom, the big three - there are a lot of candidates for remakes.

Who was doing all the Nintendo remakes these last few years? Give it to them, see what happens.
Retro Studios? Nintendo EAD? They could both do good (but I would give any projects to the former before the latter).

Team Ninja is sitting in the naughty corner unless they're making a Ninja Gaiden remake, which I believe they are, so it wouldn't be the surprise - I hope.

If they can't afford to remake FF7 or even release an HD version of it with the same engine but with new models and background paintings, then they must be in pretty severe financial straits.

they recently announced some pretty major losses for the last year, so they're not doing great. but even still, remaking FF7 for the current generation would probably cost something like 50 million USD or more if they were to do it from the ground up. that's a shitload of dough. i don't think their hesitance to go forward with it yet is that strange.


Indeed! That would be fantastic to get an official release in the US, given they keep the spirit of the original in story and system.

...Good luck with that, though. They wouldn't turn enough profit from it; unless, perhaps, they decided to stick with polished 2-d graphics. But then they'd lose profit from all the graphics junkies that wouldn't even give it a second-glance... preeeetty much a lose-lose situation all around.


Square is making a sequel to FF13... Critics said ff13 was a flop but apparently it sold a lot of copies and justifies a sequel, I know a lot of people around here dig it. Anyway yeah, FF13-2. And that's the only game they mention at this E3, not including third party or blah blah bullcrap crap craps like Hitman and Fortune street.

I don't understand how Square isn't like any other game company. I mean I just don't get it. I must be insane or completely oblivious but how does a company get as large and successful as Square used to be and NOT have a production company the same size as say, Epic, or Level5? I know of INDIE game developers who could remake a game the size of ff7 in less than 10 years and for a lot less than $50 million.


It should have take 3 years, 4 years tops. They should have had this thing under production since 2005. But they spent how many years on FF13 -- a game inspired by the style and characters of FF7? Development on FF13 began in 2005... They should have been able to make 2 games in that time. But oh wait, there's also FF13 Kingdom Hearts Mode, and FF13 Handheld Mode as well as FF13-2. So essentially Square took like 4 dumps instead of making two truly good games. :tomatoface:

Rant. :<


I would play a halo reach remake if it was better than halo reach

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